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Lucifer saved my Grandfather from death


I’m Meenakshii a student of WWD and an ardent fan of Black Witch S.
Recently , just last evening, me with my family were returning from an outing. My father in law had a bout of motion sickness. So I had to stop the vehicle. My mother in law and well as my better half and my son was also with us. As soon as we returned home he started feeling hot, he was feeling dizzy. He puked couple of times. We have him a bath and put him to bed. But he did not seem to get any better. We were to take him to the doctor for check up on Monday or Tuesday.  But since he fell sick on Sunday itself and no good doctors available did not know who to call and where to go.
Whenever I get into trouble I always think of Lucifer and he does respond in an amazing friendly manner !! I felt he almost whispered me to get a Sorbitrate to put under his tongue.  I went to down to my mother’s place to get it and luckily she did have it. Also he asked me to drive him to the hospital immediately. And so we did with a lot of difficulty. He was not at all stable. While we drove him to the hospital he ws in so much pain that he went on saying how far is the hospital. We reached 9 kms in 10 mins. Amazing ..
And when we reached and took him to the emergency  to our horror we were I formed that the heart rate was 40bpm . And dropped blood pressure. He had got into cardiac arrest..
They said it was impossible to get him out of that.. But we insisted they do whatever possible even if the chances were even 10 %. I was sure he would recover since the message was so clear from Lucifer that we get him to the hospital.
His tests were done and his condition was deteriorating when he had to be taken in to the operation Theatre. They put in a temp pace maker and then he had to go through an open heart surgery. He was sinking. The surgeons called us many times during he surgery to see his condition on the screen. We did .. hoping against hope he would be fine .
Then in see Lucifer standing there .. in his mid 30s . In full black suit. Handsome man with dark hair huge feather wings.. the wings giving my FIL  the shelter.. He looked at me and said : Membership, he would be fine ..dont worry. And we stood there .. after an hour we were told that the operation was successful. The 72 yr old man was rescued. That was near death experience for him. We were told since he was going through the pain for long, his lungs not functioning and was supposed to be put on ventilation. But thankfully even that was not required. I felt Lucifer with him and me all the time. I heard his voice all through the night that he would be fine.
And all night we waited.. in the morning we visited the hospital..he is out of danger..And fine..
It’s a miracle.. everything happened so smoothly and seamlessly..  really made me feel that he is always with me protecting me and my family.
Without wasting any time I wanted to write this to you… I’m so thankful to you as most of the experience I’ve learnt from BWS. And so so happy and grateful for the Lovely Lucifer!! He saved his life.. And I would love and serve him for Life!!
LOVE AND regards

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