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Raising Vibrations and Magical Power

Raising Vibrations and Magical Power

5 Ways To Quickly Raise Your Vibrations
… and why it matters

The imperative of raising your vibration when practicing magic and witchcraft in general could be a 10,00-word dissertation, so I’ll try and give the shortest version I can.

The higher our vibrational resonance, the closer we are to Spirit. The closer we are to Spirit, the more magic there is around us.  

And by Spirit, I mean God/Goddess/Great Spirit/Universal Source of all that is – whoever that is to you.
And by vibration, I don’t mean our mood, I mean the hermetic principal that everything moves; everything vibrates, everything has a frequency.
With intention, we can align ourselves to Spirit by harmonizing our vibration with theirs.
Still with me?
When we want to do any spiritual work, spells, rituals, divination etc and require the influence, assistance or blessing of Spirit, we use these vibrations as conduits of that power.
And that’s why it’s helpful to be able to raise your vibrations on command (or at least with persistent encouragement lol) when you’re trying to do anything magical. That’s why it matters.

Hopefully these ideas can help you raise your vibrational resonance and increase your magical power.
They won’t hurt.

  1. Breathwork: Try to include some intentional breathing into your life. This one is cool because it literally only takes a few moments to get the benefits of breathwork, In just two minutes you can be more present, get more in tune with your body and lower stress. Breathwork can literally change your brain activity which is where many of the obstacles to raising energy would come from. It’s free/easy and can be done almost anywhere at anytime. It’s why nearly every single witchcraft practice/book/instruction begins any spell work with taking deep intentional breaths. Here’s the thing, most people rush this part and we shouldn’t. We should stay right here until we’ve changed our energy and vibration to one that is closer to spirit (higher) and able to hold the amount of magic needed to manifest successfully.
  1. Dance: I know that sounds ridiculously easy but it’s true. The simple act of moving your body will raise your vibrational energy. When you add music/chanting/people it increases even further. In witchcraft, practitioners have been meeting up to dance together for thousands of years. In forests and caves, halls and homes, solitary or collected, witches have always danced to raise their vibration and their power. Dancing is a surefire way to get the blood pumping, boost oxygen flow and increase your energy and vibration as well as health benefits like boosting memory and cognitive ability along with lowering depression.
  1. Nature: Get out in nature. Being in nature allows us to disconnect from our virtual world and be more present in this visceral 3D world we live in.  It allows us to draw power from all living things we find in nature. It helps us ground ourselves and gives us perspective. Getting out in those parks, those woods, gardens or lakes will raise your vibrational energy, putting you in a better place to raise more power to manifest your desires.
  1. Sound: What I love about this one most, is that it can work while you sleep. Solfeggio frequencies are a set of specific sound frequencies known to have positive effects on the body, mind, and energy field. Originating from ancient musical traditions, these frequencies are often associated with spiritual growth, healing, and energy alignment. All of which will raise your vibration. You can find a million of these on for free on YouTube. Different frequencies relate to different magical vibrations so you can align to the frequency of your intention to further raise that power for you spellwork. Sometimes, I’ll put one on before I go to bed and allow that alignment to happen while I sleep.
  1. Crystals: If you know me at all, you know I have a Masters in crystal healing (what? I’m proud lol) and different crystals carry their own vibrations. Crystals raise energy by interacting with the body’s electromagnetic field, or aura, and aligning with various vibrational frequencies. Once you learn how to work with crystals, you’ll be able to feed off their vibrations and align with them, then use the crystals as tools to channel that unified energy to where you want it to go.  Into your spell work, orinto a body directly or wherever you would like it. A few good pieces in your tool kit are all you need to fuel and direct their vibrational resonance to positively affect your manifestation potential.

These 5 suggestions are just the tip of the iceberg in traditions and methods that raise your personal resonance, so I hope you go exploring. Until then, these 5 are quick, cheap, accessible and really work.
If you are serious about using magic for anything, this is one of those key skills you need to have. And it couldn’t be easier…



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