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Negative karma from black magic curses and hexes

Is there negative karma if I curse or hex someone?

YouTube Viewer Question to Black Witch S:

I love your vibe! Here’s my question. if you are exerting frustration and anger, and employing magick to achieve malice, isn’t it only logical to conclude that, that malice energy will eventually have to cancel out and eventually recycle “against” you? to summarize, how is it possible to avoid the negative karma?

Answer from Black Witch S:

It works like this…

…if you don’t let out the negative, the dark side (your negative energy), consumes you. Your toxic negative thoughts will destroy you. Not the action you take in doing protective magick such as hexes or curses. Everyone has dark and light within them. This is the ying and the yang. Once the dark energy has been exhausted, you can return to a state of being positive – because you are NOT worried abut the negative stuff.

As in all areas of life, the most angry and dark people are those who cannot express their emotions, and/or feel helpless to protect themselves. They always seam to have negative stuff happen to them. They are always praying, requesting etc help, or secretly pissed of at what the world hasn’t done for them. In therapy world, we call this a passive aggressive personality.

Sure I do hexes and curses, but my cup is not only half full, but its over following. I take ownership of my state of mind. I remove obstacles from my happiness. If something is effecting my state of happiness, I will take ownership of my feelings, take action (employing magick in some cases), and then restore myself to my positive state of being.

If you are living with anger inside of you, or bitterness about how someone did you wrong, the “karma” is on you. This is a different perspective on Karma, but I hope it makes sense on how I see it.

Check out this video to understand why I hex and curse, and how you can do hexes and curses too…

How to Cast a Hex

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