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A Date with A Vampire

Author: Jupiter’s Law

Some of y’all may have found love over the Valentine’s Day weekend.

Good for you, I love, love.  Meanwhile, others of you may be hooking up with the ex or having random one night stands that lead to a sex-based relationship.  I mean if that’s all you do is have sex when you see each other then it is a sexual relationship. Sorry, going out for dinner or doing any other extracurricular activities prior to the “sexual act’s” doesn’t count. If you and the other person’s sole purpose of seeing each other is to “get it on” then anything else yall do is considered shit*ting the bull. 

My definition of friends with benefits does not include sex. Platonic friends MEANS there is no sexual connection.  In order to benefit from any type of relationship, BOTH parties have to find “it” (whatever it is you are exchanging) beneficial. 

If you are in love and already in a serious mutually committed relationship with a vampire, monkey with nine arms, or a wildebeest with seven personalities then you have already accepted the terms and conditions on the effects their energy can have on you. Removing this entity, spirit or toxic attachment out of your life may be a little bit more challenging.  Accepting and agreeing with any energy or mindset makes it much more difficult to separate yourself from it. (FYI) Others of you may be going on the first second or third dates might find post/rant a little more useful.  

Every day we are exchanging energy with one another and using your intuition for every damn moment, thought or fart of your life can be exhausting. It is necessary to be “curiously observant” when meeting new people but when you are constantly assessing and reassessing your intuition that becomes draining. Not to mention it keeps you worked up in a heightened state of anxiety or anticipation which can lead to paranoia. (or you could simply miss something you should have paid attention too.)

Generally, speaking, rather you are highly intuitive or consider yourself a fiftieth level Ascended Master from a lost astral plane you recently discovered, opening yourself up to people outside of your familiar circle of (family, close friends, soul mates) can be dangerous.

“Energy vampires” can be anybody from your loving mom or a boss who is unaware of your boundaries because they’re YOU ’RE boss.

Everybody is not going to be our new Mr. or Mrs. Wonderful so you may be very vulnerable and susceptible to spiritual attacks.  

Depending on how you are wired (some of us quickly discern negative spirits) but when dating it can be tricky because universally most of us want the acceptance of others (especially when looking for love, sex, etc.

I listed some websites below that can give you more concrete explanations of attachments, sex, relationships etc. but here some things to keep in mind if you feel like you and another person have become attached in a way that is disruptive/causing you significant spiritual duress.

The First Bite

After the initial meeting of person your sixth sense, intuitive gut reaction or red flag should be burning if you have meet a narcissist or toxic low vibrational person.

Rather you decide to see that person again is up to you but once you are away from that person is when YOU may experience signs of a negative attachment.

Some of the people you date maybe married, heavily involved with ex’s, having multiple toxic relationships (sexual/non-sexual with other people) or even worst you can encounter a person who may be unaware that magic or spell work is being done on them by previous lovers.

If you become obsessive with thinking of that person or literally feel like that person has taken over your mind, body and spirit then it’s likely you have an attachment with them.

You and that person may now be sharing the same energy/attachment, so they are just as preoccupied with you as you are with them (especially if you had sex with them) which keeps this energy going.

So now what?

Well, you must be serious about breaking this connection. If you really don’t want to be disturbed or hinder you should nip the connection in the bud.

The main objective is to get back control over your mind or whatever has been disrupted by your involvement with this person. (sleep, mood disturbance, sexual pre-occupations, obsessive-toxic behaviors etc.) It’s like you literally have to break the attachment and steal your energy back from that person aura so that you can have peace.

So, let’s say on the first date you are seduced by the intense energy/connection/exchanged between you and the person and now you are losing your sh*t.

Try your best to get that person back into your presence. Do this only if you don’t plan on seeing them again. Meeting them on their turf is best but don’t invite them to your place especially if you have already brought them into your domain. You may need to do a house cleansing and bringing them back in would keep the cycle going or even worse the spirts may become more deeply rooted/ aggressive.  

Now, this may be hard if the person appears violent or have extreme unsettling behaviors. If you encountered The Silence of the Lamb or Cathey Bates in Misery type person in which case, you would meet them in a neutral/public spot or not at all use your best judgment.

BTW we can learn from everybody that comes across our path mainly about ourselves. We attract people for different reasons. However, I’m speaking more of your everyday Sally, Tom or Joe-Shmoe who think they slick.

Vampire Slayer

If at all possible, create an intimate scenario again between the two of you. This should be easy ESPECIALLY if you have already been intimate with them (in any kind of way).

While cuddling, watching a movie, offer a massage, back rub or anything that may allow you to touch them. Don’t play…….  If you liked them before then don’t be standoffish. If you can break/intercept the attachment, then handle it.

If you don’t have you should keep some reversible oil with you at all times.

Especially if you are a spiritual worker, healer, or work in/with “the arts” in any way.

If you are concerned about the smell then you can say it’s a massage oil, perfume or whatever you need to say. If you rather say nothing, then lather your hands with it and aim for the lower back (lumbar spinal area) or the back of their neck (nape area cervical spinal column starts).

Now if all of this sounds a bit much then a handshake may do it. Just make some skin to skin contact. Now if you are just as toxic as they are then it may do you both some good. Just calling a spade a spade.

If you have been to their home, make sure you collect any of your belongings and or bodily fluids. Do not leave your underwear, hairbrush, clothing, toothbrush, sanitary napkins etc.

This may sound extreme but those of you who are dating or starting a new romantic interest should be mindful of negative attachments that can cause you a significant amount of spiritual duress. Rather you think you are in love or have experienced an intense connection with somebody you never know what kind of spiritual influences others have experienced prior to encountering you.

WE all have a sh*tload of genetic and ancestral history that we carry. Not to mention past lives, karmic debts, and our current spiritual practices. Depending on what spiritual influences are working black magic, hexes, spells, etc. it’s important to create any protective barrier you can between yourself and others for your own safety.

I can personally attest the reversal oil to work and severe a toxic- negative attachment. The two people involved in this situation partied ways amicably. The said, “Slick As* Vampire” became sick (similar to a hangover) in less than a minute of contact with the reversal oil.  The said, “Slick As* Vampire Slayer” noticed a decrease in the emotional, spiritual, and mental toxic attachment to the person.

 If you are going through spiritual awakenings or detoxing/detaching from negativity you may notice yourself becoming hypersensitive to the energies of others. 

Also, if you are active on different dating sites (surely you may encounter a lot of people) you may want to use Hyssop Oil or a hyssop bath oil. You can USE (google it to find which place you wish to purchase it from) in your bathwater/to bathe with. This may help keep any negative, entities, spirits from attaching to you or create a significant barrier/distance. I would use it every day even if you shower.

Meeting people can be fun but having them linger around for the next…….. is probably not what you had in mind.

Love on and let’s get on with it people.

I am Jupiter’s Law. The Verdicts In.


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