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Video: A Candle Magic Style Spell to Break-Up a Couple

I was inspired by a clients email to me today, where she shared a photo and some notes on her success with this easy to do candle style break up spell, based my video “The Reversed Black Candle Couple Break-Up Spell.” She says,

Hi Savannah

I was inspired by your video  back to back candle separation spell.
I have had a triangle and decided to try it out! Guy I’m haveing something with was spending too much time with ex hook up.
However, I used bride-groom candles.  
Process was really interesting because her flame was so loong and wild while his candle was done while ago.
Thing is, it is my first ritual of that kind and it worked! This Saturday, for the first time they got in a conflict and tension.
Wanted to share it
(Name Withheld)

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Black Couple Candle (back to back) 


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