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Hexing the manipulative narcissist with Black Magick, Hoodoo candle work or a Servitor

Ask Savannah


I guess my question is how do I make someone feel the same pain that they have bestowed upon me an our children and grandson? I mean is karma real and what goes around comes around do people really will see you for your true colors.
He is manipulative everybody and getting everything he wants and crapping on everybody and talking bad about me and I’ve done nothing but everything for this man even though he is the highest of narcissistic that I’ve ever seen in my life


Part 1: Execration Magick


Products Discussed in this video:
DUME Candle https://blackwitchcoven.comproduct/d-u-m-e-glass-jar-candle/
DUME OIL https://blackwitchcoven.comproduct/d-u-m-e-oil/
DUME Kit https://blackwitchcoven.comproduct/d-i-y-spell-kit-d-u-m-e-death-unto-my-enemies/
Hexing Kit https://blackwitchcoven.comproduct/hoodoo-voodoo-doll-hexing-kit/
#1 Hexing Products https://blackwitchcoven.comproduct/black-magick-hexing-kit-powders-oils-snake-sheds/

Part 2: Container Spell for Couple Break Up

Products Discussed:
Florida Water –
White Sage Soap
Hyssop bath Oil
White Chime Candles
Black Chime Candles
Chime Candle Holders

BWC Products:
The BWC Official Talisman https://blackwitchcoven.comproduct/the-official-bwc-talisman/
The Lucifer (Pact) Talisman https://blackwitchcoven.comproduct/exclusive-bwc-lucifer-talisman-by-invitation-only/
Lucifer Pewter Talisman https://blackwitchcoven.comproduct/bwc-luciferian-talisman-in-pewter/
BWC Oils – https://blackwitchcoven.comproduct-category/bwc-merchandise/bwc-oils/
BWC T-Shirts – https://blackwitchcoven.comproduct-category/bwc-merchandise/t-shirt/

BWC Courses:
BWC Working with Demons Course –
BWC Courses – https://blackwitchcoven.comproduct-category/courses/

Videos in the Ask Savannah Series:
Goetia Demon Summoning and Ceremonial Magic
The Challenges of Sharing your successful pact stories in the witchcraft community
Social Media Witches, Occultists, & LHP Practitioners: Curses, Lower Vibrational Energy & Protection

What is the difference between Lucifer and Satan?

1 thoughts on “Hexing the manipulative narcissist with Black Magick, Hoodoo candle work or a Servitor

  1. TheOrphan says:

    Essential to effecting another by Magickal means is the tag lock. The ancient occult principle of contagion , unknowingly acknowledged by those who dispute magick , as quantum entanglement. These can be blood, genital fluid, saliva, hair , nail clippings, photos and personal effects. The list is in order of potency. These can however be very difficult, if not impossible to acquire sometimes. I have developed a means of acquiring a tag lock that is absolutely, scientifically and in all other ways viable and incapable of ever being separated from or confused with another individual. Voice signature. No two people on this planet ever have and ever will have the same voice signatures, they are completely unique to every individual, even more so than finger prints. Download a free program called AUDACITY , hook it to your phone and call the transgressor. Now you have the universal individual identifier that cannot by Magickal or quantum means ever be disentangled from its progenitor.

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