Video: The Freezer Spell

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The Freezer Spell Using an Ice Cube Tray (Dark Magick Version)- Ice Cube Tray FREEZER Spell to Shut Up a Trouble Makers Mouth

Spell Service Freezer Spell


What is a freezer spell?

The freezer spell is to literally freeze a specific target, so they won’t contact you or harass you. Sometimes the results are spectacular and the individual will not contact you at all, or, it can lessen/reduce the number of times the target contacts you.

This spell works best on individuals whom you never want to see again as long as you live!

People who perform the freezer spell have these types of issues:

  • A boss who harasses you**
  • An ex who won’t leave you alone.
  • An individual who is gossiping about you.
  • Or someone else who you need to stop bothering you
  • In some situations, it stops an individual from threatening you (on a specific issue)
  • Harassment from a government body***
  • A boyfriend or girlfriend whom you don’t want for your child (teenager) to date


This is not a curse or a hex. It is not sending bad energy towards your target.

*It generally will not work well if you are trying to freeze somebody out of your life who has a connection with other individuals currently you interact with, such as blocking your ex-husband because you don’t want him to have a connection with the children.

** It won’t work if your boss is your direct report. Sometimes in organizations, it is other individuals who have nothing to do with your job that interferes with your daily life and this will help block this individual.

*** in some cases it can help you stay under the radar so to speak. For example, if you need some extra time to work out your tax debt, a freezer spell can help block that specific department from harassing you. It won’t stop the IRS from needing their money. It can be seen as a Band-Aid solution but not a long-term solution.


You will need a container of some type, maybe even an ice cube tray or a sandwich bag; a pen, and paper. If you want to get fancy, use dragon blood Ink that you have consecrated with a drop of your own blood.


  • This is optional, but I like to light incense to focus my mind and light a white candle to cleanse the area in which I’m working. Remember this is not considered a curse, in fact, it’s considered protection magic in my book!
  • I wave the white candle through the air and say something like, “I cleanse this area of any energies or entities which do not serve the purpose of this ritual.”
  • On the paper, I write the petition, something like, “I bind (targets name) from (whatever action they are doing to you), and causing me harm……
  • I hold the paper in my hand and chat something like the following “I freeze (targets name) and bind (targets name) from causing me harm. So Be It”. Think about your intention as this is everything. Do you really want this person out of your life, or do you need for them to take some other action? This mental state will make the difference between the success or the failure of this spell. If you’re not sure what you want, let us do it for you and we will just focus directly on what you say as we won’t have the animosity that perhaps you do about the situation.
  • Placed the paper into the bag, fill it with water and seal the bag.
  • Place it in your freezer and now your spell is done.


  • Use the back of the photo for the petition paper
  • Use an ice cube tray to freeze each letter of their name separately. Once frozen you can then pour the ice cubes into a freezer bag
  • It is said that this bag of ice cubes should never be unfrozen or you will undo the magick of the spell!

What happens if the freezer spell has not worked for you?

  1. Did you really want this person out of your life? Or did you want them to do something else?
  2. Is this person bound or does this person have a cord to another person in your household that is bound legally or bound by blood to another individual?
  3. Perhaps you weren’t focused enough during your first casting? Melt the ice cubes and perform to spell again. If this is your first time, know you become stronger every time you perform magic so don’t be deterred

What if you want to break the freezer spell?

Sometimes our magic cannot be reversed once it is set into motion. I always recommend that you truly want what you ask for and that once the spell is cast it is cast forever. Still, you can try doing the following if you change your mind:

  • Remove the bag from the freezer and allow it to defrost.
  • You may choose to burn the paper once dry and say something like, “I release you from the binding of this freezer spell targets name and restore the relationship to the former conditions. So It Is Done”


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