If you are burning jar candles, and you would like to read the divination message on completion, here are some ideas for you to think about.
Not everybody reads the jars on completion. In fact, you will perform a perfectly acceptable spell if you prepare the candle, light the candle, say a prayer or petition….. And just let the candle do its thing. The key takeaway point is the reading of jar candles is subjective at best.
In New Orleans candle shops and botanicas, people can purchase a candle and have the store dress the candle on their behalf. The store owner lights the candle and places it with all the other candles on their altar spaces. On completion, the candles are thrown in the trash and it’s as simple as that.
In witchcraft, once you set your petition into the universe, it is advisable that you release the energy of that request completely and then move on. So burning the candle and then leaving the store is actually….. an excellent way to perform jar candle magic.
I shared with you this information, because after reading this section of the website, you may feel like you have not completed your candle spell if you don’t read the jar. The jar can give you messages, but it is considered one form of divination. Other divination methods such as reading the tarot cards, or using a pendulum, can also help you decide the best course of action to take after you cast the candle spell.
You should see these observations that I’m sharing with you, as just a launching pad towards creating your own interpretation. There is not a “standard” correct way to read the candles. Each magical individual will have his or her own interpretation.
So don’t stress if you can’t read the jars, or if you feel like you can’t read the jars. The fact that you have lit the candle towards manifesting your goal is absolutely perfect. If you haven’t received what you want, light another candle.
What is considered successful?
Any of these results suggest your candle jar spell work may manifest in the way you desire.
- Clear jar
- No smoke on the side
- No wax on the base
And this situation….
4. The candle stops burning but the jar is clear
When a jar candle is burning without issues, meaning that the glass container/jar is clear(ish) jar and no black smoke, and suddenly it stops burning this can also be a positive sign. It will depend on the type of candle as well. For example, if you were burning a candle to succeed in a job interview, and the candle stopped before the wax was consumed this could be a sign that the petition was granted – meaning you either have the job or the decision was made to hire you for the job.

In the candle shown here, the client set a candle towards having a successful job interview. The candle feedback was:
Hello. Quite a clear jar with no issues but the candle did stop by itself! So when it comes to this type of positive request candle, it generally means that you either have the job offer already or you will received news of another successful job offer. Or you have an interview coming up that will be very successful. I’d like to hear what happened in real time
– Savannah
The client responded:
I got the job yesterday