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Kulullu: The “Fish Man” Demon


Kulullu is one of the monsters created by Tiamat to fight against Marduk. The name “Kulullu” means “Fish man”. He is a guardian figure associated with the god Ea and he dwells in the watery underground domain of the god. It is said that Kulullu attracts prosperity and divine benevolence to households that inscribe ri-da hi-ṣib KUR-i er-ba taš-mu u ma-ga-ru, “come down abundance of the mountain, enter intercession and compliance” in their homes. He also has an opposite aspect. When disrespected, he could quickly cast bad luck upon those who disrespected him and the creatures of the water.

There is a demoness associated with Ishtar named Kulili. She is referred to as “fish woman”. Together with Kulullu, these demons are known to be very hostile to humans. They are mermen and mermaids that live in lakes, rivers, streams, and ponds. It is said that they stir up the water and pollute it so that it won’t be useful to man.

According to a contemporary administrative text, statues of these demons are located in the Nabu temple in Nimrud, ancient Kalhu. His sculptures can be found in palaces and on Kudurrus. Kulullu is one of the demons mentioned in Tablet VIII of the Surpu incantation series. He was also mentioned in a hymn to Marduk and the gods of the Esagila.


Kulullu appears in the form of a half-fish, half-human creature. He has the head, arms, and torso of a human but his lower body and tail are like that of a fish.

When summoned during magical rites, he arises from the lakes and rivers of blood in the form of a demonic female with a fish tail. Sometimes he appears in the form of a black hybrid with parts of a spider and shellfish. He also possesses black tentacles that resemble eels but are covered with short hair that looks like the legs of a spider. When he appears, he fills the temple with the stench of decaying blood or rotting flesh. If evoked with a mirror, his sigil appears in the mirror dripping dark blood.



Kulullu is connected with underwater temples, watery abysses, and extremely bloody cults. He endows the practitioner with dreams and visions of underground caves and temples where cruel and bloody ceremonies are performed. On the Qlipothic Tree of Night, he might be associated with Satariel qlipha. His powers represent death, cosmic entropy, and putrefaction. When summoned, he communicates with the magician through sexual ecstasy. This feels like being drowned in decaying blood or black water filled with rotten corpses. However, the practitioner can arise after being transformed by the black essence of the demon. He inspires bloody fantasies and thoughts of murder in the heart of the practitioner. His essence is highly vampiric and he never gets enough of blood sacrifice.

In malefic works, this demon teaches the practitioner how to send forth watery energy to devour the life force of his target. He is bloodthirsty, venomous, and feeds on sexual energies and vital essence. He incites unbearable nightmares. When evoked, he strikes his victim with his venom piercing his tentacles into their body.

How to Invoke the Spirit of Kulullu

Items Needed:

  • The sigil of Kulullu
  • The practitioner’s blood
  • Ritual blade
  • Image of the Key of the Night
  • Parchment


  • Draw the demon’s sigil on the parchment with few drops of your blood or use the blood to trace the lines of the glyph.
  • Use the blooded ritual blade to trace the Key of the Night in front of you, above the altar.
  • Envisage it shining with blood-red radiance.
  • Visualize that the Temple is filled with the radiance. This will charge the Temple with the energies of Kulullu.
  • Stare at the sigil for some minutes while chanting the demon’s name.
  • Visualize how the glyph becomes activated and glow with dim red light.
  • At this point, visualize that the spirit’s energy is being drawn into your consciousness.
  • When the Temple is fully charged, and you are ready to begin the invocation, speak the following words.

By the Blood of the Dragon which is my own Essence,

And by the Key of the Night,

I call you, Kulullvi!

Flesh Eating Demon!

Venomous Spirit of Rot and Entropy!

Arise from rivers of blood,

And lost temples in the bowels of the earth.

Come forth from winding labyrinths,

Where the dead feast on the living.

Arise from filth and decaying waters,

And fill the world with your venom and stench!

I offer my body as a vessel for your black essence,

And I seek to rise as your living manifestation!

Hear my call and come to me!

Awaken my hunger, thirst, and desire!

Grant me the powers to command the forces of death,

To deliver plague, sickness, and misery upon those who stand in my


Unleash your horrible wrath upon my enemies,

Devour their souls and feast on their flesh,

And leave their tortured bodies empty as shells,

With maggots squirming in their rotting corpses!

Enter this Temple of Flesh,

Intoxicate my Soul with your festering essence,

And infect my dreams with visions of the arcane and the forbidden!

I call you in the name of the Dragon!

In Nomine Draconis!

Ho Drakon Ho Megas!

Going Further:

Burn the parchment with the sigil and as the smoke arises, it shall carry your wishes to be united with the spirit’s essence to the planes. Offer yourself to be consumed and transformed by the energies of the demon. Visualize how the gates of your soul open up to be filled with the essence of this spirit.

Enter the trance of possession through sexual ecstasy or visual meditation. As your soul ascends beyond the boundaries of flesh, let your consciousness merge with the essence of this demon. Open your mind to the boundless power of the demon.

At this point, let the visions flow freely and continue to explore the powers of this demon which are now yours to command. Let your focus be on your goal. The energy of this demon can be used in works of protection, self-empowerment, and hostile sorcery.

In works of protection, he covers the magician with his black venomous essence which absorbs every magical attack sent to him. Kulullu strikes his victim through the mouth or throat thrusting her tentacles into their flesh. If your goal is to harm your target, visualize yourself in the form of the spirit. Then enflame yourself with rage, and thrust the astral tentacles into the body of the enemy. Quickly inject the venom into his spiritual centers and drain his vital energies. The venom will cause flesh rotting infections on the body of the victim.

In the physical world, this is experienced in the form of body infections, poisoning, inflammation, and painful chronic diseases. The victim suffers greatly and slowly dies agonizingly. This demon’s force can also be used to drown a sleeping victim in astral waters.

When you wish, you can end the working and return to your mundane consciousness. Finally, thank the spirit and close the ritual.


Before performing any rite with Kulullu, if the practitioner’s spiritual body is not well fortified to withstand the energies of this demon, then the black essence invoked may affect both the target and practitioner adversely.


Rituals open the gateways of the soul and those doors can never be closed again. For that reason, I strongly advise that casual experimentation with these rituals should be avoided. Due to the complex nature of this ritual, I would suggest that you have some experience before practicing this ritual. Also, whether you are experienced or not, kindly tread with caution because these are not designed for dabblers. They are designed for serious pathworking.


See Also:



  • https://en. wiki/Kulull%C3%BB
  • https://  find words. info/term/kulullu
  • http://s ymboldictionary .net/?p=3006
  • Encyclopedia of Beasts and Monsters in Myth, Legend, and Folklore By Theresa Bane
  • Grimoire of Tiamat by Asenath Mason
  • Maskim Hul Babylonian magic by Michael Ford
  • https://ther  ealsamizdat.  com  /tag/kusarikku/


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