You can find these products here:
Natural Lodestone
Velveteen Mojo Bag 2” x 2 1/2”
.5oz Devil’s Shoestring Powder
Employment Spells are less financially oriented than Better Business Spells—at least less directly so. Employment Spells encompass enchantments needed to find a job, keep a job, and achieve professional success and happiness. There are also spells for finessing a difficult boss or supervisor and getting along with co-workers—or not, as the case may be.
- Employment-seeking spells are best coordinated with the New Moon
- Coordinate these spells with other more conventional attempts to locate work. No matter how effective the spell, failure to actively seek employment may counteract any chance of success
- Many employment spells, particularly those that assist you in finding work, assume that a certain mobility is required: often some sort of magically empowered object or charm bag must be conjured up that can accompany you to interviews and work.
Crown of Success Employment Spells
Crown of Success Oil assists you to find a job, land the job, and retain the job. It’s also used for professional success and advancements, including obtaining promotions and greater financial benefits. Crown of Success may be used to enhance any other employment charm or spell: it is an entirely benevolent formula.
Crown of Success Spell (1)
Crown of Success may be applied to the body so that by radiating its magic, you serve as a charm.
Add Crown of Success to your bath, or massage it on to your body, especially your hands and feet.
Crown of Success Spell (2)
- Dress a lodestone with Crown of Success Oil.
- Place it in a red drawstring bag and carry it with you, at work or while searching for employment.
Pacts are the best method for assisting you to achieve your goals. I recommend either one of these two demons to assist you with your goals.
- Belial distributes presentations and titles.
- He reconciles friends and enemies, and provides familiars
- He can assist one with job promotions and helps to gain a higher position.
- He can bring favors from others, even one’s enemies.
Volac reveals hidden treasures. He can lead one to a good job, and provides lucky numbers. He moves fast. He flies very fast and usually departs through the ceiling.
Planetary Magick
Calling on the energy of Jupiter through the sigil, is beneficial when looking for employment or seeking promotion.
Spirit of Jupiter
Each planet has traditionally possessed both a spirit and an intelligence: ethereal souls (sometimes called daemons) responsible for the baneful and beneficial influences (respectively) of the individual planet.
The name of Jupiter’s spirit, responsible for the planet’s baneful influences, is Hismael.
This sigil, published by Henry Cornelius Agrippa in his Three Books of Occult Philosophy and frequently repeated in other publications, is constructed through numerology and magic squares.
The name Hismael is spelled out in Hebrew, and then each Hebrew letter is associated with a number, as the Hebrew language inherently does. Each number is located on the magic square associated with Jupiter, and a line is drawn to pass through each number.

Gains and riches, favor and love, peace, concord, appeasement of enemies, confirmation of honors, dignities, counsels, and dissolving of enchantments
4, 16, 34, 136
Tin; Silver is suggested for talismans attracting most of the beneficial influences, Coral is suggested for the dissolving of enchantments
Source: ThoughtCo
Devil’s Shoestrings Employment Spell
Despite its name, devil’s shoestrings, there’s nothing satanic about this root charm—quite the opposite in fact. Devil’s shoestrings, the roots of the Viburnum species, earned its name because it allegedly has the power to trip the devil up, proverbially tying his shoelaces together. Devil’s shoestrings has an affinity for locating and maintaining employment. Use it to find a job or to improve conditions at the current one.
- Carry it in your pocket
- Pin it within your clothing
- Carry it in a conjure bag
- Attach it to a cord and wear it around your neck
Don’t Sabotage My Success Spell
Are you being set up? Perhaps your boss is unhappy with you or you haven’t received your just rewards because you’ve been maligned and slandered by hostile or jealous co-workers. Although you may wish to supplement with additional Protection, Evil Eye and Unblocking Spells, this particular spell targets co-workers who sabotage your road to career success. Allegedly it will foil any malevolence directed toward you. Prepare a separate mojo for each person who appears to sabotage you.
- Write the co-worker’s name on a square of brown paper three times.
- Write your own name over each of the co-worker’s names, saying: “I cross you and I cover you.”
- Anoint the corners of the paper with essential oils of bergamot, clove bud, and lavender.
- Fold up the paper, placing it inside a red flannel drawstring bag, together with a devil’s shoestring root and some cumin seed.
- Maintain this discreetly in the workplace, feeding daily with a drop of essential oil of lavender for reinforcement.
Dream Job Spell
- Write up an advertisement for your dream job.
- Anoint this “ad” with Come To Me Oil.
- Place it in a conjure bag and carry it with you until your dream is realized (even while employed elsewhere).
- Anoint with additional oil weekly.
Boss Fix
Is going to work a less than satisfying experience? Perhaps it’s not the job that’s the problem; maybe you have a supervisor or boss who persecutes you, picks on you, is never satisfied with you, and generally makes going to work the equivalent of going to hell? You don’t want to leave your job; you’d just like your boss to leave you alone.
The Hoodoo solution is Boss Fix Powder.
According to its most extravagant promises, this spell allegedly causes supervisors to consider you with love and favor. At its more realistic, it offers a boundary line so that at least you’ll be left alone to perform your job in peace.
Boss Fix Powder
- Empty the tobacco from one cigarette. (In order of preference: a cigarette that actually belonged to your boss, his or her favorite brand, any cigarette.)
- Combine it with some shredded newspaper. (In order of preference: your boss’s actual newspaper, a copy of a newspaper he or she favors, any newspaper.)
- Add some chili powder and grind all the ingredients together into a fine powder.
- Make sure the powder is fine: this is intended to be a very discreet spell. Your boss already doesn’t like you!
- When the opportunity arises, sprinkle just a tiny bit of powder on or around your boss’s chair. If that’s too much of a risk, drop a little over the threshold of the office, so that he or she will inevitably step over it.
This is a highly individual spell, tailored toward one target. If more than one person persecutes you, make fresh Boss Fix for each person.
Boss Fix Candle Spell
This spell, cast to receive a raise or promotion, may be a safer, less stressful method of using Boss Fix Powder.
- Carve and dress a figure candle to represent your boss or supervisor.
- Place it on a tray covered by aluminum foil and surround the candle with a circle of Boss Fix Powder.
- Carve and dress another candle to represent you.
- Dress this candle with a Commanding oil. (Women should also incorporate Martha the Dominator Oil; men, use High John the Conqueror Oil.)
- Place this candle on the tray but elevate it so that it is looking down at the first candle.
- Burn both candles.
- Sit behind the candle that represents you, facing the other candle. Speak to that candle; tell it what you need.
- Move the boss candle so that it’s resting atop the powder. (Ideally, if possible, dispose of the remnants of this spell in your boss’s trashcan.)
Source of Boss Fix Spells:
Judika Illes Encyclopedia of 5,000 Spells