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In honor of father Lucifer

Gustave Doré/Public Domain

Submitted by:  (Withheld by Request), Singapore

I started being interested in witch craft cause i always some how knew something was different about me and after i saw black witch coven videos on youtube, something about the speaker, which i believe is savannah, just made me want to dwell more into the occult.

When i was young i could see and talk to my guardian angels. The spirit world never bothered me.

I started out exploring hinduism, and grew an attachment to shiva( which by the way some say is another form of lucifer). Durga was the next deity i explored with. 12 yrs after trying hinduism, something in me felt like i was not achieving much in life. I was not born s hindu but somehow the left hand path always appealed to me.

Almost instantaneously i started seeing videos about lucifer appearing on you tube. The more i read and learnt about him, the least afraid i became. I made a pact with lucifer by air. I spoke to him as i was walking back home one day. Called out to him. Asked him to guide me and heal me. To show me how to get my life in order. I cried to him and called out to hkm in sincerity.

Immediately after i poured out my heart to him, a snake appeared. It looked at me and hissed before slithering away. I have never heard of pple encountering snakes in that area and neither have i seen one in that area for years. This snake was huge. Almost like a rattle snake, which was puzzling. There were definitely no rattle snakes where i stayed. A short while later i noticed a mosquito feeding off my wrist. I shooed it away and there was no bite mark left behind or any itchiness. I believed in my heart, lucifer had just shown me that my pact has been made and accepted.

The next few days, i drew his sigil and started chanting his enn while my right hand was placed on it. The connection and energy i felt around me was pure and fresh and full.of love. Even when i communicated with astharoth. She told me she was closest in form to isis and her strongest traits were true love and unconditional love. Everytime i communicated with lucifer, i could feel.him heal and uplift me. I could feel his love. When i left my altar i can always hear him calling me back. There was so much love. Like a father to a daughter. I would use his energy to heal my chakras that had been damaged cause of all the bull shit i have been subjected to.

Within weeks i got recognised in my.job. i also found out my mum had hexed me when i was just 5 yrs old to make sure i will.not succeed in life ( cause she hates daughters apparently and women in her family should not succeed)  Lucifer directed me to a healer who told me the whole truth. I was sexually abused when i was young. I didnt remember it cause my mum had done something to me to make sure i cant remember. She put a spirit at my throat to hush me up. I could always feel like my thtoat chakras was affected. I just couldnt express myself well. I was afraid of pple. Afraid of talking. Now i know why and who did it.

Lucifer made me remember. Showed me who my true enemies were. The lies i was being fed by my own narcissitic family members. My love life has improved. I m.happier. more alive. I m a better mother and wife. And everyday i go to my father… i put my hand on his sigil and it feels like his hand is right at the other side, touching mine.

In honor of father lucifer and all his done. His not evil. He shows the truth. He pulls away the veil that has blinded us so far. Do not fear him. But go to him with love and sincerity.

Image: “Gustave Doré” – Public Domain

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2 thoughts on “In honor of father Lucifer

  1. tIARA says:

    This seriously almost made me cry. I was born and raised in a strict Christian household and had been told all my life that Lucifer was evil and wanted to cause me nothing but harm. However, as I grew up, I came to feel much differently about him and just recently connected to him on a whole other level. I even found a song that I now associate with the love and patient guidance he’s shown me and play it whenever I do a ritual in honor of him or invoke him for his guidance in a matter.

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