Paganism is the ancestral religion of the whole of humanity

A definition of a Pagan: A follower of a polytheistic or pantheistic nature-worshipping religion.

A definition of Paganism: A polytheistic or pantheistic nature-worshipping religion.


Why we love Paganism?

  1. Pagan religious movements are diverse, and do not share a single set of beliefs, practices, or texts
  2. Based on pre-Christian beliefs and practices
  3. It allows for belief in spiritual and supernatural realities
  4. There is no judgement on your past, your sex, your sexuality, your race, or any other demographic.

Modern Paganism is one of the world’s fastest growing religious bodies. Perhaps it’s a deep desire to return back to our roots and ancestry. Steven D. Smith, a law professor at the University of San Diego, in his book, “Pagans and Christians in the City: Culture Wars From the Tiber to the Potomac” argues that much of what we understand as the march of secularism is something of an illusion, and that behind the scenes what’s actually happening in the modern culture war is the return of a pagan religious conception, which was half-buried (though never fully so) by the rise of Christianity. (1)

What is that conception? Simply this: that divinity is fundamentally inside the world rather than outside it, that God or the gods or Being are ultimately part of nature rather than an external creator, and that meaning and morality and metaphysical experience are to be sought in a fuller communion with the immanent world rather than a leap toward the transcendent. (1)

A common misconception is Pagans are Wiccans, and/or, Pagans are Witches. All three are distinctly separate, but the individual can practice any of these together or individually.

Many on the left-hand path stay away from paganism at the beginning of their practices, because of this link to Wicca. This idea needs to be challenged and one who is truly interested in the left-hand path needs to be aware of one’s ancestral roots, and the key concepts of paganism. Modern Pagans, not tied down either by the customs of an established religion or by the dogmas of a revealed one, are often creative, playful and individualistic, affirming the importance of the individual psyche as it interfaces with a greater power. (3)

Beliefs of Paganism

  • One principle of the Pagan movement is polytheism, the belief in and veneration of multiple gods or goddesses.
  • The concept of a universe that is interconnected. This is connected with a belief in either pantheism or panentheism. In both beliefs, divinity and the material or spiritual universe are one. For pagans, pantheism means that “divinity is inseparable from nature and that deity is immanent in nature”
  • Pagan religions all recognise the feminine face of divinity. A religion without goddesses can hardly be classified as Pagan. (3)

Religions Under the Pagan Umbrella

There is a wide array of religions and spiritual traditions that fall under the “Pagan umbrella,” and yes, some are legally recognized faiths. The main three religions you will find within Paganism are:

  1. Wicca: A nature-oriented faith that focuses on the cycle of the seasons. One of Wicca’s main tenets is the Rede, which is summarized as, “An it harm none, do as thou wilt.”
  2. Druidry: A recreation of ancient Celtic practices, with a strong focus on poetry and storytelling. An example of a Druid wisdom teaching would be this Celtic triad, “Three things loveable in a person: tranquility, wisdom, and kindness.”
  3. Asatru: A reconstruction of ancient Northern European beliefs. Think “Vikings” and you aren’t so far off. Asatru has the Nine Noble Virtues, three of which are courage, truth and honour.

VIDEO: Norse Paganism is a spiritual religion that has been practiced since ancient times. Unfortunately, during the Crusades, a large amount information about these spiritual practices were lost. As a result, western culture has offered an incorrect and sometimes disrespectful portrayal of these religions. This presentation will outline these popular misconceptions and explore the true roots of Norse Paganism.


Paganism – How does it compare with Christianity(2)

These are the major differences, out of many:

  • Biblical Christianity professes one God, where paganism often teaches many or no god.
  • Biblical Christianity teaches that the Bible contains God’s words and message to mankind. It is infallible and inerrant. Paganism does not have one main religious text or set of beliefs to follow.
  • Biblical Christianity teaches that Jesus, God’s Son, came to earth as a baby, died on the cross as an adult for the sin of the whole world, and rose to life again. Some pagans believe in Jesus as one of the gods, but do not put significance in Him as Christians do.

Due to these differences and many more, a person cannot be a follower of Jesus Christ (a Christian) and a pagan at the same time.

Read More

  1. Paganism making a comeback?
  2. Web
  3. Web