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VIDEO: Ask Savannah April 2021

INTRO – Full Moon Ritual

QUESTIONS THIS MONTH – And some links to services we offer

1. Messages from Archangels

2. Communicating with dead loved ones –

  • Aura cleansing
  • Metaphysical wound healing

3. Love Spell Challenges

4. Spiritual Cleansing your home

  • Home cleansing

5. Keeping your Promises to Lucifer

Tip from YouTuber Halseer

To best help #5, here is my best suggestion. I am assuming by agreement meant a pact was made alongside Lucifer. A pact, at the core, is identical to a legal business agreement, heck even a marriage, and it’s a negotiation to invest between two parties that BOTH agree on the terms outlined. Once it’s agreed upon, it’s now an obligation that MUST be upheld and it’s expected to be. Also, ignorance or “I didn’t know what a pact was really like” or some other bs, is not an excuse; Wasting a Left-Hand Divine’s time and not being considerate of Them isn’t a good idea, because They potentially may teach a harsh lesson in dishonoring Them. Whenever you are in s situation where you aren’t able to uphold your expected part of the agreement, and the Left-Hand Divine has, BE CONSIDERATE and inform Them of the situation you’re going through while also showing you ARE STILL going to fulfill your obligation to the pact, and honestly, that will have Them be appreciative and the Others will take note of it. Communication with the Divine you made an agreement with is A MUST, and even if you ask what else you may provide in place of what the pact outlined.

6. How many times do I cast a spell before I see results?



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