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How can I become a vampire or a werewolf? A few ideas from Black Witch S

how do i become a vampire

I am often asked if there is any kind of magic spell to become a vampire. While I’ll be the first to say that anything is possible, I have not in my work found any actual magic spell, nor anything that indicates that one exists.

I don’t know of a vampire in real life, in demon life, or on the other side. I have not come across a vampire in spiritual form

ASK – what traits do you want to have of a vampire?
• Is it eternal life?
• Pale white skin?
• Mentalism?

It maybe a good idea to work on a trait of vampirism, as you will be closer to your desire.

How do i become a vampire

Video Length: 5.42


A Vampire Poem

That said, there may be something that, though not technically a spell, might have the same effect. There are several poems in the Vampire Bible that are dedicated to Selene, the vampire mother. It is a tradition to honor Selene with poems just as her true love Ambrogio did while she was still alive. Ambrogio’s vampire love poems are the inspiration for this tradition, though many of the later poems are more about gratitude and worship than love.

One such poem in particular is particularly interesting because it appears to be a prayer to Selene asking for her specific assistance in becoming a vampire. It’s not exactly a “spell”, but it is a request to the vampire mother to send one of her “children” to the reader of the poem in order to be turned into a vampire. This makes much more sense than a magic spell and could possibly be one of the only ways to attract vampires to one’s self.

The poem itself is in Latin, with a translation into English following. If anyone were going to use this as a sort of spell to become a vampire, it would be best to read aloud the Latin version I would think. Use at your own risk.

Ode To The Vampire Mother

O dea tenebris
mater immortalibus
puer tuus fac me sicut renascentur
mea lux vestra absorbere

liceat mihi locus ad tenebras
sicut ex utero immortales
filios tuos in ulnis
quibus invocaverit te frater

O lunae lumen
puer tuus fac me sicut renascentur
me duce tenebris sunt
i ita erit renatus



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