How to collect body fluids for spell work 

Have you been ready to perform a special spell only to find you don’t have a really important ingredient? Such as blood, semen, hair, nails or menstrual blood? For many spells you would be able to find a substitute ingredient. However in the case of work with sympathetic magick requiring personal concerns, hexes or many love spells, you will find there is no other substitute other than the personal concerns of the person of your spells intent, or your own blood for various other spells.

So what are these ingredients that witches need for success in spell work and root workers use in their practices?

  • Blood
  • Menstrual Blood
  • Urine
  • Hair
  • Nails
  • Spit
  • Body parts
  • Feces

Collecting hair & nails?

You don’t need a lot of hair or nails to use in a spell, but you may need at least one or two clippings or strands if you have no other personal effects.

[box] Tip on collecting the hair of your lover for a spell – Of course, if you are married or live with a person,personal concerns are not hard to obtain. Let’s say you only meet with your lover on occasion and need a bit of hair. After making love, suggest that your lover shower,and have them call you when the water is just right (giving you a minute alone with the bed sheets). I use a label or sticker to quickly pick up any hairs. At a later date you can closely examine the hairs to see which ones are whose.[/box]

Hair and nails can be kept in a glass jar, plastic sandwich bag, or small box . Just ensure you label the content ASAP after collection. You may think that you’ll remember where the hair came from, but believe me, you’ll soon forget quick enough.

How do you collect semen for use in spells?

This can be difficult if you are female and don’t have a partner.You will have to be a little bit sneaky in many cases. The other person doesn’t need to know what you intend to do with the semen.  However depending on your practices, you may wish to begin to incorporate sex magick rituals into your witchcraft.

When I collect the semen, I make sure I keep a glass jar next to the bed so to push the sperm into the glass jar asap after the power of the ejaculation. Otherwise, if you use a condom, you could tip the sperm from the condom into the jar. But take warning. Many condoms have a chemical in it that is not an ingredient in our spell! So try to get him to come straight in the glass jar if you can!

You will need to store and label on glass to ensure the stability of the product.

How do you collect blood for spells?

You can purchase the book on blood magick from the store that focuses on the topic of where to cut yourself to obtain the blood for the specific purpose.

Menstrual Blood – I find it easy to use my own menstrual blood, and collect at least 1/2 cup each month. If you want an idea to collect your period blood easily, you can try using internally worn reusable silicone menstrual cup that collects menstrual flow. These cups can collect alot of blood for you easily “monitor your flow by providing measuring lines on the inside of the cup (5 ml and 13.5 ml in size 1, 7.5 ml and 15 ml in size 2).” – Lunette

To store the blood, I use a glass jar and ensure I label jar with the date; where the blood was collected; whose blood it is.

Naturally the blood is stored in the fridge until it is required for spell work.

I hope these tips helps you prepare for your spell work ! Let me know if you have any questions

Darkest blessings!


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