The Prince of love and lust!

It is said Sitri can cause a woman to desire a man, or a man to desire of woman.


  • Sitri or Sytry
  • Direction: West
  • Incense: Cedar
  • Tarot Card:
    • 7 of Pentacles
    • 4 of cups
  • Planet:  Some say Saturn others, Jupiter
  • Candle Color: Red
  • Oil Blend: Rosehips; Mint; Cedar; Yarrow; Cinnamon – (Mugwort Base)
  • Metal: Lead (others say Tin)
  • Element: Earth
  • Rank: Prince
  • Sitri is a day spirit with dominion over 60 inferior demons

Demonic Enn: Lirach alora vefa Sitri

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Love, Lust, and Relationships


  • Sitri manifests as a man with the head of a leopard and the wings of a griffin. The wings are presumably for flight as he is usually portrayed mid-flight.
  • Upon the command of the conjuror, he takes up the shape of a fair human male. Some texts suggest that his human form is androgynous.


Another of the fallen angels that were entrapped by King Solomon is Sitri alias Bitru. He is a Great Prince of hell and is 12th among the 72 sprits of Solomon [3]. The Enn pronunciation of his name is Lirach Alora vefa Sitri [1]. He has dominion over 60 legions of lesser demons in hell.

He is mentioned in the Shem ha-Mephorash as being a day spirit associated with the element of water and the zodiac sign cancer [2]. Sitri is considered primarily a seduction demon and has even been deemed the demonic manifestation of human sexuality.

There are also texts that suggest that he is the same being as the Egyptian god Seti / Set [5]. Set was the Egyptian god of darkness and chaos – he is thus considered to be inherently evil. To put things into perspective, Set tricked and murdered his own brother – the god Osiris with ancient Egyptian folklore [5]. There are undoubtedly similarities between these two spirits as well.

This demon has the ability to make men get attracted to women and can compel a person to strip naked if so desired [3]. He is uses this ability almost primarily on women – presumably to make them seductive. Similarly, he can cause women to get attracted to men [6]. It is noteworthy that the form of attraction that he induces on the part of human beings is lustful [3]. He also has the ability to acquire the secrets of women but subsequently mocks and laughs at them [3].

He manifests as a man with the face of a leopard having the wings of a griffin although he can take humanly shape upon the request of the conjuror [4]. In his humanly form, he appears as a man with fair looks [4]. Other texts suggest that his humanly form is androgynous [7]. In this regard, he bears similarities to the demon Gamorie – who presides over prostitution and perverted forms of love.


  • This demon is primarily a lust demon and can be summoned to elicit such sentiments on a target individual by the conjuror. This ultimately leads to the object of desire being seduced whether male or female.
  • This demon’s energy is said to enhance lovemaking and he can be summoned for the same reason. It is apt considering his portrayal as the demonic embodiment of human sexuality as an androgynous form.

SUMMONING OF SITRI through the dark Mirror:

  • It is noteworthy that this is one of the darker demons among the 72 spirits of Solomon although they are all thought to be indifferent to humanity. In this regard, his evocation requires a lot of preparation on the part of the conjuror.
  • It is required that the conjuror be in possession of all the necessary implements such as the demon’s sigil high quality incense, a scrying mirror, Solomon’s triangle, and a magic circle. The latter two requirements are exclusively for protection from malicious attacks.
  • The following incantation should then be chanted by the conjuror

“Sitri, Sitri, Sitri, Sitri, Sitri, Sitri, Sitri, Sitri, Sitri, be thy Will in my will be thy Mind in my mind be thy Spirit in my flesh, so as thou wilt so be it upon me, so mote it be.-command thou me”

  • The demon manifests within the incense smoke or scrying mirror. It is important to take great care considering the somewhat malicious nature of this demon.
  • After introductions and requests, the conjuror is required to keep their end of the bargain before dismissing the demon respectfully.



  • Sitri is a lust demon who has been termed the demonic manifestation of human sexuality. He is thus able to cause the seduction of both women and men as per the request of the conjuror.
  • This demon is also able to make human beings bare themselves naked at will although he mostly uses this on women. This is of course done at the behest of the conjuror.
  • The demon is also able to make women reveal their secrets to him whereupon he mocks and laughs at them. This is presumably one of the outright shows of malice on the part of this demon.



  • This demon is said to be one of the more malicious of the Goetic Demons as evidenced by its treatment of women and their secrets. In fact, even the ability and propensity for compelling people to strip naked spells trouble for inexperienced conjurors.
  • His manifestation is somewhat unsettling although he can take up human-like forms. Once again, inexperienced conjurors may have trouble dealing with this demon.
  • It is also noteworthy that all the Goetic Demons are inherently indifferent to mankind and independent-willed entities. Furthermore, their true nature is beyond the scope of human understanding as we are mere mortals.




Pseudomonarchia daemonum – Johann Wier (1583) “Sitri, alias Bitru, is a great prince, appearing with the face of a leopard, and having wings as a griffen: when he taketh humane shape, he is very beautiful, he inflameth a man with a woman’s love, and also stirreth up women to love men, being commanded he willingly detains secrets of women, laughing at them and mocking them, to make them luxuriously naked, and there obey him sixty legions…”
Goetia – S. L. MacGregor Mathers (1904) (quoted) “The Twelfth Spirit is Sitri. He is a Great Prince and appeareth at first with a Leopard’s head and the Wings of a Gryphon, but after the command of the Master of the Exorcism he puts on Human shape, and that very beautiful. He enflameth men with Women’s love, and Women with Men’s love; and causes them also to show themselves naked if it be desired. He governs 60 Legions of Spirits. His Seal is this, to be worn as a Lamen before thee, etc…”
101 Questions and Answers on Demon Powers – June, 1983 This book offers additional information and insight on the Goetic Demons and can be used for further reading.

Candle Separation Spell and the demon Sitri


Romance and lust

Dantalian – this demon can cause people to fall in love

Zepar – this demon also elicits sentiments of love within people

Sagatanas – this demon bestows skills in lovemaking

Beleth – this demon bestows love to women

Gamori – this demon presides over prostitution and other forms of perverted love

Raum – this demon elicits passion from people

Furfur – this demon incites love among people

Vual – this demon causes women to be attracted to men in addition to predicting the future

Gomory – this demon bestows love to men





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