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BWC Spell Grimoire

Animal Spells

Among the oldest existing human artifacts are the beautifully detailed prehistoric cave paintings, indicating the profound magical link between humans and animals. Animals in magic fall into one of two categories:
  • Familiars
  • Allies

A familiar is a specific, individual creature with whom you have established a psychic bond. If this characterizes a relationship you have ever had with an animal, then you have had a familiar, regardless of whether you engaged in magical practices together. “A dog who won’t sleep unless it’s under your bed, the cat who follows you from room to room, the bird who spends the day perched on your shoulder: these all qualify as familiars.” A familiar’s presence may be sufficient to spark and enhance your magic, whether there is any conscious active involvement or not. For others, the psychic and magical bonds possible between animal and human create profound power and satisfaction.

In general, familiars are creatures who can realistically live with you: cats, dogs, rabbits, birds, toads, and snakes are most typical. Wild animals that remain wild can also qualify as familiars, though invariably they choose you rather than the other way round.

A familiar may be considered an animal ally but animal allies transcend the boundaries of familiars. Animal allies are a form of spiritual relationship: because the relationship may occur entirely in the realm of spirit, any animal may be approached. The presiding spirit of the animal may also be approached, rather than any individual creature.

A person may have as many familiars and/or allies as needed.

Familiar Consecration Spell

To cement and/or formalize the psychic bonds between you and your familiar:

  1. Cast a circle large enough to hold you, your familiar and any magical tools that you wish simultaneously to consecrate (these may include leashes, collars or similar pet paraphernalia, as well as spell components or ritual tools).
  2. Burn frankincense on the periphery of the circle.
  3. Sit within the circle, with your familiar, until you feel that it’s time to come out.
  4. Repeat as needed.

Although you can bring any animal into your home, you cannot force it to be your familiar. This profoundly affectionate relationship, built on love, respect, and personal chemistry, must develop independently. Likewise, animal alliances cannot be forced.

They may, however, be requested. Many believe that we are each born with the alliances we need, whether animal, botanical, or spirit. The key is to discover these alliances and learn how to work with them for maximum power and benefit.

If you desire a specific alliance, request it via a combination of your altar and visualization:

Animal Ally Invitation Spell

  1. Choose a focal image for your altar, something that represents your ally for you. Use a toy, a photograph, or an image. It is more crucial that it resonates strongly for you than that it be a literal depiction.
  2. Surround it with objects or images that would normally be used to lure this creature. A dish of honey, for instance, summons a bear. Make the invitation as strong as possible.
  3. If you can find candles in the shape of your desired ally or its food, add them to the altar.
  4. Grind cinnamon and frankincense together and burn them as a spirit-summoning incense.
  5. In addition to Step 2, offer literal food (a dish of milk for a snake, for instance). Alternatively, burn images of appropriate food.
  6. Relax. Let your eyes go slightly out of focus and await visitations.
  7. Try this for up to thirty minutes a day, until you receive results.

Although this spell requests a waking vision, realistically your response may still occur during your dreams: have paper and pen by your bedside to record any significant dreams.

Animal Image Protection Spell

Use an actual photograph of your pet or if unavailable, choose something, another image, statue, or candle bearing a strong resemblance for this spell.

  1. Paint protective runes, hieroglyphs, or other symbols onto the image.
  2. Anoint with Protection Oil.
  3. Keep the image in a safe, discreet spot, touching up periodically with Protection Oil.

As an alternative, you could trace invisible runes, sigils, or protective hieroglyphs onto the image with Protection Oil.


Animal Egg Cleansing Spell

Just like people, animals need periodic ritual protective cleansings. Fumigations and asperging, the most popular methods for people, are equally effective for animals. It was recommended you do this at least once a month.

  1. Rub the animal with a whole, raw egg in its shell, working from head to tail and down, rather than up, the legs. I would suggest you ask the universe to cleanse your familiar of any negative feelings, emotions, vibrations, etc. Take note, make sure to get every inch of the body. Try not to pass the same area more than 3 times.
  2.  After, crack it into a glass of room temperature water.
  3. Crack the egg open and see if the colour of the yolk has changed. If it has changed it means that there was negative energy on the animal and you will need to continue protection work on the animal. (see interpretations below)
  4. Dispose of the egg outside the home or barn.
  5. Throw salt on the egg and give the command that the curse is now over.

Simple interpretations definitely are (1):

  • Mal de Ojo aka “evil eye”, usually in the center of the water in the glass. That’s usually why people do these cleanses.

  • Bubbles on the rim or on the bottom of the glass are your ancestors absorbing and watching negativity and evil thrown at you.

  • Make sure your yellow egg yolk sinks to the bottom as it indicates no work is being done on you as if it’s floating means there is work being done on you. BROKEN YELLOW YOLK INDICATES YOU ARE HEXED AND THE WORK ON YOU HAS BEEN COMPLETE! If this is the case, you need to take another spiritual bath, and redo the egg cleanse.

  • You want to look for strings which are extracted negative energy, pearls on top of them which indicates your guides are absorbing negativity aimed at you.

  • Watch for clear water which indicates your roads are open and clear of obstacles.

  • Definitely watch for ANY figures in the whites of the yolk. You can usually identify a male person or female person, respectively even if they identify as non-binary or any other pronoun.

  • Look for animals. Animals always have their respected spiritual meanings and can indicate omens of all sorts.

  • Anchors and bells usually indicate love, a wedding, or an engagement.

  • Look for letters, numbers, help you identify who has an evil eye on you or other messages indicating travel, good health, money, and love.

  • Crosses mean crossed conditions. As you continue to do limpias, this should clear up. You would usually know what your blockages in life are if they appear. Sometimes they indicate what to anticipate.

  • Blood or black specks in the yolk indicate sicknesses.

  • 2 yellow yolks indicate pregnancy or twins.

  • Empty balloons aka “bombas” indicate trapped feelings, emotions, or situations at hands.

  • If you see a skull, it can indicate death.

  • Cloudy water indicates you being deceived or blocked from a certain achievement.

  • If your egg cleanse smells, YOU SHOULD CONSIDER CHECKING YOUR HEALTH WITH YOUR DR OR GENERAL PRACTITIONER. This is a clear indication of illness inside the body at times of which you may NOT be aware of. Some practices interchange this with blood or black specks, but I personally find that smells are far more serious.

  • ON A WEIRD OCCASION, watch for abnormal additions to the egg like a human hair, what looks like skin, nail clippings, etc. These can actually indicate who did the work and how they did it.

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