Home – Solomonic Magic

Method 1:


  • Try to ensure that your seal was made on the weekday that corresponds with the seal’s ruling planet. Proper seal manufacturing increases their effectiveness.
  • For each day, the planets’ most powerful hours of influence are 6 a.m., 1 p.m. or 8 p.m. so the seals should ideally be created at one of those times.
  • Pentacles of the Sun should be made on Sunday. Mondays are dominated by the Moon. Mars rules Tuesdays. Mercury rules Wednesday. Jupiter’s seals should be made on a Thursday. Influential Venus seals are created on Friday. A powerful seal of Saturn would have been made on Saturday.
  • Inspect your seal to see if it is made from a metal that corresponds to the seal’s planet. Just as the day and time of manufacturing increases effectiveness, so does the natural metal from which the seal is made. Pentacles of Saturn should have a large lead component. Jupiter seals are ideally made from tin. Medals for Mars should contain an iron component. In keeping with the color of the Sun, the best Sun seals are made of pure gold. Copper is associated with Venus. As implied by the planetary name, the seals of Mercury should contain Mercury. Moon seals should be made from pure silver.


Take a shower. The Key of Solomon recognizes that using the seals is an opportunity to pray to and petition the God of Israel. The petitioner is better received while clean.

Petition the God of Israel directly by scribing one of His names.

Use a pen or marker with a color ink that corresponds to your seal’s planet. Mars would require red ink while Venus would require green. Draw a circle within a circle. Between the circles write the names of God that correspond to your wish. The name Elohim Gibor is called to punish evil. Elohim Tzabaoth is called to ask for mercy. El Shaddai is called to ask for blessings.

Turn your face to the east.

Hold your seal over incense of myrrh or frankincense to purify it.

Simultaneously, read Psalms 8, 18, 26, 21, 31, 50, 28, 71, 53 and 133.

Next, recite “The Oration” in chapter eight of the Key of Solomon to consecrate the seal.

Learn the versicle or scripture associated with your seal.

Once consecrated, you may hold your seal in your left hand at any time while reciting the versicle to activate the seal.

Method 2: Easy 7-Step Activation 

Below you will find our 7-step guide on how you can activate these seals.

Before the ritual, ensure you cleanse your body, ​ as the petitioner is better received by the spirit when clean (remember that the spirit is an invited guest to your home, so think about how you want to greet your guest).


To utilize the seals, first decide which seal best suits your need and determine the correct astrological correspondences that relate to that goal. While each correspondence has a metal element, you can at least try and charge the seal on the corresponding day. Your seal can be made from a metal that corresponds to the seal’s planet.  However, this is not always possible and would be costly.  It is enough that the associated metal (or an object containing the metal) is placed next to the seal in the consecration ritual.

CAUTION: except Mercury which is extremely poisonous.


If you have seals via a book or paper – cut them out. Otherwise, copy the seal by hand on clean, unused paper. Using a color ink that corresponds to your seal’s planet draw two large circles, one inside the other.

If you desire, You can use the Israeli God (as written below) or use an ancient God.

Between the two circles write the names of God that correspond to your wish:  Elohim Gibor – to punish evil, Elohim Tzabaoth – to ask for mercy, El Shaddai – to ask for blessings.


Once you have the image copied, light a candle and incense and cut the Seal out of the paper.


Write the name of the individual the Seal is to affect on its reverse three times in a row.


Write a keyword or phrase around the name in a perfect circle so that all letters connect in one line and without lifting your pencil from the paper while writing the statement. If the Talisman is to affect two people, for example, bringing them together or driving them apart, cross and cover one name with the other (both three times). Finally, write the keyword or phrase around the names.


During this process, focus your goal to the exclusion of everything else.


Finally, empower the seal by anointing with a condition oil, your sexual fluids (for love and sex spells), or blowing a sachet powder on the seal.

Seals can be tucked in your pocket, placed in a Mojo bag, placed under a candle, placed inside your shoe, hidden in mundane object, etc… depending on it’s purpose.

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