BWC Coven Update February 2021



I can’t believe it’s February already. This year has been wildly busy for us here at the Coven. So much to do, and we are loving every minute of it.

Some of you may know that I am away in Texas right now with a few members of my group. We have been preparing for quite a traditional ritual that we have modified for our purposes. Preparations encompassed a seven day detox, and now a five day ritual. I will be back in New Orleans next week for those of you who have consultations booked with me, and I can also resume normal scheduled services for those who are waiting. So thank you for your patience during this time.

Flambeau Noir 2021 International Left Hand Path Conference

Yesterday, I spoke at the left-hand path conference, LIVE on YouTube. The title of this presentation is Mastering Witchcraft through Luciferian Gnosis. I’m going to list the meaning of each of these words at the bottom of this article to save you from looking anything up term you may not know as yet.

I’m going to post a video of my presentation below, and while I think the quality of the video isn’t that great due to my technology at the moment, I think most of you will enjoy the way I presented my journey through the left-hand path as a practising Luciferian witch.

The practicality of putting Luciferianism into your life, especially if you are fresh to the concept is challenging. For one, there is NOT a general guideline to what you need to do to become a practicing Luciferian. Secondly, there is only a small community of us, so joining a Luciferian group to learn the beliefs is basically not possible at this time.  Don’t let these potential issues worry you. Every Luciferian has their own vibe and personality, and everyone is doing it at their own pace and in their own stride. It is a path that does not have a rule book, a guideline for practice, or even a society.

Many years ago, before I had the terminology or the ability to research all of these fabulous concepts and ideas, I had only my connection to the energy and the truth of my experiences. When I return from Texas, I plan to spend some time explaining my concept from the video in much greater detail for you. Prior to the event I did share a diagram on our Black Witch Coven Facebook page(hand drawn and draft format), to explain the Occult version of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs.

Maslow's hierarchy of needs for the occultist! This is a draft version.
Maslow’s hierarchy of needs for the occultist! This is a draft version.

Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is a popular model designed to explain how humans are motivated. Not every human wants to “work” the ladder to reach self actualisation, but for those who do, Maslow explains how one can achieve higher levels of success. From the bottom of the hierarchy upwards, the needs are: physiological, safety, love and belonging needs, esteem, and self-actualization. Needs lower down in the hierarchy must be satisfied before individuals can attend to needs higher up. In the 1970s, Maslow added another level called Transcendence.

The concept of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, being overcoming challenges level by level to become the best version of yourself shares with us that it’s extremely hard to get to the next level in life, if your basic needs have not been satisfied. This is the same in magic. You cannot reach the higher levels in magic and less you overcome some of your basic human needs. You need to understand your own personal strengths and weaknesses. Everybody has a past, and everybody has a weakness they need to understand, accept, and then create their own program to overcome the challenge.

In Luciferianism, this model shares a potential path to reach your personal Godhood, to become the best version of yourself in this lifetime. I have modified each of the traditional needs into something an occult student or LHP witch can relate to. For example on level one, physiological needs, I believe it is important for the LHP student to have control over their mind body and spirit. The idea of “the body is your temple” is extremely important, as it is through the balance and fine tuning of physiological needs that we can have success conducting energy, and expressing energy to the universe by the connection to spirits and for spellcasting.

I will create a better diagram of this model as I feel it is quite valuable to someone looking to create a blueprint for their occult journey. Naturally you can create your own model for your own journey.

Perhaps in the BWC March update I will have a new video and some new thoughts about this model, but if you have any questions or suggestions please write them in the comment section below so I can better understand what you need me to share with you. That way I can create a video and a model that is most helpful to you.

For now, in the video I said in order to move into the higher level of Esteem, you need to release the people which do not serve your higher purpose. But I also suggest some of these ideas/concepts you need to work on in order to free your mind to be a better magician, such as:

  • Releasing negative expectations of being a female on the left-hand path
  • Releasing the concern of “fitting in”, of being good enough, of acceptance
  • Releasing the idea of doing it right
  • Releasing all concerns about, or a consequence for any action I may take
  • Releasing associations from people of opposite dogmas
  • Releasing your codependence
  • Removing yourself from any group of individuals who are judgemental or polarized in their opinions

In my opinion, a group (I don’t mean groups of like minded enlightened individuals), is good for a period of time. But once you have acquired some skill, it is imperative that you leave the nest, that you leave the group and the safety of the group otherwise you become codependent to conforming to the groups beliefs. The path to enlightenment is purely your own. You don’t need a pat on the head you don’t need a certificate you don’t need a group of other people telling you that you can shit gold. It doesn’t matter.  You need to realize that you are on your own track for personal FABULOUSNESS!!!!

You can probably think of a few more to add to this list. You need to release the thoughts and concepts that bind you into submission. That is the submission of remaining where you right now.

Why can some people manifest and others struggle? This could be for many reasons, but most commonly I noticed that you’re probably trying to apply somebody else’s magic principles to where you currently are on your path. Of course there are a tonne of spells on our website. But the spells generally do not happen within a vacuum. There are steps before you cast a spell to prepare the spell for success. We assume that you are taking those steps.

Never think…….

  • The idea that casting a single spell should bring you success
  • The idea that a title or a label will give you authority or magical ability
  • The idea that your tribe will bring you further to your goal of self-enlightenment

The other challenge I commonly see is people taking a course and expecting to have the skill because they were given a certificate. Sadly they find out it is not the case and many become discouraged and even resentful. Only experience will give you the result you desire, not a piece of paper.

January’s Full Moon Event

For those clients who booked the releasing and abundance full moon ritual, Max tells me the event was wildly successful. He felt a lot of powerful energy with this moon, and looks forward to sharing with you information about the ritual over the next five days. If you missed out on securing a Releasing ritual for yourself last month, we have just opened the event for February’s Full Moon.

Happy Imbolc!

If you are a practising pagan, I hope you are enjoying the preparations of the season, no matter which way you practice.

This is a time of reflection, individualism and personal growth. Take time out every day for meditation to strengthen your inner self. This will help you when the actions of others are not in alignment with you. Having the capacity to see your truth, and to see others’ truth as well, comes from practice and self-realization – the self-realization that you do not have to buy into the drama of others.

Imbolc heralds the promise of spring! If you don’t know what this time is about I will leave you a few links below.


Imbloc Rites and Rituals

Imbolg Quick Reference Guide

Anyways…..It’s time I get back to the group, where we have our evening vocal toning exercises. Basically it entails a few hours of vibrating sounds of the chakras, along with many other words and names. Proper intonation is important in some rituals, to have the proper vibration when you’re saying the name specific Demons. Plus the sound vibrations resonate through your own body opening up and accessing gateways previously unavailable. To give you an example, think of a concert you have attended when a specific song is played and you can feel the energy power through your body. It’s electrifying and exhilarating!

I had a quick look on YouTube for some inspirational videos to share with you, but I really couldn’t find anything that I would say represents what we do. But this woman does go through the chakra vocal toning correctly.

The difference with our BWC vocal toning, is we hold each of the notes for at least five minutes at a time. So it’s around an hour of toning just the chakras. We would also practice the pronunciation of at least five daemonic names per night. It’s very important that each of the daemonic names is annunciated clearly almost rhythmically,  allowing the sound to vibrate throughout your body. As I’ve mentioned before this awakens previously locked doorways within your own pathway.

If you could find a better video please let me know, perhaps add it in the comment section below and I will modify the link above.

Blessed Beast!


These are a classic dictionary meanings to the following words.

witchcraft  – the practice of magic, especially for evil purposes; the use of spells: children and goods were believed to be vulnerable to the witchcraft of jealous neighbors.

  • (in a modern context) religious practice involving magic and affinity with nature, usually within a pagan tradition.
  • bewitching or fascinating attraction or charm.



comprehensive knowledge or skill in a subject or accomplishment: she played with some mastery.

  • the action or process of mastering a subject or accomplishment: a child’s mastery of language.

control or superiority over someone or something: man’s mastery over nature.


Luciferianism is a belief system that venerates the essential characteristics that are affixed to Lucifer. The tradition, influenced by Gnosticism, usually reveres Lucifer not as the devil, but as a destroyer, a guardian, liberator, light bringer or guiding spirit to darkness,  or even the true god as opposed to Jehovah.


gnosis –  knowledge of spiritual mysteries.

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