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My interesting spiritual experiences caught on camera

My name is Kareem, first I’ll give you some background on me.

My grandmother Preather. Was born 1905 September. 10 , she often talked to spirits and she was out casted by her family and friends. She was also the scape goat , got the blame for bad things happing. They would say she caused the situation to happen , when really she was warning them before things would happen. She would have psychic clips of visions of events and people would always look surprised or freaked out when it came to past. She was the only one in the family in that time frame that spoke like that. It was like she was always speaking a foreign language to others. Then here I come born 1991 September 10.

Seeing things and always being hypersensitive to everything around me , often feeling like I was reliving things over and over again because I seen things before they would actually happen. I then had a lot of nose bleeds after trying to suppress my visions. I then join different religions systems trying to belong.

In 2012 there was a shift for me an awakening I started remembering things that happened in my life when was a baby , I’m talking 9 months and glimpses of when I was in the womb.

I then started getting super focused and getting in tuned with nature and one night I decided I was gonna leave my body. I literally left my body I felt myself leave. I got scared and forced myself to open my eyes , looked towards the window curtain and it was floating and when came down I heard a deep breathe exhale. My eyes was open but I still felt myself drifting.

I told my ex I was in my friends house when I left my body who lived by us at that time. He came over later on the next day told us he had a ghost in his house. He had a ghost app on his phone , he said he asked who was there and the ghost responded and said “Kareem”.

I looked at my ex and said I told you I was there. And he was shocked not to long after he ended up moving.

I was then convinced I myself was tripping and told her to come out to the woods with me at night. We brought our boys and we was just feeling everything out.

I then told her just start taken pic I can feel this surge of energy so just catch me in the moment and one pic shows me astro projecting and you and see me connecting with a spirit over me and little blue blotches of energy.

The other pic shows me focusing on a round house kick and a energy was captured on the base of my head.

So there you have this is my experience I’m very glad that Black Witch s is having this competition , and giving me a chance to share my story familiar spirits thanks again Black Witch s.

Readers story by Kareem

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