March 2023 Update: Winning, Gambling, & Betting Spells

This month we are changing how we present our newsletter content and getting back to delivering concepts on Spells and Rituals that we like to perform ourselves.

I’m going to start by talking about magical spells for winning in lotteries, or when betting. As usual, I would just do a quick “thought dump” style of a blog. So if you’re not familiar with my style of blogging then this post will probably annoy you a lot. I consider this “conversational style” blogging, and it suits my work day and my workload.


Winning, Gambling, & Betting Spells

In this blog post, I share specific folk magic style spells that you can employ to increase your chances of winning. Of course, there’s also a Demon I specifically work with when it comes to gambling and that’s because he is renowned or said to run the gambling houses in hell –  Asmodeus. Who knows if Asmodeus really did as the ancient grimoires stated, but all I do know is that I work with the ancient gods, and these ancient gods will decide in their own time if I will receive the benefits of my praise to them. Volac is another Demon I may also work with especially if I require for more luck to be on my side.

Even with my own spellcasting and ritual work, I will always adapt what I do and how I do it. I must emphasize that even with the advice I share with you below, you need to adapt your rituals according to yourself, and what you’re personally going through, and what is preventing you right now, from attracting energies of abundance. Perhaps you need to do a whole lot of mental cleansing before you begin spellcasting because you truly don’t believe that spells work. Or perhaps you need spiritual cleansing because your chakras are not spinning or your auras are blocked? Perhaps you have a generational curse that dooms you to poverty that needs to be dealt with before you can begin attracting energies of abundance.

See what I mean? You can’t just expect to do a single spell or ritual, even with daemonic assistance, and expect it to work when there are other challenges you need to overcome. Let me contradict myself and say that daemonic friends can do whatever they like, and if I could understand the mind of the Demon….well…. I’d be spending my life living like a billionaire, and not sitting here writing this blog post 😉 I have seen what we would call a miracle happen so frequently and I would never bet on it, or count on it as Demons have a very Monty Python sense of humour.


I believe a mistake so many people make is sharing their thoughts and feelings about their magical spells and rituals with people who are not interested in magic and/or, who are not interested in their style of magick. As a practitioner of what we called the dark arts, I have faced over a decade or two of ridicule and ostracisation from various witchcraft and occult groups…. And for various reasons. It has not bothered me, because when you have a connection with the spiritual world, and you begin to understand the greater scheme of magic, and how it fits into the universe, you do not worry about how you fit in with others. You are more interested in your own personal betterment and will be more interested in connecting with the unseen sources of true power. Today, in an era of needing “global social acceptance”, the modern practitioner of magic can become paralyzed with the need to say the appropriate statement in order to stay within the confines of “socially acceptable magical practices”. Blah!

For most people, it’s a real learning process to begin magical rituals where you are summoning Demons to assist you with bettering your life. In fact, most of the time, it’s much easier to do folk-style magic, and do it frequently, to manifest positive changes in your life. There’s nothing wrong with that, and you should not be ashamed that you are a magical practitioner that works in folk magic, even if you are interested in the dark arts!

To be a practitioner in the dark arts, I honestly believe that you have to step away from worrying about the opinion of others. The more you share with other people, the more you are opening yourself to ridicule and personal torment. ….The weaker you will become.

I can walk in any social circle and fit in, and the reason why I fit in is that I don’t need to push my agenda in other people’s faces. I’m already confident in my beliefs and I do not need the reassurance of others in order to practice my daemonic magic rituals. I don’t care what other people think. It’s not to say that I don’t care for other people I just don’t care for their opinion.

So why am I sharing with you my beliefs? Because I want you to be strong in your magical practices, and to become strong you need to feel confident to work on your magical practices by yourself, and work out what correspondences and rituals most benefit you versus most benefit the person talking on some blog post who may only have a few years magical practices! If they were having success working in a spiritual system, they would not be talking about it in detail to the public!

To know, to will, to dare, to keep silent

These powers are related to the four classical elements and are the cornerstones of Hermetic magic. To Keep Silent – is the last of the four maxim’s, and taken separately, may be one of the more important ones of the four, because to keep silent, means you are aware of the impact the other three have over your magick, and this final piece, is in fact what holds it together.

For many reasons this is true. Once the magic has been cast, you have to have to let go, physically and mentally to allow your intentions to return manifest. This means you have done your part, now allow the universe to bring it about. To the contrary, if you are still speaking about it, especially in a wanting manner, you are in effect calling it back! The same can be said if you’re constantly complaining about money, or living without gratitude or appreciation for where you are currently at. This is very hard to do, but if you’re always channeling a negative frequency, it won’t matter which spell you cast.

To keep silent also has to do with the silence within, being centered and grounded before beginning any magical work is essential to maintain a clear intent. When invoking the goddess and gods, a clear and present channel is necessary for effective and powerful connections. And to be present you have to be able to focus, without various distractions.

To Know, To Will, To Dare, and To Keep Silent: a simple maxim, which carries a lot of weight and wisdom. Following these four maxims but especially the fourth one, “Keeping Silent” can do much to increase your magical effectiveness.

Have I won anything using lottery spells and black magic?

So, after reading the above information, you will understand why I don’t provide overly glowing testimonials, or show off about what I have received from the daemonic world. It is true that some Demons will require offerings of public praise, still, the practitioner will understand how much information to share.

I will share with you that I am not a billionaire, but my magical life has provided very generously for me over the years. As I’m focusing this discussion on winning the lottery or gambling, something that I don’t normally like to partake in, I understand the shortcomings, and what is necessary in order to have success in this type of magick. When I do engage in a cycle of gambling, I do so by following the advice I will give you below. I have written about winning and gambling previously, and you’ll find some of those tips here.

Read more on how to perform spells for WINNING & GAMBLING

Practitioners of black magic will observe that many of these recommendations fall into folk magic practices, and this is correct. Basically, I like to do a ritual, using a daemonic magic spell, and requesting the Ancient Gods aka Demon assist me with my goals, and I backed this up with folk magic to keep the energy flowing my way. This may be overkill for some people, but it’s what I do and it’s what I recommend.

Winning the lottery

People who follow a magical system to win the lottery can be very lucky, and I have seen this time and time again with our clients. Not everyone will win the mega million jackpot, but with the application of what I’ll tell you below, it is possible that you can have some really high winnings on a frequent basis. That’s not to say that you can’t win the mega jackpot I just can’t in good consciousness tell you that you will absolutely be successful in winning it because that would not honest …. magic works in mysterious ways!

Winning the lottery requires a lot of small magical “tricks”. Aside from what I said in the opening paragraph about being ready to receive, it also seems to require a buildup of this positive frequency. That means you need to do small magical actions frequently to build up that energy. I’ve spoken about how strategic I am with money magic in the past, and have recorded many videos on my strategic sorcery method for wealth and money accumulation. You have to have the same passion when it comes to winning the lottery or to gambling. You have to have a strategy and you have to be focused.

Tips to increase your “winning” frequency

  1. Whether it’s horse racing or lotto numbers, you should put some effort into choosing your own numbers and sticking with those numbers. Numbers could be those which mean something to you, such as birthdays or anniversary dates of some type. Or you could work with the spiritual world, or with your guides, and begin to request numbers be given to you. Then record these numbers upon your waking and use these numbers frequently. This is charging the numbers.
  2. You could set candles (as an offering to the spiritual world) to bring energy towards those numbers’ success. This should also be done frequently – weekly or monthly at least.
  3. Maybe you need to clear the way for success and abundance, by casting other types of spells, before, or during your voyage down the road of gambling success magic. Cleansing is important, but perhaps you also need to cast spells such as good luck spell, or a wish spell, or road opener spells. It’s always best if you can cast these spells for yourself, and do it frequently, that way it is more affordable, plus you begin to build up your own personal magical frequency of attraction.

If you have never cast a magic spell, or you are doubtful but would like to begin the journey into manifestation, here are some tips:

  1. You can start with visualization. Commit to it. Let it be part of you. And when you start to visualize with no disbelief, fear or worry that you have won the lottery, the universe will start to guide you to winning the lottery.
  2. Start listening to binaural beats and subliminal frequencies
  3. Practice daily affirmations.
  4. Wear a luck-drawing talisman of some type – so many to choose from – just commit to a talisman from a specific magical system you like and don’t take it off.
  5. Create a “mojo bag” filled with items that are renowned to help you with luck, especially with luck in gambling.
    • Carry a Mojo Bag and feed it Fast Luck Oil just before going into a casino to play.
    • When playing the lottery, feed your Gambling Mojo Lottery Oil, and place your tickets under it before the numbers are drawn.
    • Check out our suggested Mojo bags for gambling such as the High John Root in a Mojo Bag

I’m not here to convince you that magic is real, because obviously, you’re reading this blog post on this website with some level of fascination. Tapping into unseen frequencies is a skill, but an ability that already exists within you.

Final thoughts

If you decide that you want to journey down the path of casting spells to win lotto, or to win in “games of chance” you have to be committed to the journey. Consistency is key. You have to be strategic, have a game plan, and work that plan. Your journey will look very different from the person next to you, so stop sharing your journey with others for their opinion. Believe in yourself, and believe in the laws and principles of magic.

Decide on which magical system you are going to use. Perhaps you can have a blended approach such as I have where you are casting a spell with a God/Goddess or Demon, and continue with low frequency “folk magick”.

After a period of time, with consistency, and with an understanding of the laws of magic, you will begin to win. Perhaps it’s three months or even a year before you see winnings land in your hand. Be honest with yourself and do the work that you need to do in order to turn into a high frequency magnet for winning.


Services we offer:

Daemonic Magick for Gambling Success

Block Buster Spell

Setting of candles to bring luck in gambling Candle Burning Setting of Lights

Cleansing your energy:

Do It Yourself:


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