You will notice on this page a lot of information in regards to court work. If you have a specific question about court work feel free to drop a comment below and we will have more chance to see your question and get back to you.
There’s not one particularly better spell to cast, so we recommend you just work within the magical system you’re most knowledgeable or your most comfortable working within. If you’re an absolute beginner, we think that you should start with candle magic because it is effective…… you just have to be consistent.
We also recommend starting at least two weeks before the court date if not earlier.
There’s other recommended talismans you should wear to court to ensure the judge will be in your favour. Once again, there is so much magic, you could potentially do so feel free to drop a comment and we will get back to you and answer your comment/question.
Remember, if it is all too much, we do this type of work for our clients all the time so check out these links:
Demonic Ritual for Court & Legal Success
Candle Magick ; Setting of Lights (7-Day Jar Candles)
Court or Legal Spell (Kabbalah)
Demonic Help:

- Abilities and Knowledge:
- Finding Hidden Things: Eligos is known for his ability to reveal secrets and hidden truths. This includes uncovering hidden desires or intentions of people, making him advantageous for obtaining insights in social situations or legal matters.
- Military Strategy: Eligos can provide knowledge of war tactics and strategies, which may be useful for practitioners seeking guidance in conflict or competitive situations.
- Influence Over People: He is associated with influencing love and attracting the attention of others. This makes him appealing for those seeking to enhance romantic prospects or personal relationships.
SEE – Working with Eligos: The Court Case & Legal Demon
Here’s a comprehensive list of demons that are often associated with assisting in court and legal matters:
- Paimon: depending on the situation this demon is also highly recommended and a demon with someone regularly to assist with the winning of court cases. Known for his vast knowledge and ability to influence situations favorably. Call upon the demon clearly and respectfully, stating your intent for seeking guidance or success in court. For example, when invoking Paimon, you might say:
"Paimon, great king of knowledge and influence, I call upon you to grant me favor in this court matter. Help me present my case with clarity and power." or
"Paimon, mighty king of influence and knowledge, I call upon you. Grant me your wisdom and persuasive power as I seek success in this court matter. Help me to present my case with clarity, confidence, and favor." Paimon oil
- Astaroth: Offers wisdom and understanding in navigating legal complexities. Astaroth can help one prepare mentally for a legal case, providing clarity and strategic thinking that may lead to success in a court setting.
- Baal: Represents power and can help gain influence in legal matters.
- Belial: Known for his ability to achieve favorable outcomes and manipulate circumstances.
- Gremory: Provides insights into relationships and can assist in personal legal disputes.
- Ronove: Enhances communication and persuasion skills, valuable in legal arguments.
- Dantalion: Influences the thoughts and perceptions of others, including judges and juries.
- Furfur: Aids in emotional matters, useful in cases involving personal relationships.
- Marchosias: Bolsters confidence and strength in legal situations.
- Amon: Provides guidance and wisdom for making strategic decisions in court.
- Eligos: Offers insight into intentions and motivations, helping to strategize effectively.
- Marbas: Known for his ability to reveal truths, which can aid in uncovering evidence. He can assist in understanding the nuances of a legal situation, potentially offering clarity on how to approach a case or legal issues effectively.
- Sallos: Helps in matters of love, which can be beneficial in relationship disputes.
- Buer: Assists in understanding the healing aspects of conflicts and resolving disputes. He is often invoked for his wisdom and understanding of legal and ethical issues. Buer may assist in discerning the truth and strategizing effectively for court.
- Stolas: Provides knowledge of secrets and hidden truths that may influence legal matters.
- Allocer can facilitate learning about legal processes and influence the outcome through strategic counsel.
Hoodoo/Voodoo Magic
- Marie Laveau for winning court cases.
- The Virgin Regla is associated with the Santerian Goddess Yemaya, “Queen of the Ocean.” She represents both the ocean and the moon, as they are tied together in the rhythm of the Universe. The Virgin Regla can be looked to for house blessing, protection, finances, fertility, protection from the police, assistance in court matters, and protection during travel by sea.
- Ochosi – the loa of prisoners and falsely accused
- John The Conqueror – Conquer your problems with power. Gain inner strength & confidence. Promotes clear thinking, victory over all odds, help to solve a problem, legal matters, luck, money and gambling too. John The Conqueror is my favourite Spirit to petition when working Hoodoo Magick on court case situations. The story of John the Conqueror was an African prince who was sold as a slave in the Americas. Despite his enslavement, his spirit was never broken and he survived in folklore as a sort of a trickster figure, because of the tricks he played to evade his masters. If something or someone is bringing you down & blocking you then conquer them with the power of High John The Conqueror.
How to use a candle to assist you with your court case situation:
- Dress the candle with oil and if you like any additional herbs that you think would help. See the list of herbs below for some ideas on what each heard can help you achieve. You can write your name on the glass of the candle to personalize the prayer. Use a black marker and write your name or another persons name on the candle.
- optional – Take a piece of parchment paper and write your petition. Use Bat’s, Dove’s or Dragon’s ink. Any of these inks will help give your spell the extra power it needs. Take the paper and place it under the candle. Then, focus on your intentions.
- Light the candle with a match or lighter and say a prayer:
“Great Conqueror, please release me from any and all legal complications. Let me obtain mercy and grace to win this court case. May you strengthen the spirit, soul, and body of my lawyer so he has the power to fight for me. I claim victory over every adversary in this court case. Please keep injustice and false accusations far by tipping the scales of justice in my favor. AMEN.”
- You can put the candle out at any time or let it burn to the end. Each time you relight the candle say a prayer to reenergize your goals. Otherwise, you should always return to the candle at least daily and restate your prayer or petition and put a drop or two of oil on the candle.
- After the candle has fully burned down you can interpret the results if you like.
Psalms: 5th, 7th, 20th, 35th, 37th
How to work with Psalms to win a court case:
- Take a sheet of unlined white paper and write Psalm 35 on it. Once you have finished, take the piece of paper and place in your left shoe. Leave it in the shoe every day while wearing the shoes. After the paper becomes wrinkled and you can no longer read the words, place the paper in your right hand and throw it away behind you. Do not turn around to pick it up, simply walk away. By performing this ritual, you are symbolizing that you will win the court case in quickly.
- You can also use this Psalm to perform candle spell work. Take a brown candle and anoint it with oil. While lighting the candle, say Psalm 35 each night until the court case has been found in your favor.
- There are some people who also recite Psalm 37 once they have recited Psalm 35. You can work the spell in the way that is best for you.
- You can also say Psalm 5 and Psalm 7 after you light the candle before the sun rises and right after the sunsets. Do this for the three days before your court date.
- You can say Psalm 20 while you combine salt, water and rose oil in a clean bottle. Take some of the mixture and dab a little on your clothing, hands and face. Do this on the morning of your court date.
When working with candle magic for a court case, consider the following types of candles and their associations:
- Green Candles: Symbolize prosperity, success, and growth. Useful for bringing favorable outcomes.
- Blue Candles: Associated with peace, harmony, and communication. Good for calming tensions and promoting fair judgments.
- White Candles: Represent purity and truth. They can be used to invoke clarity and justice in legal matters.
- Black Candles: Often used for protection and banishing negativity. They can help protect you from unfavorable outcomes or influences.
- Yellow Candles: Linked to clarity and focus. Helpful for bringing mental clarity and concentration to your case.
- Brown Candles. For victory, and practical and material blessings, court cases, and neutrality. Brown is associated with strong or gentle energies and can be coercive or subtly suggestive.
- Purple – can be used for power over the opposing parties
Ritual Steps:
- Choose Your Candle: Select a color based on your intentions (e.g., green for success, blue for peace).
- Carve and Dress the Candle: Carve your name, the case number, or symbols related to justice. Dress the candle with oils like cinnamon for success or frankincense for clarity.
- Create a Sacred Space: Set up an altar with your candle, any relevant symbols (like legal documents), and protective crystals (like black tourmaline).
- Light the Candle: As you light it, focus on your intention. Visualize a positive outcome, and say a prayer or affirmation for success in your case.
- Let It Burn: Allow the candle to burn down completely if possible. If you need to extinguish it, snuff it out rather than blowing it out to keep the energy intact.
- Close the Ritual: Thank any energies or entities you may have called upon, and take a moment to ground yourself.
Using candle magic in this way can help focus your intentions and energies toward a favorable resolution in your court case.
Jar Candles
You should light a series of candles, not just one. You want the flame burning for as long as possible against the situation, because when the flame is a live, your petition to the spiritual world is also alive. In hoodoo, if you’re burning candles, it should be in a series of odd numbers. EG one, three, five, seven, nine.
Hoodoo Witch Certification Course
It’s also good to take notice of the jars when the candles have finished burning. This will give you some divination or insight into what the spiritual world is telling you to do next. We have written about this extensively on this website,It’s also good to take notice of the jars when the candles have finished burning. This will give you some divination or insight into what the spiritual world is telling you to do next. We have written about this extensively on this website,

Botanica Style Jars
- Just Judge and Niño de Atocha – In Santeria, the Justice Judge is often called Olofi, earth’s guardian, one of the aspects of God. Since Jesus is believed to be a guardian of the people, Olofi was associated with the crucifixion, and so Justice Judge candles have an image of the crucifixion on them. He protects from earthly harm, gives justice to one’s enemies, and is used as a shield from evildoers. Very often he is prescribed in unfair court cases and triumphs for the underdog.
- Law stay away
- Court case
- Snake
- John Conqueror (see above)
- King Solomon is good too
Witchcraft Style
- Dill – love; protection; break love jinx; restore sexual feelings; luck in court cases; ward off illness
- Black Poppy seeds – To cause confusion amongst your adversaries
- Black Mustard Seeds – typically used when you want to make your enemies confused. Sprinkle some of the seeds anywhere your enemies may walk. You can also keep them in a mojo bag.
- Solomon’s Seal – For judge’s wisdom (especially when you are wrongly accused)
- Cinquefoil – In Hoodoo, where it is more well known as five-finger grass, it gives protection in court cases
- Galangal (Little John) – This is considered “courtcase” root and should be carried or chewed whenever you go to court.
- Galangal root (oil) is employed in protective work, especially that involving court cases.
- Slippery Elm – Against gossip, lies and those trying to slander you in court
- Deer’s tongue – For eloquence in your attorney
- Calendula (Marigold) Flowers – Promote legal victory and self-respect
- Witches’ flower or Chelidonium majus – is often involved in charms offering protection from the authorities, success in court cases, and generally for escape from bondage
- Linden Leaf & Flower – in Celtic areas, court cases were often heard under linden trees, because folks considered that the linden inspired fairness and justice.
- Nutmeg is used for financial matters, even gambling. It is also associated with law and legal issues. Use it to help with court cases or banking matters.
Planetary Considerations:
When dealing with a court case or legal issue, planetary magic can be a powerful tool. Here’s how to align your spellwork with the energies of specific planets that influence legal matters:
1. Planetary Associations
- Jupiter: Represents justice, expansion, and success. It’s the most favorable planet for legal matters.
- Mercury: Governs communication, negotiation, and intellect, making it useful for clarity in legal discussions.
- Saturn: Associated with structure and authority, helpful for ensuring that laws are followed and respected.
- Mars influence can be helpful to help fight through the obstacles and challenges
- Sun influences for protection and a positive outcome
2. Timing
- Jupiter Days: Thursday is associated with Jupiter and is the best day to perform legal spells for success.
- Mercury Days: Wednesday is ideal for spells that require communication and negotiation.
- Saturn Days: Saturday can be used for serious legal matters and binding agreements.
3. Colors
- Jupiter: Use purple or blue candles for success and abundance.
- Mercury: Yellow or light blue candles promote communication and clarity.
- Saturn: Black or dark blue candles can be used for protection and authority.
4. Herbs and Crystals
- Jupiter: Use herbs like cinnamon, nutmeg, and clove. Crystals like amethyst or citrine can enhance your intentions.
- Mercury: Herbs like sage, lavender, and chamomile can aid in communication. Crystals like aquamarine or clear quartz are useful.
- Saturn: Use herbs like myrrh and salt for protection. Crystals like black tourmaline or onyx provide grounding and defense.
5. Sample Spell for Court Cases
- Jupiter candle (purple)
- Mercury candle (yellow)
- Legal documents or a written intention
- Herbs (cinnamon and sage)
- A bowl of water
- Prepare Your Space: Cleanse your area and set up your altar with the candles and herbs.
- Anoint Candles: Anoint the Jupiter candle with oil for success and the Mercury candle with oil for communication.
- Write Your Intention: On a piece of paper, write down your intention or desired outcome for the court case.
- Create a Circle: Light the Jupiter candle, followed by the Mercury candle. Place the bowl of water in front of them.
- Focus and Visualize: Hold the intention paper in your hands, close your eyes, and visualize the desired outcome as you speak your intention aloud.
- Sprinkle Herbs: Sprinkle the herbs around the candles while chanting affirmations for success and clarity.
- Conclude: Allow the candles to burn down completely. If you need to extinguish them, snuff them out rather than blowing them out to preserve the energy.
6. Closing the Ritual
Thank the energies and deities you’ve called upon for their assistance. Ground yourself afterward to integrate the work you’ve done.
By aligning your spellwork with the appropriate planetary influences, you can enhance your chances of a favorable outcome in legal matters.
Make Your Own Court Oil
More of a Hoodoo Style, but extremely strong. The goal is to win court cases and influence the judge and jury.
Equal mix:
- Oil of Cinnamon
- Oil of Calendula
- Oil of Frankincense
- Oil of Carnation
- Piece of Devil’s Shoestring
- Galangal Root
- Blend the above oils in carrier oil
- Add a piece of Devil’s Shoestring and a piece of galangal root to the mixture.
- Add to the bath for three days before your court date and anoint you arms, chest and throat on court day.
- Place a few drops on you hands and rub together briskly before signing important legal documents.
Check out our court oil, here;
We also have a tonne more information about court work throughout this website:
Court Case Spells and Techniques
Other ideas:
- Snakeroot Oil – Birthwort – is traditionally used to drive out Demons and for general success and that’s why some people use it for their court work Magic as well. “Helps to win the most difficult court cases when rubbed on the hands before going to the court room.”
- Delves blood oil – To aid in bringing peace of mind & happy feelings. Burn to assist parchment seals and intensity their power. Burn incense for favourable decision in court and success in negotiations.
- Just Judge Oil: Use when dealing with courts and lawyers. Add to bathwater for 3 days before court date. Rub on arms, bosom and throat on the court date. Rub on fingers before signing legal papers.
- John the Conqueror also has other ideas where you can benefit from this traditional route to win your call case:
- You can also take 3 showers or baths with High John soap or bath wash before you go to court. On the day you have to go to court, use a white cloth to wash your face with the soap.
- Also, on the day you go to court, place some High John oil or perfume around your neck.
- Another option is to take a green mojo bag and place the root inside of the bag. Take the bag with you when you go to court. You can also carry other objects in the mojo bag beside the High John root. Some of the other items that you can carry are:– Win in Court Amulet
– Confuse & Defeat Enemy Amulet
– Change Your Luck Amulet - Some people also take High John sachet powder and sprinkle themselves and all of their legal documents with the powder