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Is the practice of witchcraft or magic allowed?

If you are Christian, Catholic, or from any other religious background, you are worried about what will happen to you (and your eternal soul) should you practice magic. Still here you are, interested in the art and practice of magic. So today I will tell you exactly what the Bible says is forbidden – so you can decide for yourself what YOU want to do about being here, on black witch coven, and about following a magic life.

The list is not exhaustive, however you will see that the Bible is a book written for the control of the masses. Control is done through the creation of FEAR. Therefore, any activity that helps people open their minds to personal development and enlightenment is considered “evil”. The Abraham followers (Jewish, Christians, Muslims) all dismiss the practices of the previous generations, and label them as forbidden. Remember the practice of removing the previous rulers books and evidence of existence was common. The Abraham followers even RESET THE CALENDAR!!! Does anyone else think its totally wrong that the calendar was reset for the birth of Christ?

The Bible forbids the following:

-crystal ball
-communicating with the dead
-spirit guides
-automatic writing
-water-witching (dowsing with forked sticks or other objects for water, oil, minerals, underground sewer and water lines, etc.)
-PK (psychokinesis)
-crystal ball
-Tarot cards
-tea leaves
-Open Doors
-Rappings on Wall
-Black Mass
-Satan Worship
-Multiplied Curses
-Female Dominance
-Yielding Male

-Coloradans psychic powers
-second sight
-death by hypnosis
-remote influence of the subconscious mind of others
-mental science
-black magic
-white magic
-Ruler of Witchcraft
-Baptism in Witchcraft
-neutral (or gray) magic
-good luck items
-handwriting analysis
-Ouija Boards
-Evil Eye
-Occult Fears
-Black arts
-Luv Knot
-Devil’s Foot
-Indian Kachina
-Occult Symbols
-Serpent Charmer

-good luck charms
-crux ansanta (ankh)
-birth signs
-birth stones
-materialization or apport
-magic healing through wart or burn charming
-Pass The Fire
-Hearing Noises
-Psychic Portraits

-psychic spirit or metaphysical healing
-Christian Science healing
-rod or pendulum diagnosis
-trance diagnosis
-All books, literature, music, etc. dealing with occultism
-anything that predicts your future or advises your life
-God’s Eye
-Martial Arts
-Third Eye
-Kung Fu
-Lust for Dominance
-Lust for Power
-Calling Evil Spirits
-Great Seal


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