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The Cauldron


Video Outline:

  • Intro
  • What is a Cauldron?
  • Using a Cauldron
    • Cursing Ritual
    • Love Potion
    • Releasing Negativity

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Indoor Mini Cauldron Package

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The Cauldron Curse

External Articles & help you may like:

How hypnosis can help anger management

Pillow therapy doesn’t work for releasing anger

Cauldron Love Potion

You’ll use all the elements (earth, fire, air, and water) as you make your potion. Take notice of each element and thank it as you prepare your potion.

  • The fire element is used for heating your potion.
  • The water element is found in the base liquid you use such as water, wine, or juice.
  • The air element can be represented in the smoke from the heat source you use, the incense you use to cleanse and charge your ingredients, or the steam from the potion itself.
  • The earth element comes into play with the herbs, oils, and crystals you choose to use in your potion.

A Releasing Bay Leaf Spell

Option to burn Releasing Incense as an incense

The bay leaf releasing Ritual is not difficult, and there is not a lot of planning involved, you just have to have a strong belief in what you want to let go of in order to move forward.

Gypsy has been offering a full moon releasing ritual for clients over the years. “Obstacles such as fear, hurt,  guilt, poverty, loneliness, celibacy, interference, anger, sabotage, negativity, sadness, apathy  can be dislodged, just ask yourself  ‘What are the 2 biggest things preventing me living the life I want?‘”

This ritual is still about intentions – they are just intentions of reduction and removal which are a pivotal part of the transformation process. So it’s still a commitment, made by you, to leave those things that slow you down, melting in your wake. This ritual is about making it clear to you and spirit what you need to be free of.

Below is a spell for you to do the same.

Intention: To manifest a spell on the wings of smoke, created by the burnt Bay Leaf.


  • Ensure the cauldron is hot, and the flame is ready to accept your offering
  • After gathering items, set the tone by taking several deep breaths and coming into center.
  • When ready, write the intention on the Bay Leaf
  • Be clear of the intention you’d like to release in your world.
  • Stare into the flame, entering into a meditative state.
  • Burn the Bay Leaf in the flame allowing the fire to ignite your intention and send it into the universe on the wings of the smoke.
  • Spend time here visualizing The releasing of your concern…. how it looks, feels, sounds.

Read more about Cauldrons in witchcraft tools

Learn more about the “Hell Garden”

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