Diary of a Gypsy Witch – the Importance of Banishing or Releasing Rituals


What is the importance of banishing or releasing rituals?

Apart from the obvious purpose of getting rid of things that you don’t want, doesn’t serve you, or is outright dangerous, it’s imperative for you, and your practice, to make room for your desires.

Look at it like this, you may desire success, but you may also be hobbled by self-doubt, lack of confidence, fear of change, or something similar. To make room for success, you must get rid of what’s stopping you. Or you may want a satisfying relationship but you’re also holding on to past hurt, anger, lack of closure and such. To make room for your new love, or your old one, you must make space for it.

It’s hard, I know, it’s hard for me too. There’s comfort in keeping your enemies close but it’s got to be done if you want to move forward.

And we haven’t even touched on negative entities, energies or attachments. How can you manifest anything when there are holes in your etheric body or your home? You can’t. It’s like filling a bucket with a hole in it.

To do any magic you need a clean (energetically) mind, body and space. That’s why we meditate, prepare our physical vessels and our sacred spaces. That’s why we cast a circle, or triangle. We need a clean, tight container to build and contain energy when spellcasting or performing a ritual.

Personally, I probably do a big purge (that’s what I call it) 4 times a year, a focused purge at the Full Moon, before every ritual, several times a day – like smudging with smoke or sound -,  and every single night before I sleep I return all the energy sent to me during the day, good or bad. Then I call in what I want to fill my cup.

Why all this? It’s good practice and I want all the good things, so I have to create room for them, we need to be prepared to receive.

You may be interested to know that I do rituals on releasing. When I do, these are the types of herbs I may use in a banishing style potion.

Dragon’s Blood
Crushed Black Tourmaline
Black Salt
Iron Shavings
And maybe a few others I/you find in the garden.

You can use this potion to dress candles, make incense, consecrate tools, flick some on your enemy’s doorstep/desk/picture, or use in rituals as you like. But please, pleeease, don’t ingest this stuff, some of the ingredients are nasty AF!

If this is resonating with you, have a look at some of the links below. Learn how to do these yourself or at the very least, make sure you have handy, some ways or practices to clean up and take out the trash easily and often.


Banishing Spells and Rituals

The Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram

Removing Lower Level Entities

Video: Salt to Remove People and Energies

Video: Swifting Negative Energy and Removing Curses

Video: Spiritual Baths/Showers for Cleansing


May you manifest all you desire!




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