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Who is this black spirit in my house and what does it want?

Dark figures in the home

A subscriber asks……

I have seen a dark figure in my home in Arizona And out here in Florida.

As I walked down the hall way . I don’t know how to explain it sounds crazy . It’s like it was drawing my attention to it . When I looked it was standing in my brother room . It was darker than the other shadow in the room . It made me feel like a midget it was very tall . Even though it was dark shadow figure I was able to still see a body build. It was thin but had lean muscle. It’s fingers were long .

My brother started to freak out he asked me if that’s what I really saw . It was something that would attack him in his dreams.

I don’t get scared when I see it . It’s like it’s following me around and I want to figure out why. What would I do to figure out what it is and what it wants?

Black Witch Savannah asks……

The best way to find out what the spirit wants is to ask it, “Hey, what do you want?” The issue will come from being able to understand the spirits answer. Not all of us have the skill to “tune in” to the spirit world. You will need to raise your frequency high enough to interact with them. A manifested ghost can be seen by one or more people at the same time. But there are instances where only one person in a room can see the ghost while the other people see nothing. This maybe why you see the ghost but your brother didn’t.

So what does your spirit want?

The answer here will depend on what type of spirit it is? There are differences between how demons and ghosts appear and interact with us. I think, by what you said in your email, it maybe a ghost. So let’s look at what the ghost wants.

Ghosts haunt people and places for many reasons. Often they have messages they wish to convey before they move on to a higher realm – or what I call “Source”. The messages may concern the circumstances surrounding their deaths – such as murder, suicides, accidents, other foul play. So do you have a male figure in your family that may have a message for you? Many ghosts choose to live close to the family they were part of when they were in a physical body.

Often the ghost has unfinished business – such as inheritances/wills – finding lost papers and other items belonging to the ghost. Many ghosts do realize that they are dead – as the death was instantaneous rather than from a prolonged illness. Some ghosts like to remain in the physical frequency of the home in which they once lived.

Spirits exist in higher frequency realms. When a spirit manifests as a ghost – it usually is able to produce something that is physical. Therefore, you could always use a divination method to help you contact the ghost. Ouija Boards are a common method. But you could also use a scrying mirror, and burn incense to attract the spirit and help it manifest within the smoke.

Books to help you grow in this area:

The good thing is that it is not a poltergeist  (an invisible ghost that interacts with others by moving and influencing inanimate objects.) In these cases, everyone in the home knows there is spirit activity and the spirit becomes a pain in the ass to say the least. I treat these spirits as “low level demons” – who are around just to cause chaos.

[box] Stories featuring poltergeists typically focus heavily on raps, thumps, knocks, footsteps, and bed-shaking, all without a discernable point of origin. Many stories detail objects being thrown about the room, furniture being moved, and even people being levitated. A few poltergeists have even been known to speak (The Bell Witch, 1817; Gef, the Talking Mongoose, 1931). Most classic poltergeist stories originate in England.[/box]

The spirit also doesn’t wish to hurt you – as you didn’t talk about any negative effects from its presence (see below). If it was a demon or a negative servitor sent by a witch (such as what i would do in a Black Magick Spell to place a hex or curse on someone)- you would feel the effect of the spirit.

So your ghost could just be interested in seeing what you are doing in its space (where it once lived), or maybe someone you knew in the past. I would enjoy its presence, even let it know you know its there – and you could even burn a candle for it one a week and ask it to communicate with you.

Remember that we all will be in spirit form soon – so treat the spirits as you would like to be treated as a spirit.

If you don’t want the spirit there…

Sometimes the spirit may attack others in the house and not you. You said your brother was effected by the spirit. I know this happened in my holiday home when I was younger. It had attacked everyone over the years but me (and my Grandma.) But if you don’t own the home, and the spirit one did and is comfortable there, it could be an issue for you to get rid of the spirit. It helps for everyone in the home and the home owner to all in involved when you rid the spirit from the home. I know that I never wished for the ghost to leave our holiday home. So it stayed, and then attacked my husband in later years lol.

The best option is to clear the energy and raise your own vibration. Smudging does this nicely. Once you clear the energy, your own vibration is raised and the lower level energies are not picked up, unless you tune back into them.

[box] If you are experiencing sleep paralysis – you can use a white sage smudging stick and cleanse the space. The energy will leave within 24 to 48 hours. [/box]

Smudging is an ancient purifying ritual that involves burning bundles of pungent dried herbs — usually white sage but sometimes cedar, sweetgrass or tobacco — to cast out existing negative energy from a home and further keep bad mojo at bay. A smudge bowl, commonly a simple earthenware bowl or an abalone shell, is used to catch the embers and ashes from the smudge stick and a feather is used to distribute the smoke to every nook and cranny of a home.

Communication is key during supernatural cleaning sessions and that while they don’t always exactly make the ghosts pack up and leave, they do result in a more “livable situation.” Above all, just remember to be civil and not to taunt the spirits.  Incantations, whether elaborate and read from a book or simple and improvised (please leave, please leave, please leave) generally accompany the burning of a smudge stick. Politeness is key.

[box] Interior designer Guy Clark reveals the low-key manner in which he banished a ghostly interloper from his home in Bullville, N.Y. He simply said aloud: “O.K., this is my house. If you need anything, I’m here, but you don’t live here anymore, move on.” Apparently, it did the trick.[/box]


Signs of Demon Presence

You might experience one or more of the following when it is a demon V a ghost in the home. Once again, this is just a guide, not hard and fast rules:

  • Unusual sounds: footsteps, doors opening and closing, whispers, faint screams or moaning, white noise electronic interference.
  • Unusual sights: shadows in your peripheral vision, flickering lights and electronics, objects seeming to switch places/positions when your back is turned, figures in the dark, etc.
  • Unusual feelings: a feeling of being watched, a feeling that something is “wrong”, feeling like someone has been in your house or building, wafts of unexplained cold air, goosebumps, feeling of being touched by an invisible hand
  • Unusual smells: perfume, food smells, sulfur, and bad odors.
  • recurrent nightmares – on a weekly or nightly basis depending upon the severity
  • phantom-mania – a feeling of being held down in bed and then upon waking discovering unexplained bruises or scratches on one’s body
  • a general feeling of discomfort or dread – never being able to fully settle down in one’s own home or environment
  • negativity between family members or friends will increase and lead to arguments, fights, and general discord.
  • a spirit will begin to show itself to a member of the home or environment – often these demons center their focus on one particular person and this can sometimes be a child. They will appear to a child often as a nice entity. If an otherwise normal child becomes withdrawn and has an “imaginary friend”, this is a BIG sign.

Personally, I haven’t had a demon react to religious objects, as there are various religious objects from different religions and culture around the world in my home, and they don’t seam to care. So I believe that it is the belief or intention the person has towards the object that could matter.

Signs will differ depending on the severity of the haunting, and depending on the type of demon that has attached itself to the household or property. Keeping a log or journal of all of the experiences will possibly help in identifying the type of haunting you have.

Famous Poltergeist Experiences

Although poltergeist stories date back to the first century, most evidence to support the existence of poltergeists is anecdotal. Indeed, many of the stories below have several versions and/or inconsistencies.

  • The Bell Witch (1817)
  • Eleonore Zugun – The ‘Poltergeist Girl’ (1926)
  • The Haunting of The Fox Sisters (1848) – arguably one of the most famous, as it started the Spiritualism movement.
  • The Borley Rectory Phenomena (1929)
  • The Rosenheim (Bavaria) Poltergeist (1967)
  • The Enfield Poltergeist (1977)
  • The Canneto di Caronia fires poltergeist (2004 – 2005) – Famed for defying all attempts at a scientific explanation, Sicily, Italy
  • The Entity Case is one of the best-documented and most harrowing poltergeist phenomena. It took place in Culver City, California in the early 70s and evolved around a single mother of three named Carlotta Moran who was being repeatedly raped (even in front of her family) by an invisible entity and his two helpers over the course of several years. Even after moving away to Texas the attacks would still occur, if less frequently. Eventually they fully subsided. These events were made into a movie named The Entity in 1981.
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