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Strategic Money Magick for 2019

This year, I will show you an actual way that you can plan for a successful new year, by putting pen to paper, and getting a little bit practical first. Magic isn’t just about hoping spirit will deliver our hopes and dreams just because we ask. My experience is that spirit wants us to get our elbows dirty as well, to have a plan, and to work that plan alongside spirit.

I’m not saying that folk magic and these spells that I’ve shown previously don’t work. They absolutely do. What I’m showing you today, is how you can begin to change your life by thinking about what you want at the end of the year, and then planning on how you’re going to achieve that goal in a very strategic manner.

In the video I talk about somebody who could be on an income of around $24,000 a year, and has a personal goal of saving around $5000 a year. I suggest ways that they can work with the spirit to ensure that by the end of the year they have an $5000 extra in the bank account.

Now some people might say that if you do this level of planning work, that’s not magic. So what does spirit actually do.? As I suggest in the video, after I create the plan, I do a ritual at my money altar, where I submit my yearly plan and commit to spirit that I am wanting to work alongside them so I can achieve the goal. I will then state how I plan to work with spirit, and what I want to offer them as thanks for them working with me.

I will then leave this plan on my altar, or in a specific altar box that holds a plan, and I follow through with this commitment of offerings and thanks throughout the year. 

If this is the first time you’re doing this type of strategic money planning, you could be surprised at the way spirit chooses to work with you. Sometimes spirit will need to remove certain aspects, or limiting beliefs you have about yourself before you’re able to move forward with your financial goals. If this happens with you don’t stop doing the offerings, because this is part of the process. It’s probably the reason why you have not actually manifested your goals already, and now through the wisdom and love spirit gives you, you have an opportunity to evolve. Whether or not you take this opportunity is on you, and if you’re not careful you could miss it.

In 2018, I met my goals by September, but I still gave my offerings and gratitude every week. Students and clients who also work with the demons or spirits understand this is always a journey and very much a continuous process.

I hope this tip helps you in 2019.

Links relevant to this video:

BUNE ritual kit

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Instagram: @blackwitchsavannah

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