This morning I received an email, asking for advice on how to set up an altar to honor Lucifer on a budget of $50 to $100. The altar she was looking to set up, could not be set up in a permanent space. As this is a common question,I thought I’d share my answer with our email subscribers.
Altar table
Firstly let’s consider the altar itself. Perhaps you have a bedside table or a chest of drawers which you can use temporarily for your ritual. Or perhaps you need to get a large shoebox, or another type of solid box that will not collapse when you put weight on the top of the box. Remember that cardboard will often give (collapse), after a little time of having something heavy placed on the top of it.
TIP – The altar should be in the east (you face the east whilst standing at the altar to give Lucifer offerings).
Also – I will include a cute 6 x 6 altar you could use and store away – see the products below.
Altar Cloth
This Lucifer Altar kit is perfect for altars requiring temporary set up, where the Dark Arts altar cloth can provide instant transformation to any surface for ritual offerings.
Whatever you use for an altar space, you turn the “mundane” surface into an altar by placing an Altar cloth over the surface. You only use this altar cloth for your rituals and nothing else.
I would recommend a Black Altar Cover. If buying a altar cloth is out of your budget, or if you don’t have a suitable covering, then use parchment paper or wax paper.
If you have a specially created box or altar that doesn’t need covering – that is fine. Just consecrate the space – like you would do anyway.
Personally, I don’t always use altar covers on my main offering altar, as it is a beautiful wooden surface that I don’t do any messy style ritual on. I only use glass encased candles on this altar, and the charcoal burner is sitting on a silver plate (therefore no chance of destroying the wood). I use the Baphomet altar cloth for Black Magic working rituals. It really gets me “in the mood.”
Now lets look at what you can place on this altar.
Most time, we like to work in a dark space, so you need some form of light to read a petition or a pray to Lucifer (or your deity of choice). I have two large black pillar candles at each end of the altar table.
For a small box, you may only have space to light one large candle. You could choose a black candle or a blue candle (your choice as both are popular colors for working with Lucifer). Most the time, I work with Red & Black candles on my altar space.
You may like to have a few prayer candles that you light during your prayers to Lucifer, that are extinguished after the prayer session. You could use small chime candles that will burn in under 30 minutes – perfect for your budget/temporary altar space.
TIP – If the altar is temporary, use small candles that can be given as an offering and burn to completion BEFORE you hide your altar space again.
Statue/Sigil of Lucifer
Place a printed or hand drawn sigil of Lucifer in a photo frame.
Since the space is small, you many not have the room on the altar table for a statue to represent Lucifer (or deity), so here are my two ideas:
In a photo frame, place Lucifers sigil. You can draw or print out the sigil. Note it is always a good idea to consecrate the sigil with a drop of your blood, creating a link between you and the deity.
On the black candle, inscribe into the wax, or draw on the glass (if a glass encased candle), the sigil of Lucifer. The candle idea is good for those on a super budget as the candle serves two purposes.
Centre on my altar, I like the Statue of the Baphomet, as it means something to me. You choose a symbol or state that represents Lucifer. It could be a drawing, or something else that is symbolic of Lucifer to you. Even a Lucifer necklace etc could be placed on your altar for the offering period.
Offering Containers
You could use items from your home, or found in thrift stores. Once consecrated, only use the item for your rituals. When you are done, pack it away in your “secret box”:
For liquid offerings you will need a chalice.
For burned offerings, a fire proof bowl
For flowers, a vase (I give dried roses to Lucifer)
For food offerings, a plate
Oil & Incense
If your going to welcome someone into your home, you want to make your space smell appealing to your guest right? We have found Lucifer responds well to EARTH based scents. Here are some ideas:
Frankincense – which is also used to cleanse all items before you use them on your altar (easiest way)
Sandalwood – I like to burn in my temple space to set the mood
Lucifer Oil/Baphomet Oil can be used to dress the candle or other objects as well
Writing Tools/BOS
I suggest you get yourself a small journal to write down the steps you wish to take during the ritual, and perhaps, what you want to say as a prayer to Lucifer.Also, you will want to write Lucifers ENN – to call to him!
Plus, I suggest you take notes after the ritual, that include things like, what you did now, and what you would like to add in the future.
I suggest you get a lockable Book Of Shadows or journal. Also, a pendulum will help you ask questions to Lucifer.
Parchment paper, ink, and a quill are not necessary, but if you would like to get into the spirit of it all, I sell these in super affordable kits, and you will have enough ink to last for years. I like using parchment paper for requests, that are burned in the burning bowl at the altar.
If you want to start asking questions, you many wish to use a tool such as a pendulum. It is easy to use, and you can get to know what Lucifer wants for YOU to do.
So, here is my budget suggestion list for you to collect:
I’ll pick some items out from the store for you all to look at, but just remember to look at what you may already have at home to save some money (especially when you are just starting out or on a tight budget.)
If anyone else has ideas or suggestions, or would like to send through a photo of their altar, please email and we will add your photo to our blog post.
Blessed Beast!
It can be confusing to find the products you need for your altar space so we have created these new altar kits for dark arts works.
Savannah - Born & raised in fabulous Sydney, Australia. Currently enjoying the magickal city of New Orleans. My beliefs are more Theistic Luciferianism, and based on dark pagan, left hand path, black magic, and occult traditions. My skills are in witchcraft; Chaos Magic; Sorcery; Hoodoo; and of course, working with the "demons".