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Diary of a Gypsy Witch – Money Magic Tips and an Easy Money Spell

Money Magic Correspondences

Correspondences are a reference of items and influences used in casting spells and magical workings. They are useful for your Spell-work, Altars, Shrines, Talismans, Mojo-Bags, Candle dressing and just about anything else you can think of.

This is not an exhaustive list by any means and if you have anything to add, please put it in the comments 🙂

Day – Thursday
Planets – Jupiter, Mercury, Sun
Numbers – 5, 8, 11
Moon Phase – Waxing for growing prosperity, Waning for removing poverty
Colours – Green, Gold and sometimes Red
Botanicals – Mint, Cinquefoil, Patchouli, Poppy seed, Honey, Labdunum, Styrax, Basil, Bay Leaves, Ginger, Cinnamon, Lemongrass, Clove, Angelica, Chamomile, Star Anaise, Rosemary, Valarian – there are so many, this is just a small selection.
Crystals/Minerals – Gold, Citrine, Pyrite, Lodestone, Jade, Green Aventurine, Peridot, Yellow Apatite, Yellow Fluorite, Hematite, Magnatitie,
Deities and Spirits – Jupiter, Lakshmi, Abundantia, Clauneck, Bune, Horus, Anuket, Ra, Inari, Fortuna, Tsai Shen, Odin, Pluto (Hades), Sors, Moneta, Renenet, Teutates, Habondia, Asteroth, Paimon

Simple Money Spell

This worked so quickly for me, even I was surprised. Sometimes it’s good to take it back to basics.

Money Luck Spell

Click here for a Simple Money Spell THAT WORKS!


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