How to Use Figural Candles

Figural candles are just like magic in your hands. They come in different colors, shapes and forms. They can be molded in human forms or as deities; some can take the shape of mystic objects and symbols. You’ve certainly seen one that is shaped like the skull, cat, penis or even vagina.

Their weights also vary depending on the manufacturer and intended use. These candles are made to depict a condition or a person in spiritual form. This is very similar to the dolls and poppets in Voodoo that work by transmitting sympathetic signals utilized in casting spells.

Figural candles can also be used for divination and this is done either by reading the wax of the candle or the manner in which it burns. By doing this you can get answers to myriads of questions which the natural mind cannot conceive.

Types of Figure Candles

1. Figure candles in Male and Female Image:

These beautiful figure candles are molded to show the naked figure of a male and a female adorned in different colors. Your choice of color will be dependent on your intention.

2. Gender Figure Candles

These ones are very useful in manipulating and controlling a person’s sexual dexterity. It is usually molded to represent the almighty Penis or Vagina. You can use this type to catch a new sex partner, ignite passion, enforce fidelity and even mar another person’s sexuality.

Sub fertile couples and individuals use these figure candles for fertility spells.



3.The Bride and Groom Figure Candles:

Popularly known as marriage candles, just like what you see on top of cakes with the bride and groom standing side by side or face to face, that’s how these candles are made. These candles can be your lucky charm for marriage.   They are useful for marriage sanctification, soul union, and protection from outside forces.


They are made in different colors which include;  red, black or white. For instance, a black figure candle can symbolize the end of a relationship while white symbolizes rekindled love, increased passion for another and can be used in reconciliation spells.  It can also mean a marriage proposal.

Red figure candles represent a whole lot including lust, love passion and vitality in a union.

4. Dual Wick Figure Candle

Usually, two lovers are seen holding themselves tightly.  It is also called Small Hugging Figure candles. It can get the fire of love burning with brilliant flames between you and your lover. It can also be used to cast a spell to bring an estranged partner back. They come mainly in two colors, pink and red.

5.Break Up Figure Candles:

Just like the name implies, these candles are used for casting breakup spells. They often come in black or red colors with both partners standing back to back on a base shaped like a heart. You can also use this type of figure candle to win back a crush that was taken over by someone else.


6. Face to Face Romantic Figure Candles

This candle usually comes in the shape of a nude male and female hugging each other. It is used to enhance sexuality and romance in a relationship. It can also be used for bringing back old lovers. They come in pink or red colors.

7. Skull Figure Candles

Made to look like the human skull and come in white, red, green or black. Skull figure candles can be used to unravel other people’s thoughts, cure illnesses, curse one’s enemies, make positive changes in life and stop all forms of negativity.


8.Cat Figure Candles

They are shaped like cats and are said to have 9 lives. They are very useful when casting good luck charms. Depending on what luck you’re trying to bring into your life, you can pick from the different colors including, white, black, green and red.

9. Floral Cross Figure Candle:

They are molded like a holy crucifix and very often linked with Christianity. They are used during prayers in order to receive speedy answers.

10. Seven Knob Figure Candles:

This type is used for casting spells that bring your dream and wishes to reality.  They come in black, white, red or green colors.


11. Mummy Figure Candles:

These ones take the shape of the ancient Egyptian Mummy and have many effects. It is believed that these candles reflect the powerful old-time magic from Egypt.

They are also used in casting multipurpose spells. For example; they can be used for removing jinx and curses, for gaining power and for protection. Mummy candles can be used to knock out an enemy and surmount crossroads. The major colors are red or black.


General Tips:

Choose the shape of the candles based on your intentions.

The color of the candle should also be aligned with your intention. Different colors represent different things so ensure not to use the wrong ones.

Red is believed to symbolize courage, romantic love, lust and health. Pink is for love and friendship while orange is for encouragement and attraction.

Gold figural candles could mean financial gain and eclipse connections. Green is for finance, fertility, and abundance. White is for purity, holiness and truth. Black represents banishment and negativity.

After choosing the appropriate figure candle needed for your ritual, the next thing to do would be to cleanse, anoint and charge the candle so that it would assist you in achieving your intention.

Dressing your candles helps to create a psychic link between the root worker/ magician and the figure candle. This is like using your personal energy and vibrations to charge the candle and fill it with your intention.

This dressing can be done with a natural oil such as grape seed or a special candle magic oil.  Start dressing from the top to middle and then from base to the middle, although some start from the middle. Sometimes you might roll the oiled figure candle over powdered herb if your spell work requires herbs.

The next step is to concentrate on your goals and have faith that they will be actualized.  You can say a few incantations if you want.

It is advisable to use a new candle for each new spell because once a candle gets partly burnt, vibrations from surroundings invade it and if the same candle is used for another spell, the outcome could be poor.



1 thoughts on “How to Use Figural Candles

  1. Rob says:

    My wife and I have been trying to summon Incubi spirits to help my wife be able to freely explore her sexuality and help her feel comfortable with inviting other men into our bedroom to have sex with her. We have tried using penis shaped candles and sex toys to invite them to her but so far she only has had very realistic erotic dreams on occasion. How can we invite them to give her more than just dreams? Thanks

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