How to make a magical wand

How to make a magic wand

A magic wand is just a stick from a tree that you have personalized into a magick object. That’s it. It becomes animated by the magician’s intention, and it becomes more powerful with use and practice (or is that the magician becoming more powerful in using their magic wond over time.


Where do we find the perfect stick for a magic wand?

You don’t need to go to one of my stores or any other store for that matter. Your magic wand is already readily available on a tree outside! Just look around in your neighborhood and find a tree.

You can do some research to find out the various types of trees and their magic purpose. Also, various traditions have different processes to collect the branch from the tree. Some people will also consider the time of year, and the moon phase.

Personally, I walk around looking at different trees and their branches, and choose the branch I feel something towards. Then i put the branch on my altar and ask my spirit guides for advice too. Why not get everyone involved.


Shaping Your Magic Wand

You don’t need to do to much to the stick you choose. It should be near perfect to the size and feel you like. A small piece of sandpaper may be used to make your stick really, really smooth and delightful to the touch. Sanding the ends a little will make a very neat little wand. As you are shaping a magic wand from a branch off a tree, so you are shaping the invisible realms from “just a stick” to a magical object or artifact. That’s the most important part of the process of making your wand.

Anointing Your Magic Wand

Once your stick is nice and smooth and becoming radiant in energetic terms and shaped to your desires, you will notice how HUNGRY the wood has become for oil, or moisture.

This is the perfect time to anoint the wand and have whatever you are using at this time travel right into its very structure. This will set the intention for the use and purposes of the wand; it cannot be undone because when the wood is fresh and pure it absorbs things like it will never again after that time.

Anointing a wand can be as complicated or as easy as you want to make it. Personally, I use Essential Oils and other personal ingredients that are relevant to the purpose of the wand. For example, in the video I use:

  • Rose oil
  • Blood (a few drops of my own)
  • High John

Decorating Your Magic Wand

Magic works by aligning form and function to an intention; if form and function are well aligned, you are always going to have a beautiful object, but that is a side effect of the overall structure. In other words: EVERYTHING you put on your magic wand has to have a purpose; it has to serve the intention in the creation of the wand; and if it doesn’t – leave it out!

Think carefully about what you put on your wand. A thousand symbols, bits and bobs of this, that and the other, dragons and dolphins and butterflies and all of that leads to confusion, not more magic.

In this example, I just wrapped some silver and copper wire around the wand to strengthen it, give it a more specific transfer matrix and I added a small crystal to the front. This isn’t necessary and I have only included this as an example of a simple “decoration” which serves a purpose and is very easy to do.

Other ideas include:

  • Paint or varnish the wand (you can add magical ingredients to the paint or varnish but test what you have made first on a spare piece of wood)
  • Wrap it in wire, silk, string in patterns;
  • Carve or engrave it with symbols;
  • Add crystals or metals to it;
  • Draw or write on the wand.
  • Write your spiritual or real name on it

Is it for a magick ceremony? What symbols will you use?

  • Venus sigils?
  • Planetary sigil?
  • My BWC logo?

Dedicating The Magic Wand

When it is all done, there is one more step before you get to use your magic wand for real, and that is to dedicate it.This should be a concentrated and meditative ceremony, as in all the steps of making the magic wand.

Learn how to consecrate a Magic Wand Click Here


Charge your wand with sound and give it energy!

You have a few choices here to think about and research.

  • Charge using SOUND – such as in the video below
  • Via natural methods such as moon light
  • Sonically charging crystals against another crystal.
    • Hold the wand lightly in your fingers
    • Rub it against the surface
    • The crystal is then sonically woken

Sounds made using a GS1100A from, a Radiation Sensors SPA38 from, sources from (and other places), software from PRA. The gamma energies are detected by the NaI(Tl) detector and converted into pulses of electricity, proportionate to their energy (low energy, low voltage, high energy, high voltage). The spectrometer converted these to sound. The higher the energy, the higher the pitch of the sound.

[learn_more caption=”About the Pulse Recorder and Analyser “] PRA is free software !!! Pulse Recorder and Analyser is designed to use a computer with a sound adapter as an multichannel analyser and scaler. The main purpose of the application is to record and analyse signals received from a radiation detectors as: Geiger counters, scintillation detectors, gas proportional counters, and semiconductor detectors. It detects pulses and in real time analyses the acquired data. This application is currently used for running many experiments in the intermediate and advanced teaching laboratories in the School of Physics at The University of Sydney.[/learn_more]

Using Your Magic Wand

Directly after the dedication, the best part starts. Now, you are ready to get used to using the wand. Take some time to just hold it, play with it, touch it, feel it. Hold it in one hand, the other, in both hands.

Enjoy your magic wand! I just LOVE my new wand.

Black Witch S


Update Jan 4, 2018

A wonderful client sent through pictures of the wand he made.

Claves wrote:

 …..I also wanted to thank you for some wand inspiration. I crafted my first wand recently and it was from Black Witch S’s Youtube video on how to charge a wand with sound that gave me the idea I had.
I had a bit of help from my beau, since his eyes work and mine do not, but I offer you my Wand of Sound. 



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