You arrive at the path of the big scary choice. The path of the Lovers represents making the right choices. The right choices might represent the union of two people bonding together as one.The Lovers

Gemini, the zodiac sign of flexibility, duality, adaptability, cleverness, curiosity, and geniality, rules the Lovers. This personality can also be changeable, restless, ungrateful, scheming, scatterbrained, and lacking in concentration and follow-through.

The Major Arcana Represents Major Life Lessons: If the Lovers comes out on the first card of your reading, you might be in a hurry because you feel that you have met your soul mate, but you need to slow down and not jump into anything until you are sure because you do not want to make the wrong choice. If the Lovers comes out on the outcome card, in the positive position. Some Tarot decks call the Lovers card “The Choice”. You may need to make a very difficult decision between what you really want and desire verses what is truly right for you.

The Story Of The Lovers Tarot Card

The Lovers card is enumerated six and is symbolic of a choice that needs to be made to achieve harmony. A blazing yellow sun is symbolic of health, growth, positivity, enlightenment, and emotional health.

At the focal point of the card, an Angel bears a divine message. His large wings are intertwined with red (masculinity) and deep purple (high rank, divine guidance, spiritual love). He perches atop a white cloud intertwined with white, gray, black and red. White conveys a spiritual message. Gray and black represent a lack of clarity, uncertainty or something that is hidden. Red suggests a connection to Cupid, who may be hovering nearby, poised to shoot.

The grapevine leaves in the Angel’s hair are symbols of fertility, suggesting a sexual union between a man and a woman. Passion radiates between the naked man and woman, although the woman casts her gaze toward the Angel, beseeching guidance, filled with the uncertainty that attends a choice to be made.

A snake insinuated around the trunk of a red apple tree recalls Adam and Eve and the treacherous prospect of temptation. The fruit symbolizes her desire of passion and is a reminder of her past mistakes.

This card also presents three people — not two. The third person (the snake) could be an intruder into the relationship enjoyed by the two humans.

Behind the man rises a tree that emits twelve flame leaves (the zodiac signs) and represents the hot burning passion to bond and unite with another, as well as the knowledge of making right or wrong choices. The deep redness of the leaves creates an image of danger and fire, but the yellow within the flame depicts a bright optimism about the man’s passion.

The blue sky creates a sense of clarity and the smallish mountain represents a journey near completion. The path of green grass stands for direction and choice. A new beginning offers a chance at love, and with it, a blissful relationship that leads to marriage and family.

My Interpretation Of The Lovers Tarot Card

I think the Lovers card represents Adam and Eve. Eve stands near a red apple tree (forbidden fruit related to sexual desires) with a snake wrapped around it (devilish desires to walk on the wild side). Adam stands in front of with a tree of flames (burning passions and sexual desires). This tree of flames could represent the tree of knowledge (the tree of good and evil). Good represents making the right choice and having a beautiful experience. Evil represents making the wrong choice, and indicates the lesson to be learned when you make the wrong choice. The angel perched at the top represents Raphael, the relationship angel. This angel is giving the woman and man the choice to bond together.

The Lovers card has three meanings: the choices you will make, soul-mates who will come into your life, and obstacles you will face during relationships.

Primarily, the Lovers card has to do with making the right choices. At times you confront difficult decisions that plague you with uncertainty, risk, and ill-being. Such decisions demand reflection about your most fundamental emotional values and afflict you with indecisiveness. These decisions may affect any aspect of your life, but they invariably inspire incessant self-questioning.

You may face a choice of either selecting a lover or of saving or leaving your marriage. You may be tempted to engage in an affair because of an attraction to another person. The Lovers card signifies intimate relationships, and since physical attractions are an inevitable aspect of life, the temptation brings you into a formidable struggle with what your heart desires and what is right for you.

Secondarily, this card involves a soul-mate who has come in your life. We all have many soul-mates and all inspire profound and inexplicably uncanny feelings of connection when your paths cross. Standard relationship rules suddenly seem irrelevant and obsolete in the face of an overweening desire to connect with this person. This intense, magnetic union requires perfect timing and a complete absence of barriers.

The soul-mate is a lover or friend who erupts into your present lifetime. Comfort and familiarity suffuse your encounter with this individual.

The twin flame is a soul-mate who comes into your life so that both of you can serve God and the universe, enabling your placement on the path of service to others.

The true soul-mate is chosen for you since your birth and is compatible with either your sun sign or your birth chart.

karmic soul-mate encounter begins with a fiery ignition and ends abruptly. This person brings conflict and pain into the relationship in order to teach you something before leaving. This connection usually ends badly.

Finally, this card indicates that a third-party intrudes in your life, blocking your desires. You may have no control over this intrusion since all the influence belongs to whomever you are involved with or are pursuing. The shadow of their past thwarts and hinders you. However, the third party influence might be connected to you because your past is still in the way, preventing you from moving forward.

Positive Position: You might be in a hurry because you feel that you have met your soul mate, but you need to slow down and not jump into anything until you are sure because you do not want to make the wrong choice. The Lovers card represents that you need to make a choice, but you also need to review all your options carefully before making any big relationship choice. The Lovers could indicate meeting a soul mate, an uncanny attraction, misperception of an attraction, a lover’s triangle, or interference of your choice (blocked by another party or blocked by your situation).

You need a union to feel complete. However, you need to examine your personal values and beliefs to bond together with another person as an experience.

Negative Position: You might make the wrong decision, or you are dealing with a love triangle, or you might need to go see a relationship counselor, or you might be experiencing a break-up, separation or divorce, or you might be very unhappy and need to make a heartfelt choice that you have been putting off.

Timing is 1 – 30 days.


Source: Lotus Tarot
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