Serious Witchcraft – Not “religion” witchcraft

Some of you may know me from my years of teaching “black magick” at BWC Online School. I am still involved with the coven, and really enjoy being in a coven with witches from mixed backgrounds. Respect to all.

Yet, all at my coven agreed that my path was very heavy for most, not to accept, but it does scare many people – even fellow witches.

I still sigh even saying this.

So I decided (we all decided), that I would help those who would benefit from understanding my path, by me explaining what I do. What a real practicing witch does.

NOT a satanist – That is a religion

NOT a pagan or wiccan – They are religions

The practice of Witchcraft allows one to develop abilities that transcend the mundane rules of existence, and to enter realms only dreamed of by other folk. This is why the Christian Church was always so opposed to this Occult knowledge, and viciously persecuted its users.

An example of this Occult knowledge is astral projection – the ability to leave the physical body and travel anywhere at will, to visit any time and place, on this plane of existence or any other.

Shape-shifting is another ancient practice, transforming oneself into the semblance of any creature, real or imaginary, and possessing the abilities of that creature. This is the origin of the stories of Witches (and their Eastern European counterparts, Vampires) turning themselves into bats or wolves.

An essential skill is that of being able to summon or create non-corporeal entities – thought forms – that nevertheless have an actual existence, and which can be employed to do the will of their creator.

A sorcerer will create many such entities over the years, but probably the most important is the doppelganger of his or her own self, which will serve as a vehicle of consciousness separate from the physical body, even after death.

I will share how I have become a powerful witch, and a happy witch. One who can join a coven of “white” witches, pagans, wiccans, and feel comfortable with their rules and practices. I do not judge.

Knowledge gives you power and freedom. It releases you from the need to judge.

Enough for today,


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