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The Feces Spell – Folk Magic style cursing

The Feces Spell

This is quite a dangerous spell when done properly – which sounds weird, as you are really just shitting on toilet paper! A witch will do this spell with care, if at all.

Have you ever hated somebody so much that you wish the worst to happen to them? Then you may want to consider the feces spell. This is a simple folk magick style spell, which falls into to Banishing Spells category in witchcraft. In conjure, it has been called the “shit on him” or “shit on her spell”. Either way, this spell would be considered black magick.

In saying all of the above, this is a great spell for a beginner witch and one for all witches to have in their Book of Shadows.

You must be absolutely certain that the intended target deserves the punishment you are about to give them, and you cannot have any doubts or reservations. Subconscious thoughts about the consequences of hexing may sabotage your spell. You must hate the target so much, that cursing this person each day for a period of time, will make you feel great happiness – as the thought of them suffering brings you relief.

You’re not certain about hexing your target/s?

If you’re not sure about how you feel, you can always write down your goal or outcome and sleep on it overnight. If you feel the same way the next day, then continue with the spell. If you’re the type of person that can’t make a quick decision, then you may want to “sleep on it” for three days.

If cursing or hexing work upsets you in any way – stop! You are not ready for this type of spell, and you should move onto other types of spell casting for now.

If you don’t know what to do about the situation, you should do some divination work and look for spiritual guidance. Most witches will perform a tarot reading prior to any spell casting session.

If your target/s deserve hexing, keep reading….


Variations to the Feces Spell

There is NO right or wrong way to do this spell, so I will offer you some suggestions and you can modify the spell as you please according to your tradition and practices.

For example, you may wish to start with protection work first, and asking your deity to accept your petition if they believe it is deserved etc.

If you like to spend more time in preparation, then you can write a Banishing petition against the target on the toilet paper EACH time you take a crap. You can also write their personal information on the toilet paper as well.

Something to consider is that you need to perform this spell almost every day. And if you crap more than once a day, then “shit on him/her” every time you crap. Personally, I make this spell as simple as the directions I’ll share with you below. I do not write a full petition as in this spell, the target is not worth any more time than what I am already giving them by the writing of their name, and shitting on them!

Many people wonder if the spell works after the first time. With hexing work of this type, you need to repeat the spell until the energy of thinking about the injustice the target has done to you, leaves your body. You will know you have hexed the target enough, as you tune into your own intuition. If you don’t trust your intuition yet, then I suggest do the spell for 2 to 3 weeks.


To curse an Individual with the Feces Spell

  1. When it is time to “take a crap”  – it’s time to cast the spell! Get your black sharpie and head off to the toilet (bathroom)!
  2. Think of your target. What did they do to you? How did this effect you? Where is the justice? What do you want this hex to do to them? Get angry, excited, and any other emotion and write their name on the toilet paper.
  3. When you finish “your business” you may say an incantation (if you like), or state your goal for this spell as you wipe your ass with their name, for example: “you are a piece of shit and I flush you out of my life!”
  4. Visualize the target as either being a toxic shitty mess, or receiving a toxic shitty mess!
  5. Now…..FLUSH them away
  6. SO BE IT!

Now go about your day. Don’t think about it, and don’t tell other people what you are doing.

To break up a couple 

A feces spell to break up a couple calls for writing the names of the two parties on toilet paper, with one name on the left side and one name on the right. It does not matter which side you use for either name.  Next, when you “raise your energy” and relieve yourself, the paper is then torn in half, symbolizing the separation of  the couple. You wipe or smear the paper with your feces, before flushing the toilet!

UPDATE: Personally, when I do this spell now, I don’t use a single sheet of toilet tissue. The reason is obvious if you try the spell for yourself. The toilet paper is thin, so unless you want to make a mess, I recommend using several sheets and make the ripping of the sheets in half (separation of the names), a visual experience for you but still you can wipe your butt without worry of mess!

To break up a couple – and have your lover return

Alternately, if you are attempting to break up the couple so that you can have one of them for yourself you would only smear the feces over the name which represents the person you wish to be rid of, and flush ONLY their name down the toilet.

The side of the toilet paper representing the individual you desire would be used in another spell to get him or her desire you.

You would then continue your magick work with perhaps a candle work, honey jar, poppet etc

FAQ on the Feces Spell

”How often should i do the feces spell?”

 – Do the spell as often as possible over 2 to3 weeks at least. SO…….You do a shit every day, If you really hate this person and want the worst for them – then it shouldn’t be a problem to do this every day
”Can you do feces spell whilst on period?”]
 – The answer is No. Your menstrual blood is for sexual love (mostly). You are cursing someone with feces! , so leave the spell until your period is over.
”Do I have to chant anything while doing the wiping?”
 – You don’t have to chant anything. You need to stay focused on the intention. You just curse the persons name, for example: “you are a piece of shit and I flush you out of my life!”

”What if some of the toilet paper refuses to flush, or flushes slowly?”
 – If the paper holds onto the side of the bowl, its a actually a sign of resistance.
”What can you do with the paper you don’t flush?”
 – You could put it in sugar, honey, and do a jar spell; create a mojo bag, or any such spell. Or you could burn over a love style incense
”What if I have constipation and don’t shit everyday?”]
-This can be an issue, so if you want to take matters into your own hands, drink Chinese skimming tea at bed time. I like this simple affordable supermarket brand, as it works like a charm. Be warned – you may have stomach cramps and spend more time on the loo than ever before. This could be helpful bathroom time if you are spellcasting hahaha.

First published: Oct 10, 2015

Updated July 26, 2019

31 thoughts on “The Feces Spell – Folk Magic style cursing

  1. vrn says:

    I have a question about this type of spell. My mother in law is a person that don’t deserve to live. She brings pain and misery to everyone in her life. She has already even tried to kill her son (my fiancé) over a meaningless fight. She hitted her parents several times. She curses on everyone, lie to everyone including herself, has cursed me several times etc. So… I really hate her, even on her “nice days”, and I’d looooove to see her suffering and even die. My only concern is: She and my fiancé keep in touch now and then when these fights “settle down” — but nothing major, nothing with meaning or love, only when needed (like “I’m late, can you give me a ride?”, this kind of thing) –, and I fear that something could happen to him, like if he is in her car and then the spell knocks in leading to a car crash and he is with her on that moment and get hurt or worse… I hate her, and she deserves the worst, but he is a wonderful soul that would never deserve such a thing or near. Is there a way to keep him protected from it? To not reflect on him when happens to her etc. Also, he doesn’t believe in magick (he’s completely ok with me practicing magick but he doesn’t believe on it, which is totaly fine for us because he don’t try to make my mind nor I try to make his), so for this reason as well I fear my protection not casting on him because his lack of belief would block. Any wise advice you could give me? (sorry if I wrote something wrong, english is not my first language).

    All the best,


    • BWS says:


      I totally understand your concerns, and sadly, if you hex a person living with or hanging around someone you care for, they could be effected by the hex eg the car the hexed person is driving, explodes with you in it! Or more commonly with hexing an ex, you end up in bed having sex, and you end up contracting the STD he/she received via the curse! If you are totally concerned, don’t hex her personally, hex something like eg her job, her relationship etc. As for him not believing, it is inconsequential. Cast away! You are working with your own energy and own magical goals – and he just happens to be the lucky recipient. As an idea, you could give him a protection talisman (something relating to his own background). I hope this helps.

  2. Pretty Little Witch says:

    I am investigating the “Poop Spell” and see that it is advantageous to include the Psalms # 109 and Psalm # 51 to intensify the intention. I am in a situation where this woman is angry that a man she had interest in chose me over her. Her insecurities and ego tell her that I took him or stole him from her. She has been caught peeping in my window and standing on the other side of the street watching my house to see who comes and goes. She has a man now that she calls her husband (he is not) and still, she continues coming at me because she believes I am a threat to her current relationship (I am NOT!) I have no desire for any man other than my love with whom I am very happy and still together with. She keeps trying to be in our picture. The guy she calls her husband is now in jail and will be gone for a while. An idle mind….is the devil’s workshop. My love has no interest in her and has proven that to be so. Despite the fact that she tried(s) to turn him against me…too much to tell. Very ugly! Every chance she gets she tries to create conflict with me to the point that I took her to court for harassment and stalking coupled with threatening me physically. Yet, she continues to persist to create issues and conflicts that come out of her warped imagination. I am tired of her negativity. I am totally prepared to wipe my ass with the best paper available… I eat a lot of roughage which makes me quite regular. She has it in her mind that I have had sex with her man before he went to jail, when in fact I have no idea about him sexually or otherwise and definitely no interest. To all who have read this thread, thank you for reading through my anguish. All I want is a PEACE FILLED WORLD Yet people thrive on conflict, lies and plain old shit stirring. May the shit pots be stirred and the walls come tumbling down. FLUSH! FLUSH! FLUSH!

  3. Lala Brown says:

    I would like to know if anybody has had success with any spells especially this Breakup spells. have you had success with doing it yourself or having someone do it for you. I haven’t had any successes either way and I’ve spent a bit of money.

  4. Christian says:

    Im trying to break up my sons father and his gf. I did the spell wipes the poo on her name accidentally flushed both names … Can i just re do it n put his name in honey?

  5. sabrina says:

    hi my name Sabrina

    i am trying to banish a couple people that have to do with a serious court case and not sure if this spell will work any suggestion ?

  6. Venus says:

    I’m sorry I just went back and read the spell call for writing the name once on each side.. so I would just like to know what effect love Spell would you suggest to bring him back to me.
    Thanks you in advance for any help you can give me

  7. Venus says:

    I am doing the feces spell. How many times will have to write their names on each side. I’m flushing her name but I want my ex back with love candle Spell do you suggest that will work so he can not only wants me desperately back in his life but he will only desire me and that is very effective. I would to do this as soon as possible.

  8. Kuba says:

    I want to seperate my boyfriend wid his cousion because she is a worst lady i am facing too problems in my reltaionship just because of his cousin so how should i do this spell please tell me

  9. lovergirl says:


    I wanted to check what should I do with my lovers name? I’m from middle east and here you do not get any oils or supplies. I will be doing this spell for over 21 days or as long as it takes. It means I will be collecting his name paper everyday.

    Kindly guide what I should do with his name paper everyday?


  10. tedddyybear says:

    My question is I accidentally put the poop on both names twice I don’t want to loose my girlfriend so what’s going to happen now? Can I just continue to do the spell on one name and get the same results?

  11. grannonny says:

    I’m doing the feces spell, and I am in state while doing this although I’m a beginner. What type of candle spell can be done for the party that I want to bring back into my life? I want something with quick results

    • BWS says:

      It is the same mechanism for most magick spells – the energy that it creates through the power of intention. You will find the target starts to feel ill, depressed, or start to have bad luck.

    • says:

      Hi, I would like to know this as well because I have been doing this for a couple of weeks now to the person that split me and my partner up for being a poisonous cow. I put her name on the toilet paper tell her to choke on the shit she speaks and to choke on her shit when she mentions my name. No idea if it’s had any effect or not as i don’t know anyone who knows her.

  12. Kiran says:

    I want to know that till how many days this feces spell should be done to break up the couple. Also if I want my boyfriend back then both the names should be smeared with feces and flushed in toilet or not? Please let me know this

    • BWS says:


      I posted some new answers on the page. But do the spell every time you do a poo for at least a week. You may also wish to do a freeze spell on the other person. You ONLY wipe the poo on the person you wish to flush out of your life. Think of it as “shitting on them and flushing them away”…and you dont want to flush your boyfriend away. With his side of the paper, you can do a candle or honey jar spell – Love spell. Does this help? BWS

  13. BWS says:

    You must be careful to write the correct name to begin with, and if you are not sure, then meditate on the name for 3 nights to ensure you have the right name AND you feel the curse or hex is still necessary.

    As for the curse reversal, it will depend on the specific hex or curse. However there is a general curse reversal spell – I’ll do a video on this as the answer is much longer than a comment.

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