The reason why we should burn multiple candles is that tough situations require work – this is why I personally changed the name of “setting of lights” to candle work – because this type of magic requires consistent WORK.
Candle magic offers a low frequency of energy sent towards the petition, over a long period of time, thereby putting pressure on the situation to elicit the change you desire.
To put it in another way, the candle is the vehicle, and the flame is the gas (petrol). For as long as the vehicle has gas, it is heading towards the destination!
Why burn candles in odd numbers?
With this type of magic, you should always burn the candles in a series of odd numbers. This means you would burn a series of – one, three, five, seven, nine, 11, etc.
Love Candle Series
3 x love drawing candles

Here, the client purchased 3 candles to improve the love life between her and her cheating husband. The client also purchased a series of 3 x Dume/separation candles, which all 3 finished with clear/slightly smoky glass – a great result.
The first candle indicates the husband’s spirit was fighting the request. We see black smoke lightly taper down the jar. The smoke is not too dark, and by mid candle, we see the spirit having success in manifesting the petition.
By the second candle, we were able to overcome the resistance, as seen with the near-perfect clear glass. The third candle shows the spiritual presence with white smoke and a continued good message of success for the petition.
The wax circles are what are called “time bands” and this indicates the client will need to wait and overcome challenges before the petition can be realized. But it will be realized!
The petition, for this series of candles, was written with the target’s name written 11 times, and the clients name written 7 times OVER the top of the targets name. The goal of the petition is written over both names, and this is something I personally do when performing work for clients (not myself). The petition was dressed with various love oils, and sat under the lit candle during the burn time.
I consider this series of love candles successful for this client, and I would recommend to either continue the candle work, so to keep overcoming challenges, or she could also perform a sweetening jar/spell to keep his love growing.
If the client was into Black Magic, I would also recommend the adding of her blood to food and drinks during this time to secure the bond.
Court Case Candle Series
3 x Court

So you have a court case and you need the case to go your way. Candle magic is an excellent idea. Try and start at least 10 to 14 days before the court date. Also, you may wish to also cast a spell or two as well.
These documents may help you as well:
Eligos for court
The above court candle series would be seen as successful. To see white smoke remaining on the glass is a good sign. This means the candles are free of road blocks and the results you are wanting will soon come about.
Remember that you also look for other signs during the burning. For example, it was noted that candle 2 let out a lot of black smoke on the start, indicating a lot of negativity in your environment. The key here is to cleanse both yourself and your environment.
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