Influence from the Mercury Retrograde

Mercury retrograde refers to the period of time where Mercury moves slower than the Earth around the sun. Mercury, being the planet closest to the sun, typically takes 88 days to orbit, versus the Earth’s 365 days, so when it does go slower Mercury’s relative position to Earth and our line of sight to it shifts.

When it does go slower this creates an optical illusion that it’s moving back, with the planet lapping Earth on the inside before passing behind the sun and seemingly (from our POV) turning around in the sky.

While it looks like it’s stopped travelling from east to west, at no point does Mercury actually start going backwards.

If you’ve ever wondered why people seemingly freak out when Mercury retrograde happens, it’s because Mercury is the planet that influences communication, with it generally thought that the retrograde motion signifies negative undertones for the astrological world.

This can lead to everything from emails getting lost to travel disruptions, with astrologers also believing that it can result in:

  • Shifts in friendships or falling outs
  • Miscommunications and general misunderstandings
  • Brain fog, anxiety and headaches
  • Uncertainty around work and personal projects

New research has found that Mercury retrograde can have a real, tangible impact on your relationships, too. A whopping 71% of people believe that the retrograde has a negative impact on their relationships, and a further 46% have found that their loved one tends to act unusually during the astrological phenomenon.

Some of the most common issues reported include communication struggles, fights and arguments. And get ready for another wild statistic: apparently, 1 in 4 people have been dumped because of a retrograde.

Astrologers believe that mercury retrograde can have a very real impact on our mood — some believe it can even lead to brain fog and stress. Even experts who don’t believe in astrology recognise the phenomenon — but they attribute it to heightened feelings of stress and anxiety simply because we’re waiting for something bad to happen.”

Let me put my Therapist hat on for a second!

If you find yourself having more arguments and relationship anxiety during a retrograde, it’s worth being extra careful with how you’re communicating. Mercury movements are out of your control, but what you say and do isn’t. If you can keep calm and avoid confrontation for just a few weeks, it’s entirely possible to stop your relationship from spinning out of control.


  1. Show understanding: Miscommunication is certain, so don’t take anything said in the heat of an argument at face value. Even if they hit a nerve, just let it slide.
  2. Don’t react, clarify: Before you jump down their throat, ask what they really meant. There’s every chance you misunderstood, so try not to overreact.
  3. Actively listen: When your partner speaks, give them your full attention. If you’re constantly interrupting or only half listening, you’re asking for trouble.
  4. Speak carefully: Don’t say what you’re thinking and hope it’s well received. It won’t be. Choose your words wisely and try to be empathetic… even if you’re not really feeling it.
  5. Check your body language: Non-verbal actions, such as facial expressions, speak a thousand words, so best save the eye rolls for when you’re out of sight.
  6. Calm down then talk: If things get heated, step back. Arguing won’t get you anywhere, so schedule time to talk it out once you’re both calm.
  7. Take a tech break: It’s so much easier to take things too far over text when we can’t see our partner’s reaction. If a discussion can’t wait, at least do it face-to-face.

Planetary Influences in Ceremonial Magic

Ceremonial magic, a precise art in which the magician follows exact procedures to effect a spell or command spirits or the forces of nature, takes into account planetary influences and the positions of the Sun, the Moon, and the planets. Magic is the control of these influences, which in turn is the control of the basic forces which underlie all things.

The influence of a planet can be captured by a direct petition or by commanding the angel or spirit associated with the planet. In ceremonial magic the provinces of heaven are governed by seven ANGELS. The province of the Moon and everything pertaining to it is ruled by Phul, who has the power to transmute anything into silver, the Moon’s metal, to cure dropsy, and to destroy the evil spirits of the water.

Another way to capture planetary magic is through the use of things connected to the PLANET—such as silver or moonstones in the case of the Moon—or by performing a ritual on the day or at the hour governed by the planet. Each day and each hour in the day are ruled by different planets. Each planet offers advantages for certain kinds of magical spells.

Monday, ruled by the Moon, is a day of peace and happiness. Medieval astrologers proclaimed it one of the week’s luckiest days, along with Wednesday, Thursday, and Sunday. Monday is auspicious for raising the spirits of the dead, communion with spirits, SPELLS concerning love, emotions and reconciliation, CLAIRVOYANCE, becoming invisible, discovery of theft, learning the truth, attaining grace, and all activities concerning water, travel, the sea, and shipping, the home and family, agriculture, medicine, cooking, and dreams.

Hourly influences follow a certain order. The ruling planet of the day commands the first hour after sunrise, and each following hour is ruled by planets in the follow- ing order: the Sun, Venus, Mercury, the Moon, Saturn, Jupiter, and Mars. A new progression begins at sunset.

Influence of the Moon Phase

In addition to observing planetary influences, a magician always pays additional attention to the phases of the Moon.

A magician fashions his or her magical TOOLS under the proper lunar influences. Magical tools are most effective if handmade by the magician. This is done according to RITUAL, and the tools are purified and consecrated— imbued with the will of the magician—during rituals done under a waxing or full moon, as well as other planetary influences.

The wand is the primary magical tool and has an illustrious history: Moses and Aaron use wands to bring the plague to Egypt, and the Greek god, HERMES, wielded a wand entwined with snakes as his tool of power, wisdom, and healing.

Hazel is best all-round wood for wands. Ash and rowan also are excellent choices. For spells falling under the influence of the Moon, willow is best. Magical GRIMOIRES—textbooks of rituals, most of which were written in the 17th through 19th centuries—offer differing instructions for the making of a magical wand. According to one ritual, the wood is best cut at night, when the Moon is waxing or full, by either an “innocent child” or by a man who walks backward and reaches for the branch between his legs. The wand must be exactly 22 inches long.

The magical tools help the magician tap into the appropriate magical power. In addition, symbols, SIGILS, and SEALS are used. Fumigation—the producing of smoke or vapor—is used to harmonize with the planet that rules the spell being performed. The fumes are used to permeate the atmosphere and to bathe ceremonial objects and magical tools.

Moon fumes can be produced by burning the leaves of all vegetables, leaf indum, leaf of myrtle, and bay leaf. One 19th-century recipe calls for mixing together the dried head of a frog, eyes of a bull, seed of white poppies, frank- incense, camphor, and either menstrual blood or the blood of a goose.

For spellcasting:

Spells involving increase, luck, prosperity, and gains of any sort should be done only when the Moon is waxing, and preferably when the Moon is full.

Spells of vengeance, discord, hatred, unhappiness, and undoing should be done when the Moon is on the wane. The darkest of spells, involving death and destruction, should be done during the dark of the Moon. This period also is favorable for spells for invisibility.

And no spells at all should be attempted when the Moon is new, for failure is guaranteed, according to love.

At the new moon, the Moon and the Sun are in conjunction. A conjunction occurs whenever two planetary bodies are in the same sign of the zodiac or very close—within 12 degrees concerning the Sun and the Moon. This proximity causes the influences of the two bodies to combine and produce unpredictable side effects.


The Encyclopedia of Magic and Alchemy

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