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Pruflas, the demon of discord


Pruflas is a demon who is not listed within the Ars Goetia but the Pseudomonarchia Deamonum makes mention of him. It is however noteworthy that the image provided for the demon Purson within the Ars Goetia is the same one provided alongside Pruflas’ entry in the Dictionnaire Infrenal. The reason for his omission within such an important grimorie as the Ars Goetia is presently unknown.

Pruflas has twenty-six legions of lesser demons serving under his command and is a Great Prince and Duke of hell. He is also referred to as Bufas and thought to reside around the Tower of Babel. For this reason, he is always depicted as a flame outside of this tower. It is recommended that demonolators never allow him admittance into any place as he is bound to cause havoc akin to that witnessed at this tower. He is also mentioned within the Grand Grimorie and the Discoverie of Witchcraft.

This demon’s legions of followers are comprised of demons from both the Order of Thrones and the Order of Angels. The reason for this duality is also unknown further shrouding this demon in mystery. Among the abilities of Pruflas are the power to sow discord and quarrel among men. He also causes men to lie and commit other forms of falsehood. He however responds generously to requests and gives honest answers to queries. Pruflas is also associated with war.


The origins of this demon are unknown given that he has no ties to ancient Middle Eastern mythologies or Graeco-Roman folklore. It is plausible that Pruflas was an ancient popular pagan god who was only demonized with the onset of Judeo-Christian based religion. His name was subsequently distorted in Latinization and he was rendered a resident of hell. The earliest mentions of this demon within recorded history were his entries in the De praestigiis daemoun in 1536 and the Pseudomonarchia Daemonum circa 1583. The Pseudomonarchia Daemonum by Johann Wier states the following regarding this demon:

” Pruflas otherwise found as Bufas, is a great prince and duke, whose abode is around the Tower of Babylon, and there he is seen like a flame outside. His head however is like that of a great night hawk. He is the author and promoter of discord, war, quarrels, and falsehood. He may not be admitted into every place. He responds generously to your requests. Under him are twenty-six legions, partly of the order of Thrones, and partly of the order of Angels. “


Rank: Great Prince or Great Duke

Direction: East

Color: Green / Orange / Purple

Plant: Nutmeg / Ginger / Cinnamon

Incense: Lavender / Patchouli

Minerals: Amethyst / Pyrite / Cytrine / Smoky quartz


The grimories that cite Pruflas state that he appears as with the head of a great night hawk. The accounts which state that he resides near the Tower of Babel state that he appears as a flame. As previously stated, Pruflas’ image within the Dictionnaire Infernal is the same as the one that depicts Purson within the Ars Goetia. In this image he is depicted as a man with a lion’s head riding atop a bear and holding a trumpet in hand.

Pruflas’ image in the Dictionnaire Infernal is the same as that of Purson’s in the Ars Goetia

The “Demonic Enns” of Pruflas

Veni, veni, o Comitis Pruflas

Liftoach Pandemonium, et germinet Pruflas

Timgalla Rimtorra Pruflas Rimkathorra


Similar demons to Pruflas

  • Glasya-Labolas
  • Aim
  • Folcalor
  • Vepar
  • Leraje
  • Andras

Attributes of Pruflas

  • This demon presides over the second chakra and the conjuror can use to their advantage. He will allow for the flow of prana throughout the body of the conjuror giving them inner peace and confidence in their psychic perceptions.
  • The demon can also be summoned to sow discord and quarrel among targets as this is his major office. He can also incite war and violence at the behest of the conjuror.
  • Pruflas can also be called forth to answer any questions which the conjuror might have regarding the underworld as he answers generously.

When to summon Pruflas

This demon can be summoned to use his abilities against the adversaries of the conjuror. He can cause quarrels and discord among targets and even cause all out violence as consistent with his office of warfare. He can also be called forth to answer any questions which the conjuror might have regarding the underworld.

Items Required:

  • The sigil of the demon
  • Purple / Orange / Green candles
  • Ginger / Nutmeg / Cinnamon
  • Amethyst / Pyrite / Cytrine / Smoky quartz artefacts
  • Patchouli / Lavender incense

Ritual Time: This is a night demon and it is necessary to summon him under the cover of darkness.


  • Pruflas should be accorded the necessary respect in order to increase the chances of a successful outcome while minimizing the threat of malevolence or punitive action on the part of the demon.
  • The conjuror should also take care to protect themselves from otherworldly energies by mentally visualizing a protection circle and entering it.
  • The demon should not be granted access to different places besides where he was invoked for he may saw discord or start quarrels among the people within.


  • The conjuror should prepare by engaging in power meditation and breathing exercises so as to increase their concentration.
  • Pruflas’ sigil should be prominently displayed at the center of the altar before beginning the invocation.
  • The demon’s preferred plants and precious stones are liberally sprinkled atop the altar as well.
  • The candle(s) should be lit and placed in the center of the sigil – at the center of the altar.
  • The offering of patchouli or lavender incense should be done while chanting the demon’s enns until he manifests in the smoke.
  • The demon should be praised before one can state their wishes and it is important to remember to be respectful.
  • After he has listened, he should be praised before being granted his leave and the candles are then snuffed out.


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