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Magical Protection – Chants & Mantras for Cleansing a Space


Cleaning the Home

Magical protection requires using various tools and techniques consistently to ensure your magical armor is on point. This is the first post I will share about magical protection for the modern witch. Starting with using the power of sound for protection.

No matter what your current skill level in witchcraft, everyone can play a powerful chant and allow the sounds to do their work!

[box] Chanting, particularly very old chants without modern mixing or instruments can be very powerful in rebalancing a space and quietening it down.[/box]

The sounds and vibrations of the human voice can have quite a strong effect upon a space, and when this is coupled with particular uses of language, the result can become quite powerful magically speaking.

Tibetan chants they tend to push out parasites and low level beings, and pull in powers that are protective and cleansing.

Ideas for Chants

They are best used after doing a ritual clean of the house.

They can also be played to calm the house during volatile times. Just leave them playing while you are out of the house.

Personally, I enjoy listening to this chant whilst falling asleep – to ensure I end the day on a high vibrational level.

Sacred Chants

Sacred music is particularly effective at calming a space. It can take a little getting use to the sound, but remember you can leave the home and allow the music to “clear the entities” from the area. As an example of sacred music, is the chants of Hildegard von Bingen.

As a child, I often saw or felt ‘entities’ from other worlds.

Many children report supersensory experiences and one such child was Hildegard von Bingen. Hildegard von Bingen was an influential and spiritual woman whose fierce devotion paved the way for future generations of women to succeed in fields from theology, to medicine, to music and art.

At a very early age she claimed to experience supernatural visions of a powerful, transformative light, but she hid her prophetic abilities until much later in life. She was admitted into a convent at the age of eight, and was prepared for a life of hermetic devotion and meditation.

The benefit of CDs

The most common forms of chant that are available to us on modern media (CDs etc.) and that are effective to work with magically are plain – chant, Sufi chants, and Tibetan chants.

Before you rush off to search for things to download, bear in mind that an MP3 file of a chant may be nice to listen to but it will not work magically. When a music file is converted to an MP3 the sounds that the human ear cannot hear are taken out and the over – all sound is shortened: the result is that the magical power within the sound is disabled and becomes useless. What is left may still relax you, but the sound will not work at a deeper level. It is always best to work with CDs.

[box] We just love Ray and all that he genuinely offers to us – and that is the gift of mantras! Ray’s email is and he charges $20 for his CD. BWC receives NO commission from Ray. [/box]

More videos on protection:

Salt protection for your home
The white shield of protection is a good exercise to learn
Swift the energy away from you with this
Talisman & Protection Spells

2 thoughts on “Magical Protection – Chants & Mantras for Cleansing a Space

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