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How I bring Lucifer into my daily life

This year I feel like I’ve had the most amazing personal awakening. And by this I mean that things are just starting to make sense or come into alignment. I’m kind of struggling with how to put words around these thoughts and feelings, but I will do my best as I want to share this joy I am feeling with you all.

I’ve been practicing various styles of magic for over 15 years now, and while I would say that I’m not practicing ceremonial magic or working with Demons magically, I am quite a competent witch who follows a Pagan path. I must admit that I have not felt comfortable to work with spirits such as Lucifer in the past, mainly because of the fear created in me at a young age – typical Christian boy story. So there has been an emptiness around daily spiritual practice I have not been able to fill.

During my meditation rituals each morning, I do ask the universe for guidance in this area. Specifically around how to enhance my daily spiritual rituals and routines so I can build a deeper and more meaningful relationship with spirit. It has been a point of focus in my meditations for so long now, that thinking about this desire assists me to relax into a meditative state. As a witch, I know that I have to release and forget in order to manifest.

Over the past few months, I have been having these dreams where this man who called himself Lucifer, seamed to appear in many various dreams, and shows me solutions to various problems in everyday life. I remember one dream that I always have, where I am running from my boss who chases me with various sharp objects. Lucifer appeared before me as I was running and said, “Stop. Turn Around Now.”  I stopped, turned to face my boss,and ….my boss disappeared. I woke shortly after this dream and took notes. I must admit I have been calmer and more relaxed around the office since.

I decided it was time to bring Lucifer into my daily life, and not just into my dreams. I know it doesn’t take very long to do rituals but it kind of adds extra time to your morning routine that I just don’t have. So that’s when I started looking for different prayers that I can easily say to incorporate in my daily life, That doesn’t involve lighting candles or incense or setting an altar up. Just simply me giving appreciation in the form of a “prayer” in both the morning and the night.

This isn’t for everyone I know, but I really found it helpful for me to feel connected spiritually and it has made such a huge change to my daily life. I just feel happy and somehow complete.

I don’t know who wrote these two prayers to Lucifer, as I found them online by “anon”. I really like these and keep these in my wallet for easy access.


Prayer Upon Waking

At the start of this new day, Lord Lucifer

My thoughts are of you and I know you are with me

I give this day to you

Lead me to walk your path without hesitation

To places where I will gain wisdom

To sources where I will gain knowledge

And where I can make a difference for you

Push me so that no minute will be lost to laziness, inactivity or boredom

So I will be the best that I can be in all areas of my life

Watch over me this day

Protect me from my enemies

Wherever I am, may people see you in me

And in everything I do, may you be honoured


Prayer Before Sleep

At the end of this day, Lord Lucifer

I thank you for each gift that you have bestowed upon me

For teaching me ancient ways

For experiences both good and bad that has made me stronger

For the people you have taught me through

For the pleasures in which I have partaken

As I sleep, I ask that I may enter your dark realm

So that I may be in your unholy presence

Guide me, Lucifer, unto yourself

And may I be forever grasped in your mighty wings


Author: J. Chang

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