- seek their own path, find their own life purpose.
- do not fall prey to religion out of fear, out of pity, or out of ignorance.
- for Luciferians, enlightenment is the ultimate goal.
The basic Luciferian principles highlight truth and freedom of will, worshipping the inner self and one’s ultimate potential.
Traditional dogma is shunned as a basis for morality on the grounds that humans should not need deities or fear of eternal punishment to distinguish right from wrong and to do good.
All ideas should be tested before being accepted, and even then one should remain skeptical because knowledge and understanding are fluid.
Some Luciferians consider Lucifer an actual being, while others consider him entirely symbolic.
Regardless of whether Lucifer is conceived of as a deity or as a mere archetype, he is a representation of ultimate knowledge and exploration: humanity’s savior and a champion for continuing personal growth.(2)
The name Lucifer has an interesting translation:
- In Hebrew, “shining one, or light-bearer”
- In Greek – “bringer of dawn”
- In Latin – “the morning star, the planet Venus”
Later Christian tradition came to use the Latin word for “morning star”, lucifer, as a proper name (“Lucifer”) for the devil; as he was before his fall. As a result, “‘Lucifer’ has become a by-word for Satan/the Devil in the church and in popular literature. (1)
Lucifer/ian/ism is not:
- the devil
- Satanism – as does Luciferians do not revere the devil figure or most characteristics typically affixed to Satan
Lucifer is:
- humanity’s savior and a champion for continuing personal growth
- a liberator
- a guardian or guiding spirit
- seen as one of many morning stars, a symbol of enlightenment, independence and human progression
- often used interchangeably with similar figures from a range of ancient beliefs, such as the Greek titan Prometheus or the Jewish talmudic figure Lilith. (1)
Luciferianism is a wholly different belief system from Satanism, and does not revere the devil figure or most characteristics typically affixed to Satan. Rather, Lucifer in this context is seen as one of many morning stars, a symbol of enlightenment, independence and human progression, and is often used interchangeably with similar figures from a range of ancient beliefs, such as the Greek titan Prometheus or the Jewish talmudic figure Lilith.
- Luciferians view Lucifer as a spiritual and enlightened being (4)
- support the protection of the natural world
- think that humans should be focused on this life and how to make the most of it every single day
- Can be theistic, or LaVeyan/atheistic, or something of their own choosing.
What is Theistic Luciferianism?
Some Luciferians believe in Lucifer as an actual deity, not to be worshipped as the Judeo-Christian God but to be revered and followed as a teacher and friend, as a rescuer or guiding spirit, or even the one true god as opposed to the traditional creator of Judaism.
Theistic Luciferians are followers of the Left-Hand Path and may adhere to different dogmata put forth by organizations such as the Neo-Luciferian Church or other congregations that are heavily focused on ceremonial magic, the occult and literal interpretations of spiritual stories and figures. (2)
In Anton LaVey’s The Satanic Bible, Lucifer is one of the four crown princes of hell, and is called the bringer of light, the morning star, intellectualism, and enlightenment. (2)
Luciferian Organisations:
Neo-Luciferian Church
- The Neo-Luciferian Church (NLC) is a Gnostic and Luciferian organisation with roots in western esotericism, Voodoo, Luciferianism, Thelema, and magic.
- Founded in 2005 by Danish occultist Bjarne Salling Pedersen and American, Michael Bertiaux
- “…the organisation is primarily active in Denmark and Sweden and has a very strong internet presence.” (3)
- The teachings include elements from Thelema, Gnosticism, Voodoo, traditional occultism, and witchcraft. There is an emphasis on art, psychology, and critical thinking.
- The mythology draws heavily on Roman and Greek sources, and more dubious modern writings such as Charles Leland’s Aradia, or the Gospel of the Witches, the works of Dion Fortune, Michael Bertiaux, and Aleister Crowley.
- The Neo-Luciferian Church operates within a grade system of seven degrees and belongs in the succession from a number of churches, some Gnostic and magical in origin, others belonging to the apostolic succession as received within the Ecclesia Gnostica Spiritualis.
Greater Church of Lucifer
- Founded in 2014, in Texas, by Jacob No, Michael W. Ford and Jeremy Crow (2)
- “The GCoL focuses more on teachings based on the practical world.”
* This organization is currently not in operation
Satanism V Luciferianism
Luciferians commonly see Satanists as overly-dependent upon Christian understandings, embracing things like pleasure, success and sexuality precisely because the Church as traditionally condemned such things.
Luciferians do not see their acts as rebellion, but rather are motivated by their own merits. (4)
As a Luciferian, I do not see Satan or Lucifer as “evil” therefore in turn allowing “Jesus” or the Xian God “Good” by default. Just as Indian deity has dual sides, Lucifer/Satan has dual sides – harsh lessons can be taught & generous rewards can be given. As a Luciferian, I have stepped away from comparisons to the church. I am free to think for myself without biblical references or the need to mock the believers. In saying this, I truly love aspects of Satanism, and the 9 Satanic Statements listed in the Satanic Bible just make sense!
– Black Witch Savannah
Luciferianism is a progression of Satanism – a religion that stands on its own, independent of any other stimuli, for it is the path of those who have understand the need to transcend the lower levels of corrupt creation, on which even the material creator resides.
– Source: Occult Forums, “Questions about Luciferianism”
Learn More (external links)
- Luciferian Research Society
- “Lucifer”. Encyclopædia Britannica. Retrieved 6 September 2013.
…. a being that brings out enlightenment in those who truly seek it. He is not external power that hands out knowledge so much as one who assists a seeker in bringing it out of himself.
3 thoughts on “Luciferianism”
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What’s anyone thoughts of the order of dark arts I bought a few things from them, and I know you guys are authentic so I’m just reaching out for advice not to bad talk or slander
Luciferianism has taught me to be free to rebel and to do what I want, using power and the grey in all things. Gnostic Luciferianism is simple as it presents no hidden difficulties. All in all one is to ideally reject theism and atheism, the rituals exist and one of them is the blood ceremony. God comes in four steps, Yod Hey or something, I need to look it up. If the process is reliable, if I believe it to be true, considering it to be true, then I recommend Luciferianism to everyone and it’s part of your nature.
The Luciferian way of life has taught me a lot to take responsibility for myself. It’s a road where you have to spend a lot of time acquiring knowledge and then practically applying it. It brought a big turn around in my life. My advice is to test the path before making a conclusion. That way, you start with yourself!