September in Witchcraft & Occultism

full moon ritual

In witchcraft and occultism, September holds significant spiritual meaning, largely tied to the natural cycles of the Earth, particularly the transition from summer to autumn in the Northern Hemisphere.There are a lot of correspondence as anyone can pick and choose from to work with the energies with in September to have a better personal magical month. Below I have included alot of different correspondences and considerations for you to have a successful September in magic.

Demons to Honor in September

In the context of modern demonology, particularly within occult and Left-Hand Path practices, specific demons might be honored or invoked in September based on seasonal themes, astrological alignments, or the particular energies associated with this time of year. Here are a few demons that might be considered significant in September:

1. Belial

  • Harvest and Transition: Belial is often associated with independence, self-reliance, and the breaking of societal norms, which can align with the themes of the autumn equinox and the transition into a more introspective time of year. Honoring Belial in September could be seen as a way to embrace personal power and reflect on what you’ve harvested in your life—whether it be achievements, knowledge, or personal growth.

2. Astaroth

  • Balance and Knowledge: Astaroth is linked with knowledge, wisdom, and the uncovering of hidden truths. As September is a time of balance (especially around the equinox), invoking Astaroth might help in seeking deeper understanding, balance in life, and uncovering hidden aspects of oneself. Astaroth’s connection with Venus also resonates with the Libra season, which starts in late September and focuses on harmony and relationships.

3. Buer

  • Healing and Health: Buer is associated with healing, both physically and spiritually, as well as moral philosophy. Since Virgo governs the first part of September and is linked with health and well-being, Buer is a fitting demon to honor for those seeking guidance in matters of health, healing, or ethical dilemmas.

4. Gremory (Gomory)

  • Love and Relationships: Gremory, often invoked for matters related to love and relationships, resonates with Libra’s energies of balance and harmony. As September transitions into Libra, honoring Gremory can be beneficial for those focusing on romantic or social relationships, seeking to enhance beauty, charm, or gain favor.

5. Furcas

  • Wisdom and Divination: Furcas is a demon associated with wisdom, particularly in areas of divination and the occult. As the veil between worlds begins to thin with the approach of autumn, September can be a powerful time for divinatory practices, making Furcas an appropriate demon to invoke for guidance in these matters.

6. Paimon

  • Knowledge and Arts: Paimon is a kingly demon associated with knowledge, teaching, and the arts. He is often invoked for matters requiring intellectual growth, learning, and mastery of subjects. With September being a traditional time for study and reflection (especially in academic calendars), Paimon’s influence could be particularly potent for those seeking to deepen their knowledge or enhance their creative endeavors.

7. Barbatos

  • Connection with Nature: Barbatos is a demon associated with the natural world, understanding animals, and communicating with spirits of the wilderness. September, with its strong connection to the harvest and nature’s transition, is a fitting time to honor Barbatos, especially for those involved in nature-based practices or seeking to attune themselves more closely with the earth’s cycles.

8. Orobas

  • Truth and Protection: Orobas is known for his ability to reveal truths and offer protection against false accusations. As the year turns toward a more reflective and introspective period, invoking Orobas can help in seeking clarity, truth, and protection during personal and spiritual assessments.

In the context of the Goetia, which is part of the Ars Goetia from “The Lesser Key of Solomon,” demons are not typically associated with specific months or seasons in a traditional or historical sense. The Goetia describes 72 demons, each with their own attributes, but it doesn’t provide a calendar or seasonal association for honoring them.

However, some modern practitioners of occult and demonology may assign certain demons to specific months or astrological signs based on their attributes or personal experience.

If you’re looking for demons that might be honored in September due to astrological correspondences or other esoteric associations, the following could be considered based on the zodiac sign of Virgo (August 23 – September 22) and Libra (September 23 – October 22), which rule September:

  1. Buer – Associated with Virgo, Buer is a demon who teaches philosophy and natural sciences. He is often invoked for healing and health, aligning with Virgo’s analytical and health-conscious nature.
  2. Gremory (Gomory) – Gremory is sometimes linked to Libra due to her association with love, femininity, and beauty, which resonates with Libra’s ruling planet, Venus.
  3. Paimon – Paimon is a powerful king among the Goetia and is sometimes associated with both Virgo and Libra for his wisdom and knowledge, as well as his rulership over art and knowledge, aligning with Libra’s aesthetic sense.

Remember that these associations can vary depending on the source or the practitioner’s personal interpretation. In traditional Goetic practice, the timing of rituals is often based more on planetary hours, days of the week, and moon phases rather than months of the year.

Ritual Considerations:

When honoring these demons in September, rituals might incorporate themes of harvest, balance, and introspection. Offerings could include seasonal fruits, wine, incense, or other items associated with the autumn season.

Working with the moon phases, particularly the Harvest Moon, and the energies of the equinox can amplify the effectiveness of these rituals. We will be using all of these Demons in our full moon ritual this month as I described in my full moon video report from last month.

The Full Moon in September 2024 will occur on Monday, September 17th. This will be the Harvest Moon, which is the full moon closest to the Autumn Equinox, and traditionally symbolizes the culmination of the growing season, making it a time of abundance, gratitude, and preparation for the darker months ahead.

Key Reasons to Perform a Full Moon Ritual in September 2024:

  1. Harvest and Abundance:
    • The Harvest Moon is a time to celebrate and give thanks for the abundance in your life. This can be literal, such as the fruits of your labor in the form of a successful project or career milestone, or metaphorical, such as personal growth, wisdom, and relationships that have flourished throughout the year. A ritual during this Full Moon can focus on expressing gratitude and recognizing the abundance in your life.
  2. Completion and Release:
    • The Full Moon is a natural time to bring things to completion and release what no longer serves you. During the Harvest Moon, this is especially potent, as it aligns with the energy of gathering the final fruits and preparing for the quieter, more introspective time of autumn. This is a powerful time to release any burdens, outdated beliefs, or emotional baggage that you don’t want to carry into the darker months.
  3. Preparation for the Darker Half of the Year:
    • As the Harvest Moon signals the approach of the Autumn Equinox, it marks a transition from the active energy of summer to the reflective energy of autumn and winter. A ritual during this time can help you prepare for the inner work and introspection that comes with the darker half of the year. It’s a time to set intentions for personal growth, spiritual development, and the deepening of wisdom.
  4. Balance and Harmony:
    • The Harvest Moon often coincides with or closely follows the Autumn Equinox, a time of balance when day and night are equal. This energy of balance can be harnessed in your ritual to bring harmony to areas of your life that feel out of alignment. You might focus on balancing work and rest, giving and receiving, or your inner and outer worlds.
  5. Connection with Nature and the Cycles of Life:
    • The Harvest Moon is deeply connected to the cycles of nature, reminding us of the rhythms of life, growth, and decay. Performing a ritual under this moon can deepen your connection to these natural cycles, helping you align your life with the ebb and flow of energy throughout the year.

Example of a September 2024 Full Moon Ritual:

You could create a ritual that involves writing down everything you’re grateful for over the past year, as well as what you wish to release. Burn these offerings in a fire to symbolize both the culmination of your efforts and the release of what no longer serves you. This can be followed by a meditation or intention-setting for the upcoming months, focusing on balance, inner growth, and preparation for the introspective time of winter.

Remember, if you don’t have the time all the privacy to do this for yourself, this is exactly why you would purchase the full moon ritual and get me to do this on your behalf.

Gods & Goddesses of other traditions

In various cultures and religious traditions, several gods and goddesses are celebrated in September. Here are some notable examples:

1. Roman and Greek Deities:

  • Jupiter Optimus Maximus (Roman): The Festival of Jupiter, known as Ludi Romani or the Roman Games, was celebrated in September. It was a major festival dedicated to Jupiter, the king of the gods, along with Juno and Minerva. The games were held from September 4 to September 19.
  • Demeter (Greek)/Ceres (Roman): The Eleusinian Mysteries, ancient rites held in honor of Demeter and her daughter Persephone, took place in late September or early October. These were some of the most important religious festivals in ancient Greece, celebrating the cycle of life, death, and rebirth.

2. Egyptian Deities:

  • Thoth: In ancient Egypt, Thoth, the god of wisdom, writing, and knowledge, was honored in the month of Thoth, which corresponds to September in the modern calendar. Thoth was also associated with the moon and was considered the heart and tongue of Ra.
  • Bastet: The festival of Bastet, the cat-headed goddess of home, fertility, and childbirth, was celebrated in Bubastis in September. This was a joyful festival with music, dancing, and feasting.

3. Hindu Deities:

  • Ganesh: Ganesh Chaturthi is a major Hindu festival celebrated in September (or late August, depending on the lunar calendar). It marks the birth of Lord Ganesha, the elephant-headed god of wisdom, prosperity, and remover of obstacles.
  • Durga: In some years, the festival of Navratri, which celebrates the goddess Durga, begins in September. This festival spans nine nights and honors the victory of Durga over the buffalo demon Mahishasura.

4. Norse Deities:

  • Freyja: The Harvest Festival or Freyfaxi, named after the Norse goddess Freyja, is celebrated around the time of the autumn equinox in September. It honors Freyja and Freyr, her brother, who are associated with fertility, harvest, and prosperity.

5. Celtic Deities:

  • Mabon: In the modern Pagan tradition of Wicca and Druidry, Mabon is celebrated around the autumn equinox in September. Mabon is not an ancient deity but rather a name given to this festival, which honors the balance of light and dark, the harvest, and the cycle of the seasons. It is sometimes linked to the Welsh god Mabon ap Modron, a figure associated with youth and the harvest.

These celebrations are diverse and span different cultures, reflecting the importance of the harvest, balance, and renewal during this time of year.

Magical correspondences for September

Magical correspondences for September are rooted in the themes of harvest, balance, transition, and preparation for the darker half of the year.

These correspondences can be used in spells, rituals, and meditations to align with the energies of the month.

1. Themes

  • Harvest and Gratitude: Celebrating the fruits of your labor, both literal and metaphorical.
  • Balance: Equilibrium between light and dark, as seen during the Autumn Equinox (Mabon).
  • Transition: Moving from the active energy of summer to the introspective energy of autumn.
  • Preparation: Getting ready for the coming winter, both physically and spiritually.
  • Introspection and Reflection: Reviewing the past year and setting intentions for the future.

2. Astrological Signs

  • Virgo (August 23 – September 22): Associated with practicality, organization, health, and purification.
  • Libra (September 23 – October 22): Associated with balance, harmony, relationships, and beauty.

3. Deities

  • Demeter/Ceres: Greek/Roman goddess of the harvest and agriculture.
  • Persephone: Greek goddess of the underworld and the cycle of life and death.
  • Mabon (Welsh mythology): A deity associated with the Autumn Equinox, balance, and youth.
  • Thoth: Egyptian god of wisdom, writing, and knowledge (associated with the Egyptian month of Thoth, overlapping with September).

4. Colors

  • Brown: Earth, grounding, stability.
  • Orange: Harvest, energy, creativity.
  • Gold: Prosperity, success, sun energy.
  • Yellow: Communication, mental clarity, learning.
  • Red: Strength, courage, protection (especially as the days grow shorter).
  • Deep Green: Growth, abundance, connection to nature.

5. Crystals and Stones

  • Sapphire: Wisdom, clarity, protection (September’s birthstone).
  • Carnelian: Vitality, courage, motivation (also linked to Virgo).
  • Lapis Lazuli: Inner truth, self-awareness, balance.
  • Peridot: Prosperity, emotional balance, healing.
  • Smoky Quartz: Grounding, protection, letting go of the old to make way for the new.
  • Amethyst: Spiritual awareness, balance, and inner peace.

6. Herbs and Plants

  • Sage: Purification, wisdom, protection.
  • Rosemary: Remembrance, protection, mental clarity.
  • Marigold: Protection, creativity, honoring the dead.
  • Sunflower: Happiness, loyalty, strength.
  • Apples: Harvest, abundance, love, and wisdom.
  • Pine: Grounding, purification, strength.

7. Trees

  • Apple Tree: Knowledge, healing, love, and magic.
  • Hazel: Wisdom, divination, creativity.
  • Oak: Strength, protection, endurance.

8. Flowers

  • Aster: Love, wisdom, patience (September’s birth flower).
  • Chrysanthemum: Longevity, protection, joy.

9. Animals

  • Deer: Gentleness, grace, swiftness.
  • Owl: Wisdom, intuition, mystery, seeing what is hidden.
  • Fox: Cunning, adaptability, quick thinking.
  • Hedgehog: Protection, boundaries, self-preservation.

10. Elements

  • Earth: Stability, grounding, the physical realm, growth.
  • Air: Communication, intellect, the mind, change (especially as winds bring in autumn).

11. Spells and Rituals

  • Harvest Rituals: Giving thanks for abundance, collecting and storing herbs, preparing for winter.
  • Balance Spells: Working to achieve equilibrium in life, particularly around the Equinox.
  • Protection and Grounding: As the days shorten, grounding rituals and protection spells become important.
  • Divination: Using tarot, runes, or scrying to gain insight and guidance for the coming months.
  • Letting Go: Rituals to release what no longer serves you, making way for new beginnings.

12. Incense and Oils

  • Frankincense: Purification, spiritual growth, protection.
  • Cinnamon: Prosperity, protection, energy.
  • Sandalwood: Grounding, spirituality, protection.
  • Cedar: Protection, grounding, cleansing.
  • Apple: Love, abundance, wisdom.

These correspondences can be integrated into your magical practices throughout September to align with the natural energies of the month, enhancing your spells, rituals, and meditations.

The key magical themes of September

1. Autumn Equinox (Mabon)

  • Balance and Reflection: September typically marks the Autumn Equinox, around September 21-23, known as Mabon in many modern Pagan and Wiccan traditions. This is a time of balance, when day and night are of equal length, symbolizing equilibrium between light and dark, life and death, and the inner and outer worlds.
  • Harvest Festival: Mabon is also a harvest festival, a time to give thanks for the abundance of the earth, to reflect on what has been harvested (both literally and metaphorically), and to prepare for the coming darker half of the year. It’s a time for introspection, gratitude, and preparing for the winter ahead.
  • Deities Honored: During Mabon, deities associated with the harvest, such as Demeter, Persephone, and Cernunnos, are honored. It’s also a time to connect with the energies of the dying sun and the waning year.

2. Seasonal Change

  • Endings and Beginnings: September is a transitional month, symbolizing the shift from the active, outward energy of summer to the more introspective, inward energy of autumn. This makes it a potent time for rituals related to change, letting go, and new beginnings.
  • Preparation for the Dark Half of the Year: This period is also associated with preparing for the “dark half” of the year. Witches and occult practitioners might use this time to focus on grounding, protection, and setting intentions for the coming months.

3. Virgo and Libra Zodiac Energies

  • Virgo (August 23 – September 22): Virgo’s energy is associated with practicality, organization, and harvest. It’s a time for purification, healing, and focusing on details. Rituals related to health, well-being, and self-improvement are particularly potent during this time.
  • Libra (September 23 – October 22): As the sun moves into Libra during the latter part of September, the focus shifts to balance, harmony, and relationships. It’s a good time for spells and rituals aimed at creating balance in life, resolving conflicts, and enhancing beauty and creativity.

4. Traditional Witchcraft Practices

  • Herbal Harvesting: September is an ideal time for harvesting herbs, roots, and plants that have reached their peak. These can be dried and stored for use in magical work throughout the winter.
  • Divination: With the veil between worlds beginning to thin as autumn progresses, divination practices, such as tarot, scrying, and other forms of oracle work, are particularly effective during September.

5. Protection and Grounding

  • Protection Rituals: As the days shorten and nights lengthen, many practitioners focus on protection rituals to safeguard themselves and their homes during the darker months. Grounding practices also become more important, helping to maintain stability and centeredness.

6. Moon Phases

  • Full Harvest Moon: The Full Moon in September is often called the Harvest Moon. It is the full moon closest to the Autumn Equinox and carries strong energies for harvesting what has been sown, not just in terms of crops but in personal and spiritual growth.

Overall, September in witchcraft and occultism is a time of transition, balance, and preparation. It’s a powerful month for reflecting on the past year, giving thanks, and setting intentions for the future as the natural world moves toward the stillness and introspection of winter.

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