The glass or jar holds the spell within its container. So the entire candle is its own little environment to help you manifest your petition.

If the glass does not crack or break during the spell, we can see this sign as the spell being protected, or at least, the jar defended itself from any negativity. Still, we need to consider all the signs before coming to a final conclusion as to what the candle is telling us.

Cracking or breaking of the jar candle


broken jar candle


There are so many different opinions as to what the shattering of glass means. I’m going to give you some mainstream answers below, but I have to say that personally I never like to see the glass break. I believe it is definitely a bad sign, especially for my living room and my altars. Depending on where and when the candle breaks, it can lead to a fire on the altar, so it’s another reason why I don’t think the spirit would want to share a sign with you that could ultimately harm you.


  • If being used for a negative burn, it means that the protection of the person you are hexing has been broken. You can now curse them with even greater success!


  • It can also mean there is TOO much resistance or pressure in your request, (and perhaps the target is also protected), so the candle explodes.
  • Malicious forces have either protected your target or have been attracted to your working and are trying to interfere. In my practices, this is an event where I take the breaking of the glass extremely seriously. I will immediately let the client know what happened, and recommend cleansing work, and a protection spell. I’d also recommend cleansing the area maybe with hyssop, and placed a salt water bowl next to the area to absorb the negative energy.

Chakra and Aura Cleanse Package

Metaphysical Wound Energy Healing



  • If for a positive reason, then some people will say the candle has broken the negativity within the situation.


  • This can also mean someone is coming against you. This is the interpretation that I like the most because it means I take defensive action at this time. I believe a candle should never break, and that if the outcome should be in my favor, the jar should be clear.

During our BWC Candle Rituals, ANY breaking of glass is taken extremely seriously. A dramatic ending to any candle-burning ritual means the spell work has been vetoed (or taken over) by a greater power.

  • it means you are up against something larger than yourself.
  • It can also indicate someone is casting against you and you are not spiritually protected or strong enough as what was thrown at you was larger than what you were sending out.


  • Review the case with divination and determine what is actually happening.
  • If you are new to this work, you may also feel overcome with the negativity of the work. If that is the case STOP
  • Cleanse yourself and your ritual space, and abandon the working until you have more information.
  • If you are skilled: do a stronger working and light another candle to try to combat it.
BWC Image: Cracked but not shattered
BWC Image: Cracked but not shattered


  • There was some type of opposition that was broken. It may have been sent to the spell to try to deflect it, or it may have been encountered along the way.



Soot can be black or white, heavy or light, and even powdery. Take notice of how dark the smoke is on the candle, the intensity of the message and the urgency of your next action.

Black Smoke Summary

  • Resistance, blocking, fighting against your work
  • The darker the black the stronger the resistance
  • Uneven smoke – the resistance is dependent on conditions (emotions are changing the petition)
    • Tip: get a reading; do a blockbuster candle
  • Black 50% or more – the spell is blocked.
    •  Either a presence of another spell
    • Conflicting spells at the same time
    • Unreasonable request
    • Darker spirit present
black soot on candle
BWC Image: Shades of Black Soot or Smoke


NEVER a good sign. It can mean a few things, but basically, the magic is now against YOU.

  • TIPS:
    • If the glass is black then you need to stop clean yourself, and the environment, and burn a reversible candle. Some people also choose to burn a white candle.
    • It can mean that a spell has been direct towards you. Take precautions, and seek help you you can’t protect yourself.
    • If you are confident, then it’s time for battle. It is time to prepare (cleanse, set your protection, perhaps reverse if that is your tradition). Then head straight into spell casting. Call to your “spiritual” masters to assist. May the best witch win!
    • If you are not confident in your magical work – STOP. Take this sign seriously. You are in over your head.


BWC Image: Black soot at top of 7-Day Candle

If the top portion of a candle is blackened from soot, but otherwise clean as it burns down, this is given as a sign that your spell got off to a bad start (i.e. it initially faced some negativity or opposition) but that it worked past those negative energy and will work for you.

  • Obviously – this is a negative start
  • You came up against resistance and/or resistance, but it has been overcome (for now)
  • TIPS:
    • Make sure you visit the candle every day to reiterate your petition and dress your candle
    • Some times, I place a glass of water next to the candle to “hydrate” the spirits for their hard work
    • Look to other signs so to determine your next step. For example, if there is wax/herb remaining at the base, you should continue the work onto another candle.


  • Negative Purpose Candle – Harm or Dominate
    • means the person is Currently Aware of your attempts to Harm or Dominate, and their Spirits have Begun to Send back what you have done. It is now Difficult or Impossible to get another attempt with your spell.
  • Positive Purpose Candle –  Protection, Prosperity, Money, or Luck: means Negativity or Black Magic has just been sent to you. Or the candle is just not strong enough to reach your goals. Try a spell.


  • It means that the spell be moderately effective, not completely blocked by targets protection or counter magick.
  • Next Steps:
    • You need to change the candle and/or the candle dressing.
    • Burn another candle to try to break through their defenses.

White Smoke Summary

There are different types of white remains – smokey or waxy. Both can be types of white smoke can be in the same candle but it is not common

How can you tell?

  • Smokey – Looks like shading inside, and if rubbed with your finger it will easily rub off
  • Waxy – when rubbed with your finger it won’t come off

White Smoke means:

  • spirit is helping you
  • spirit is present
  • Spirit approves of your request and is sending energy towards your goal

White Wax or “Clouding” means:

  • Clouding shows there is something that is unknown
  • You need to look at “the situation” again
  • Does it mean the candle didn’t work? Not necessarily, Blessings WERE sent your way – BUT you CAN’T get exactly what YOU want because of the above.

Normally people know what the situation is, it’s just very difficult to change certain situations especially if you’re trying to control another person’s actions. Sometimes we don’t like Spirit telling us that we need to go back and look at this issue more objectively as it is something we can’t overcome easily.

If you don’t know what the issue is, then it is time to have a reading and explore the unknown situation via divination


Generally, white smoke is a good sign.

  • This can indicate spiritual communication, purity, and exorcism. It could indicate that the spirits have heard your prayers and removed the negativity from the working. This is especially true in unhexing rituals.
  • This means the candle you have burned is free of road blocks and the results you are wanting will soon come about.

Again, look to the amount of soot

  • If the soot only goes half way down or less, the cleansing was successful.
  • If the soot is carried through the length of the candle you may need further cleansing and spiritual work.
  • If the soot is at the bottom of the candle, it signifies the presence of outside aid or help either spiritually or physically.
  • If the candle burned half black and half white this means that one aspect is overriding the other. Look to which is on top to see what was undone.
  • If black is on top, your spirits cleared it.
  • If white is on top the spirits of another have combated your attempts.
  • If the soot is on only one side of the candle, this is a sign that what you are doing is incorrect. Either the candle fixing wasn’t appropriate or the spirits aren’t happy with the candle itself.

Do you have a question about your jar? Please leave your comment in the section below.

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