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VIDEO: Return To Sender Spell

Return to Sender Spell

by Maggie Moon

1) The first step is identifying the person who is working against the individual. Seasoned witches often intuitively perceive who the attacker is straight away. But for those who need help they can request assistance from their higher selves or any spirit that they usually work with.Simply ask to have the enemy be revealed to them through intuition, dream, scrying, or any other form of divination that the person is well versed in performing. Sometimes, despite these steps the enemy may not be identifiable. This is fine as the spell can be worked all the same.

2) The second step is where we must assume that if another magical practitioner has gone to the trouble of laying a curse upon the individual that they likely had the foresight to bind their target before conducting the curse. Therefore, in step two the individual will perform an unbinding upon themselves.

3) The third step is where the enemy is in turn bound to remove any chance of power that they may try to wield over the individual.

4) The fourth step is where the spell is conducted to return to the sender.


Cleanse the area that you will be working in to perform the spell. You may do so with some smudge, or any other method that works for you. Take a moment to ground and centre and get yourself into state. Envision a sphere around your working area that shall contain the energy raised within. Call upon any deities that you would like to work with for this task and /or your ancestors. This step is optional. It is based on your personal preferences.

Clearing space:
I only use this if I feel the space feels off, or if I am performing unbinding or reversing work to be on the safe side.
For this I might use water and salt of the sea or witches black salt. Or I might just use a temple clearing incense or sage or cedar smudge. I allow myself to be inspired by the energy of the moment and really do not have any trick methods that I feel that I must rigidly adhere to. I sometimes use something like:

As I am sprinkling the salt water or fumigating I might say: “ I consecrate this space and cast out negativity from thee

All that is impeding to my work must flee!
Be gone, leave, be far away from me, Place smudge or water down. Form my fingers in the Horned God position and say:
In the Horned Ones Names mote it be!” As I say “In the Horned Ones Name” I bring my right hand in the Horned position to touch my left shoulder, and my left horned hand to touch my right shoulder, with both arms crossed and fingers horned I say “In the Horned Ones Name The King of the Earth and Ruler of the World. It is Done. Hail!

Casting a circle

For spell working I usually will not cast a full Circle. However I like to create space to contain the energy raised within to avoid it dissipating so that I can fully direct it all into the spell. (I am a traditional witch as well as a Luciferian, in non daemonic spell work I like to do things with a traditional witch vibe)

Visualize a sphere between the world of men and realms of the other… in a time that is not a time, in a place that is not a place… Sometimes I will walk widdershins as I chant or stand in place.

Say: “I conjure thee o circle of power Be ye cast upon this hour
By the high road
And low road too

I summon thee forth and conjure you
O Mighty Spirits unseen I conjure thee forth
In the magick ring
Let us unite
Betwixt and Between”
(bow head ever so slightly in acknowledgment of their presence)


The Unbinding Spell

Items needed:

  • A chime candle (The colour can be of whatever the individual feels best represents the situation or they may use a color that represents their zodiac sign)
  • String or twine (I have only ever used crochet cord)
  • Any oil that the individual deems fit for the occasion. Or an Uncrossing Oil
  • A caldron or a heat proof container
  • Some salt or earth
  • A chime candle holder
  • Inscribing tool

Place the salt or earth into the caldron.
Carve the individual’s name that is to be unbound upon the candle. Anoint the candle with the oil.
Then infuse the candle with the intention of burning away any bindings or blockages that have been placed upon thee.
Then take up the string and slide the string through your right hand a few times, instructing it that it is now a representation of the binding that has been placed upon thee.. and then wrap the string around the candle as best that you can. Tie the string in place at the top of the candle. You want it to be close to the wick so that it will light at the onset of the candle burning component of the spell. It doesn’t have to be perfect as this is highly symbolic in nature. Place the candle in the holder and put it in the caldron on top of the earth or salt. The earth or salt will absorb any negativity that has come about due to the binding. And the fire shall burn away the fetters that have been cast upon thee. Spend some time focussing on the person that has bound you. If you do not know who the person is, simply think of them in general terms “who ever is sending curses my way”.
Imagine, visualize, or see a root growing out of your tailbone and connecting into the earth. Release any negativity if you need to at this time. Then draw up from the earth the fire serpent energy into your root chakra. See in your mind the chakra illuminate brightly with the color red, sense the powerful fiery energy within the chakra. With each exhalation of the breath you are fuelling the fire.. and as the flame grows in size and in strength it grows up into each of your chakras….. until your entire energetic field is surrounded by this beautiful and very powerful flame. Take a moment to realize how wonderful this feeling is. As you do so, take a moment to also feel and realize the enormity of your strength and power! With each breath the fire becomes stronger.
Begin to quicken your breath and consciously raise a cone of power with your willed breath that is filled with your intention. Continue focussing on the intention of burning away any fetters or bindings that have been cast upon thee. Know with all of your being that nothing can constrain you!!! Direct this energy into the cone of power that you are building. With the vision of your intention firmly in your mind when the cone reaches its apex you shall light the candle! Stare into the flames, become one with the flame. The flame is your fiery will that is burning away any chains that have been placed upon thee!! With each breath you continue to feed the flame that is within you and around you, and upon the candle, burning away anything that is binding or blocking you!!!

As the candle burns you may chant the following if it be thy desire to do so: “ Fetters fall and burn away…. unbound my spirit shall forever stay… over and over again. Pumping your energy out into the spell… as you do so feel the fetters burning away. Feel the vast expanse of freedom all around you.

The chime candle usually burns rather quickly for these. So stay engaged until it is completely burned out. Once the candle is just about spent, say,” I call to thee O Element of Earth to neutralize that which I now toil and send it out to root and soil”!!!
Set any remains aside and dispose of them off of your property later.

Bind Your Enemy

Thirdly, this is the point where you will bind your enemy.
You can proceed with this step in any way that is personally meaningful to you. You may use a poppet, picture, or simply write their name or identifying information upon a piece of paper. As you wrap the cord
around them you say : “I Blind thee, I wind thee, and I bind thee, forever and ever around. Alone and powerless forever you are bound! Chant this over and over again as you wrap and tie the cord around the image. Set it aside and you will get rid of it somewhere off of your property later.

Return To Sender Spell

Items needed

  • A black taper candle
  • An oil that is deemed appropriate, or Crossing oil
  • A plate
  • Herbs that are deemed appropriate or wormwood, rue, and balmony or stinging nettle.
  • A candle holder
  • And a mirror
  • knife
  • Scissors
  • A Taglock (A link to the target)***
  • An offering for the spirits (Libation, fragrant smoke, or food)


  • Inscribe the name or identifying information of the target upon the candle.
  • Anoint the candle and infuse it with your intention.
  • Place the chosen herbs upon the plate. Hold your hands over the herbs and infuse them with your intention.
  • Then take the candle and roll it around to dress it in the herbs. Then turn the candle counterclockwise in the herbs, visualizing that you are sending back the ill will…. and as you do so say “ burner be burned, turner be turned, attacker is prey, I return the ill will .. where it shall stay…amplified in power and strength, forever bound to thee, is that which you have sent to me!!!!
    • We turn the candle counter clockwise in the herbs to build momentum whilst reversing back the ill intent onto the sender.
  • Now aggressively snip off the wick from the tip of the candle.
    • We snip the top wick of the candle to put an end to their ability to influence their spell any further as you claim command over it and turn the candle, thus turning the tables, creating by your will a new wick fuelled by your intention. Then send it back onto the sender further empowered and amplified in strength.
  • Turn the candle upside down and cut the bottom of the candle to create a new wick.
  • Place the candle in the holder, and place it upon the mirror.
  • Take a few seconds to focus on the person that you are sending the curse back to. With this in your mind, focus on the breath, and with your breath build up your intention furthering your resolve in the task. Raise energy with a focussed mind and breath.
  • Then say “ Black, black, black, turn ill will back! Say this three or more times.
  • Once you feel the energy is at its apex you will light the candle. You may continue to chant after the candle is lit if you feel the desire to do so, for as long as you feel is necessary.
  • Allow the candle to burn until it’s completely spent. And know thy Will has been done!
  • Once the spell is done thank and bid farewell to any spirits that have been gathered. You might say something like:

“I give thanks to thee,
O spirits that have gathered round
May there be kinship and peace between us
Now and forever
Please accept this offering of thanks and appreciation.
Do it is done”

  • Place offerings outside preferably by a tree. Dispose of any remaining spell items off of your property. Preferably upon the land of thine


***Ideally in a perfect scenario one would have a tag-lock: an item that links you to the target. It is even better if you have all of their personal information to add to the taglock. These ideally would be something of the person: nail clippings, hair, blood, fluids, or something the person touched, sat on, wore, walked upon and so on.. If none of those are obtainable then a photo will work well. If not a photo then the name and DOB of the target, and even better with their mothers maiden name. If none of them are obtainable then one can use anything that links the spell caster to the target, even if it is just a description of sorts.. such as the “lady with the red hair that is always rude to me at lunch.”

If it will be of further assistance to the new practitioner to feel more at ease they might want to say something like “Horned one you know who they are, aid me in returning these curses back on to them!”

The link is a means of connecting one’s focus upon the target. The actual physical link is less important than the desire to connect, and knowing it will work. Full investment of belief is the key to success.

Post Spell

“Soon after considering having a ritual cleansing bath with sea salt and hyssop and perform auric clearing and strengthening visualizations. Also ward your home and properties and put protective measures in place.”

Question and Answers

Sav: Do you have a general incantation that Maggie moon likes to say when cleansing the area before a spell?

Mag: I am so go with the flow of the moment and say whatever is inspired from the moment. Here are some sharable things that I use:

Clearing space:

I only use this in instances where I feel the space feels “off”, or if I am performing unbinding or reversing work to be on the safe side to avoid any interference.

For this I might use water and salt of the sea, witch’s black salt, one of the blends from my shop, a temple clearing incense or cedar smudge.


“ I consecrate this space and cast negativity out from thee

 All that is impeding to my work must flee!

Be gone, leave, be far away from me,

In the Horned Ones Names mote it be!”

As I say “In the Horned Ones Name” I bring my right hand in the Horned position to touch my left shoulder, and my left horned hand to touch my right shoulder, with both arms crossed and horned  I say “In the Horned Ones Name-King of the Earth- and Ruler of the World It is Done! Hail!


Sav: Do you work in a circle? Do you call the quarters?

Mag: When spell casting usually I will not cast a full Circle but rather a sphere between the worlds. However in all honesty as with most things I am spirit lead in the moment and do change things up based upon many factors, most commonly due to the energy or inspiration of the moment.

Here is how I cast a sphere that is neither here or there for times of spell casting  😉

Visualize a sphere between the world of men and realms of the other… in a time that is not a time, in a place that is not a place…


“I conjure thee o circle of power

Be ye cast upon this hour

By the high road 

And low road too

I summon thee forth

and conjure you

 O Mighty Spirits unseen

I conjure thee forth

In the magick ring

where we unite

Betwixt and Between”


Sav: If they don’t know who the target is, is this spell effective?

Mag: Yes absolutely, it is the energy that is being sent that holds the most important signature and link of who is sending the ill intent, and so it is simply amplified in strength by the practitioner and then reflected back to the sender.

Sav: What details do they need to have about the target for this spell to be the most effective? For example, we will get people that say they don’t have a photo or they don’t know the date of birth etc. What do you think is the best, and will it be effective if they don’t have such information?

Mag: Ideally in a perfect scenario one would have a tag-lock: an item that links you to the target. This ideally would be something of the person: nail clippings, hair, blood, fluids, or something the person touched, sat on, wore, walked upon and so on.. If none of those then a photo works well. If not a photo then the  name and DOB of the target, and mothers maiden name. If none of them  then one can use anything that links the spell caster to the target even if it is just a description of sorts.. such as the “lady with the red hair that is always rude to me at lunch.” The link is a means of connecting one’s focus upon the target. The actual physical link is less important than the desire to connect, and knowing it will work. Full investment of belief is the key to success. Distance is an illusion when we think in terms of energy. If we think about it, we are there. If it will help the newer practitioner feel more at ease they might want to say something like  “Horned one you know who they are, aid me in returning these curses back on to them!”

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Return to Sender Spell

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