04 – The Emperor 

The Mover and Shaker

The Emperor

You arrive at the path of the mover and shaker. The Emperor represents the path of power, obedience and control. He is the father and builder of structures and assumes command of his life, environment, body, temperament, instincts and affairs of his heart.

Astrologically the Emperor is ruled by Aries, connected to Mars, a leader, mover and shaker, fearless and forging ahead. He is direct, has no hidden agenda, and can be either demanding or charismatic.

The Major Arcana Represents Major Life Lessons: If the Emperor comes out on the first card of your reading, there will be a definite change because you are in a hurry. If the Emperor appears in the outcome of the reading in a positive position, there may be new opportunities that you will go after that will bring success.

The Story Of The Emperor Tarot Card

The Emperor is enumerated four, a stable number that denotes security, authority, control, responsibility, and experience. The number four can be disrupted only with great difficulty, for this number has the strength of Hercules in the Major Arcana. But stagnation, the Emperor’s weakness, ever threatens to rob him of his focus.

The card’s background is bright orange woven with yellow. Orange indicates energy, intelligence, determination, confidence, ambition, and action, while yellow represents creativity, intellect, mental activity, clarity and enlightenment. His formidable stone throne — a sign that he is rigid and set in his ways — with its emblem of the ram, represents the power of majestic royalty, a position of solid, earned strength typical of the Aries cardinal fire sign. This power and authority are also indicated by his jeweled-studded crown.

He is well-versed in how to protect himself from his enemies. Layered over his armor he wears a red robe indicating high royal rank and a bright blue shirt indicating superior intelligence and awareness. Power radiates from the gold staff in his right hand and the gold bracelet on his left hand.

Since he is connected to the planet Mars and the sign of Aries, he has a stubborn side. His arduous life experiences, symbolized by his long, white beard, have taught him unforgettable lessons that he is not likely to set aside or turn from lightly. He wears boots made of armor, a sign to his would-be enemies that he is capable of trampling them underfoot.

The Emperor’s officers are covering their faces because they fear him. The officer dressed in yellow fears the Emperor’s intellect and mental activity and the officer dressed in orange fears his ambition, and the changes that he is not afraid to make.

The Emperor wants you to know that he is strong and prepared to confront the random vicissitudes of life. Fear holds no sway over him.

My Interpretation Of The Emperor Tarot Card

The Emperor’s character speaks of establishing a strong, stable foundation for life and of forging plans that will convert thoughts and ideas into reality. A disciplined leader, he has always earned his way and never retired to the background or relied on the charity or assistance of others. These traits make him a respected teacher for the next generation, who will view him as the father and benefactor, builder of the home, husband, lover, and strong career man.

Power and ambition define the Emperor. He assumes command of his own life as well as his environment, body, temper, instincts, and affairs of his heart. The wants and needs of others cannot hope to control this aggressive, brave, bold, and commanding figure.

As monarch, commander and chief of his environment, the Emperor can either be demanding or charismatic, possibly representing just the person that you need to motivate you and impel you to realize your potential. (See “If the Emperor is your boss” under Negative Position).

Positive Position: You are confident, the father and builder of structures, solid foundations, and the boss in control. The Emperor is in control of his marriage, family, business and his environmental relationships. The Emperor represents a person who offers sound advice and a secure relationship.

Negative Position: You feel distraction and a distorted focus that is causing paralysis and an abrupt disruption, a lack of control and self-discipline. The Emperor can be difficult to deal with because of his need to control everything and his categorical refusal to entertain the thoughts and plans of other people.

If the Emperor is your boss, he can feel like an unwelcome burden. You may even question his leadership abilities, finding him demanding or unreasonable. It might be time to rethink your position in the workforce because his blunt, unrefined comments can be cold and hurtful. The problem lies in his belief that his position, earned through laborious efforts, makes him invariably right. Though his intelligence and strength cannot be denied, they do not give him the right to wound others with his stinging opinions.

Timing is 1 – 30 days.

Source: Lotus Tarot
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