Home – Solomonic Magic

Traditional Activation

The Seals of Solomon are from a grimoire known as the Key of Solomon or the Clavicula Salomonis. To use the pentacles correctly, I will share with you the requirements from the original texts.

Pentacle preparation

If you would like to be super traditional and follow the instructions to the letter, each seal is made from a specific metal. In the modern versions, we draw or print out the seal. But it’s important for you to know that this is a modern adaption of what was traditionally required. There is also a certain day the seal should be prepared, and this corresponds to the planetary day appropriate for the seal. And there is also a suggested time for preparation. Even with modern preparations, I do recommend you follow preparing your seal on the right day in the right time.

Proper seal manufacturing increases their effectiveness.


To properly make your Pentacles they must be made on the appropriate day, at one of the appropriate hours, be of the correct color and the appropriate metal. Try to ensure that your seal was made on the weekday that corresponds with the seal’s ruling planet. Pentacles of the Sun should be made on Sunday. Mondays are dominated by the Moon. Mars rules Tuesdays. Mercury rules Wednesday. Jupiter’s seals should be made on a Thursday. Influential Venus seals are created on Friday. A powerful seal of Saturn would have been made on Saturday.


The hours of the day that the Pentacles should be made are 6 am, 1 pm, or 8 pm.

Use your seal on the day and time ruled by the seal’s planet. Every planet rules at least three specific times each day. For example, if you cannot wait until Sunday to use a Sun pentacle, you may use it Monday at 3 a.m., 10 a.m. or 5 p.m., the hours the Sun rules over. If you need to use your Saturn seal on a Thursday, you may do so at 5 a.m., noon or 7 p.m.


Just as the day and time of manufacturing increases effectiveness, so does the natural metal from which the seal is made. Pentacles of Saturn should have a large lead component. Jupiter seals are ideally made from tin. Medals for Mars should contain an iron component. In keeping with the color of the Sun, the best Sun seals are made of pure gold. Copper is associated with Venus. As implied by the planetary name, seals of Mercury should contain Mercury. Moon seals should be made from pure silver.


Pentacle: Day of the Week: Color: Metal:
Saturn Saturday Black Lead
Jupiter Thursday Blue Tin
Mars Tuesday Red Iron
Sun Sunday Yellow Gold
Venus Friday Green Copper
Mercury Wednesday Mixed Colors Mercury (POISON)
Moon Monday Silver Silver

Other Tools & Materials


Before the consecration ritual you’ll need to take a cleansing ritual shower or bath.

Take a shower. The Key of Solomon recognizes that using the seals is an opportunity to pray to and petition the God of Israel. The petitioner is better received while clean.

TIP – Even if you were on the left-hand path, you should prepare your own body and make sure you look at least presentable in front of the ancient Gods aka Demons.

Petition God

Petition the God of Israel directly by scribing one of His names. Use a pen or marker with a color ink that corresponds to your seal’s planet. Example: Mars would require red ink while Venus would require green.

  1. Using the appropriate colored pen, draw 2 large circles on a piece of paper, one inside the other.

2. Between the two circles write the names of God that correspond to your wish: The name Elohim Gibor is called to punish evil. Elohim Tzabaoth is called to ask for mercy. El Shaddai is called to ask for blessings.

  • Elohim Gibor – to punish evil
  • Elohim Tzabaoth – to ask for mercy
  • El Shaddai – to ask for blessings

3. Place the Pentacle(s) inside the double circle you’ve chosen

4. Facing East, hold your Pentacle Seal (still inside the double circle) in the smoke of frankincense and/or myrrh incense to purify the seal.

5. While doing this read the following Psalms in this order: 8, 18, 26, 21, 31, 50, 28, 71, 53, 133.

6. To start spell recite “The Oration” found in Chapter 8 of the Key of Solomon to consecrate the seal.

The Oration/Spell

O ADONAI most powerful, EL most strong, AGLA most holy, ON most righteous, the ALPHA and the OMEGA, the Beginning and the End; thou who hast established all things in thy Wisdom; thou who has chosen Abraham thy faithful servant, and hast promised that in his seed shall all nations of the earth be blessed, which seed thou hast multiplied as the stars of Heaven; thou who hast appeared unto thy servant Moses in flame in the midst of the Burning Bush, and hast made him walk with dry feet through the Red Sea; thou who gavest the Law to him upon Mount Sinai; thou who hast granted unto Solomon thy Servant these pentacles by thy great Mercy, for the preservation of Soul and of Body; we most humbly implore and supplicate thy Holy Majesty, that these pentacles may be consecrated by thy power, and prepared in such manner that they may obtain virtue and strength against all spirits, through thee, O Most Holy ADONAI, whose Kingdom, Empire, and principality, remaineth and endureth without end.

8. Once consecrated, hold the Pentacle in your left hand and recite the scripture to activate the Seal. You will do this last action each time you want to use it.

You need to also learn the scripture associated with your Pentacle and recite it each time you use it.


1st Pentacle of Venus Angels: Nogahiel, Acheliah, Socodiah (or Socohiah), Nangariel
2nd Pentacle of Venus Canticles 8:6
3rd Pentacle of Venus Genesis 1:28
4th Pentacle of Venus Genesis 2:23-24
5th Pentacle of Venus Psalm 22:14


Continued Care

  • The Pentacles should be anointed and prayed over weekly, according to each of their days, and if not on their days, at least once a week.

Master Mentalism


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