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Why isn’t my sorcery or spells working?

sex magick

STUDENT QUESTION: Why is my sorcery not working?


It is a matter of commitment. Everything is a matter of commitment. One needs to look at one’s whole life and be candid and self-interviewing. If you had hired yourself as a life manager would you fire yourself or give yourself a raise? One has to take inventory and ask oneself what is and is not working. If you are brutally honest with yourself, you will find many things that are extraneous or contrary to the work of Sorcery and Magick.

Hence whyI believe most people and students are only 50% committed.

That is the percentage I believe people genuinely commit to projects, choices, relationships, etc., and Sorcery is no exception. People feel satisfied with their commitment at 50% and they begin to convince them­ selves that they are completely committed. They have enlisted more than half way and they believe this is what it feels like when they are expressing commitment, but that is not the case.

There are events in life that just do not fit the criteria of having a viable point of no return because they exist in their entirety from the onset. A woman can be at the beginning of a pregnancy, yet in reality she is no less pregnant than she will be at month nine. We allow ourselves the escape route of pretending that becoming more developed at something is the same as more of something. It is not. At nine months the child she carries is bigger, more people know she is pregnant, it is now not possible to do things she could do six months ago-but she was one hundred percent pregnant at the beginning and she is one hundred percent pregnant at nine months.

Even having a “backup plan” is a sure way to guarantee that you will not achieve your primary goal in its greatest form. Backup plans are a strategy of cowardice and evidence of a dress rehearsal mentality. Approaches like these do not force one to have to edit oneself or develop the important skill of finding a way to function at top potential while feel­ ing or being confined. It does allow for lowering the bar and finding even greater ways of failing to complete the task rather than fulfilling the goal. One should take on a commi­tment that forces self-editing and may even force one to have to say “no” to oneself on occasion. Saying “no” is not deny­ ing oneself anything-it is a method of taking inventory and deciding what is and is not necessary.

This is harder for some than others: the weak will find that during those moments of learning to say “no” to them­ selves, they will feel uncomfortable and perhaps lost. The weakest of the weak will mistake this discomfort as a sign that they are “outside of their comfort zone” and “stretching their abilities” while the truth is that they are simply uncomfortable.


Sorcery is a black and white example of how commit­ ment works. Sorcery is results-based or it is non-existent. If it doesn’t produce the effects-the outcome that you desire-then it was not done correctly or you are not taking the position of a one hundred percent participant.

Sorcery demands tangible results. Make sure you are doing every­ thing you can and making every change needed to get those results.

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