Magical days

The days of the week, because they are ruled by the various gods, create an energy which is best for certain types of magical working. Following is a list which, while not completely comprehensive, will give you some idea of when to perform your spells. Each day’s planetary ruler and optimum colours are also given.


SUNDAY (Sun – yellow, gold, orange): ambition, authority figures, career, children, crops, drama, fun, goals, health, law, personal finances, promotion, selling, speculating, success, volunteers and civic services.


MONDAY (Moon – white, silver, grey, pearl): antiques, astrology, children, dreams/astral travel, emotions, fluids, household activities, imagination, initiation, magic, new-age pursuits, psychology, reincarnation, religion, short trips, spirituality, the public, totem animals, trip planning,


TUESDAY (Mars – red, pink, orange): aggression, business, beginnings, combat, confrontation, courage, dynamism, gardening, guns, hunting, movement, muscular activity, passion, partnerships, physical energy, police, repair, sex, soldiers, surgery, tools, woodworking.


WEDNESDAY (Mercury – purple, magenta, silver): accounting, astrology, communication, computers, correspondence, editing, editors, education, healing, hiring, journalists, learning, languages, legal appointments, messages, music, phone calls, siblings, signing contracts, students, visiting friends, visual arts, wisdom, writing.


THURSDAY (Jupiter – blue, metallic colours): business, charity, college, doctors, education, expansion, forecasting, foreign interests, gambling, growth, horses, long-distance travel, luck, material wealth, merchants, philosophy,psychologists, publishing, reading, religion, researching, self-improvement, sports, studying the law.


FRIDAY (Venus – green, pink, white): affection, alliances, architects, artists,beauty, chiropractors, courtship, dancers, dating, designers, engineers,entertainers, friendships, gardening, gifts, harmony, luxury, marriage, music,painting, partners, poetry, relationships, romantic love, shopping, social activity.


SATURDAY (Saturn – black, grey, red, white): binding, bones, criminals,death, debts, dentists, discovery, endurance, farm workers, financing, hardwork, housing, justice, karma, limits, manifestation, maths, murderers,neutralization, obstacles, plumbing, protection, reality, sacrifice, separation, structure, teeth, tests, transformation, wills.