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Diary of a Gypsy Witch – Relationship Spread – Are they worth it?

Ain’t that the million dollar question!?! I get asked some form of this at nearly every love reading I do. Let me tell you that I, and likely every other reader, crosses everything for a positive, happily-ever-after answer. But let’s face it, that’s not always the case. Regardless of what the outcome card says, we still want to know what’s going on in their heads and why? This spread I found by Emerald Lotus, concisely sheds light on what’s going on under the hood, without drowning in a dozen-card-reading that has you more puzzled than when you started. It’s the golden-mean between micro and macro analysis that leaves the querents (you) with a thorough, but not overwhelming, amount of detail from which they can chart their course forward.

1.       Card to represent other person

2.       How this person sees you

3.       How they feel about your relationship

4.       Something you’re ignoring about this person

5.       What your relationship is based on

6.       The future of your relationship

7.       A lesson for/from this relationship


Left to right: Top 1,2,3 Middle 4,5,6 Bottom 7

This reading is for a friend, you know who you are.

  1. Card to represent the other person – Four of Wands – The timer’s gone off! As far as relationships go, this person is ready to commit to a long-term one and build a home around it. Regardless of if they were born like this or have had a recent epiphany, they’re there now. If that’s what you’re looking for too, you are off to a great start!
  1. How this person sees you – The Hanged Man – Your OP (other person) isn’t convinced you’re on board yet. They’re waiting to see if you are willing to take the leap with them. They think you’ve got your foot on the brake.
  1. How they feel about the relationship – Nine of Coins – They believe this relationship has the ingredients to go the distance and deliver on the promise they’ve dreamt of and worked for. The relationship ticks all the boxes and as far as they’re concerned, and they can feel how close it is to getting over the line. They believe wholly that this relationship is the one to go all in on.
  1. Something you’re ignoring about this person – Five of Coins – Your OP is anxious about whether you are in it as much as they are. They feel overexposed, vulnerable and in need of reassurance. There are some wounds around abandonment that need addressing and assuaging.
  1. What your relationship is based on – King of Cups – Equanimity. Compassion. Respect. Thoughtfulness. Experience. Love.
  1. The future of your relationship – Ace of Cups – Your relationship has the potential to deliver all the LOVE you can handle. You are the key to their lock and vice versa. This is a fertile connection ripe enough to nourish you both and allow to thrive together
  1. A lesson for/from this relationship – Page of Swords – Hold hands, communicate and go for it! You have everything you need for this to work and work out magnificently. Put your relationship above yourselves and commit to the long haul.

Darling, this is everything you’ve wished for and I should know as I’ve been listening to your hopes and dreams for years. Remember my friend, no-one’s perfect, (well, maybe James Alexander Malcom Mackenzie Fraser but he’s MINE anyway) and no relationship is perfect, but you have everything you need in the palm of your hand and so do they. Don’t make me come over there unless it’s for a wedding or a baby snuggle, got it?

Lunar MysticIf you need one of these readings CLICK HERE

7 thoughts on “Diary of a Gypsy Witch – Relationship Spread – Are they worth it?

  1. ALS says:

    There are times when people are faced with an overwhelming problems… times when people have no idea how to figure out why they have to go through so much pain, so much suffering, so much burden…. I happened to be one of those who tried so hard to help my family, my friends , other people… I love without expecting for anything in return. I sacrifice my happiness to make other people happy… especially my family. I have lived and lost… and then I fell in love again! But what happens when you knew in your heart that you have given what you can to your loved one and still isn’t enough? What if he uses your weaknesses and your shortcomings as a valid reason for him to cheat on you and hurt you back even more.? Does that justify anything? I fell for someone at that time I was vulnerable, maybe I wasn’t really ready… but five years spent with bittersweet memories and lose that person because he thinks you didn’t love him enough,, is that truly a valid reason for anyone to use cheating as a solution? I have loved and lost and then I have loved again… but why is it that when you lose that person, that is when you realize his importance in your life? Including all his flaws, his abuse, his dishonesty, his cheating? This was another vulnerable time in my life… a time when I felt helpless and hopeless, a time of desperation, a time when I was torn into pieces… a time when I turned to BWC. Savannah and Blonde Gypsy are truly a blessing. The help they gave me spiritually and magically have provided me with hope in life… help that uplifted my spirit… support that a true friend can offer without bias or any judgements. I can’t thank you enough for making things possible for me… for taking time to answer my concerns and my questions, for your honesty, and devotion to help people like me… I can’t thank you enough for everything…. THANK YOU!

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