Beleth Seal
Beleth Seal

Byleth: The Mighty King of Hell

Goetia demons


  • Zodiac Position: 0- 4 degrees of Gemini
  • Strongest: May 21st- 25th
  • Tarot card: 8 of Swords
  • Planet: Mercury
  • Candle Color: Red
  • Plant: Dill
  • Metal: Mercury
  • Element: Air
  • Rank: Duke
  • Beleth is a day demon with dominion over 85 legions of lesser demons

The Enn Pronunciation: Lirach tasa vefa wehl Beleth

Beleth is the 13th spirit of the 72 spirits of King Solomon. He is also referred to as Bileth or Bilet in other texts.



The demon appears as a hellish looking king riding atop a pale horse. He initially appears in a frightening and furious form so as to test the courage of the conjuror. It is then presumable that he takes up the aforementioned form.

There are however other texts that suggest the demon could be female. In this form, she is said to have round doll-like piercing eyes in addition to dark blonde hair that has ringed curls. In this form, she is usually summoned by women awaiting proposals.



  • This demon can be summoned to attract the love of men and women alike. The nature of this attraction is presently unclear.
  • The demon also has knowledge of all forms of mathematics and can be summoned to offer counsel on the subject.
  • Within the female form, women awaiting proposals summon the demon for the purpose of improving their prospects.



  • This demon, like all other Goetic Demons is neither malevolent nor benign. His indifferent nature makes him a particularly difficult proposition to deal with. This coupled with its testing of conjurors’ courage at the initial instance mean its evocation should be left to more experienced conjurors.
  • The conjuror should prepare adequately and connect to the Higher Power – presumably through meditation. Other requirements for evocation include the scrying mirror as well as high quality incense.
  • The sigil of the demon should also be visible and a Solomon’s triangle is required to compel the demon into obedience whilst protecting the conjuror.
  • Not much information is available regarding his summoning although it is conceivable that praying to Satan may prove fruitful. The prayer is akin to the one used for the previous demon:
  • “Lord Satan, by your grace, grant me, I pray thee the power to conceive in my mind and to execute that which I desire to do, the end which I would attain by thy help, O Mighty Satan, the one True God who livest and reignest forever and ever. I entreat thee to inspire (Lirach tasa vefa wehl Beleth) to manifest before me that he/she may give me true and faithful answer, so that I may accomplish my desired end, provided that it is proper to his/her office. This I respectfully and humbly ask in Your Name, Lord Satan, may you deem me worthy, Father.”
  • The demon can be dismissed respectfully after the conjuror has kept their end of the bargain.


  • This demon is able to attract the love of both men and women and can be summoned for that purpose. This is for both the female and male forms.
  • The demon is also well versed in all forms of mathematics and can be summoned by the conjuror to give counsel on the subject.



  • This demon must be compelled into obedience through threatening – presumably with divine names. He must also be bound in a magic triangle upon evocation to prevent possible malevolent acts.
  • The conjuror is also required to wear a silver ring upon the middle finger of the left hand and wave it on the demon’s face upon evocation. It is also required that the conjuror waves a hazel wand in the face of the demon otherwise Beleth will not obey commands.
  • The demon manifests frighteningly and with an angry countenance at first to test the courage of the conjuror. This may be somewhat unsettling to inexperienced conjurors and should be a preserve for more experienced conjurors.




Pseudomonarchia daemonum – Johann Wier (1583) (quoted) “Bileth is a great king and a terrible, riding on a pale horse, before whom go trumpets, and all kind of melodious music. When he is called up by an exorcist, he appeareth rough and furious, to deceive him. Then let the exorcist or conjuror take heed to himself; and to allaje his courage, let him hold a hazel bat in his hand, where with all he must reach out toward the east and south, and make a triangle without besides the circle; but if he hold not out his hand unto him, and he bid him come in, and he still refuse the bond or chain of spirits; let the conjuror proceed to reading, and by and by he will submit himself, and come in, and doo whatsoever the exorcist commandeth him, and he shall be safe. If Bileth the king be more stubborn, and refuse to enter into the circle at the first call, and the conjuror show himself fearful, or if he have not the chain of spirits, certainly he will never fear nor regard him after. Also, if the place he unapt for a triangle to be made without the circle, then set there a boll of wine, and the exorcist shall certainly know when he commeth out of his house, with his fellows, and that the foresaid Bileth will be his helper, his friend, and obedient unto him when he commeth forth. And when he commeth, let the exorcist receive him courteously, and glorify him in his pride, and therefore he shall adore him as other kings doo, because he saith nothing without other princes. Also, if he be cited by an exorcist, always a silver ring of the middle finger of the left hand must be held against the exorcists face, as they do for Amaimon. And the dominion and power of so great a prince is not to be pretermitted; for there is none under the power & dominion of the conjuror, but he that deteineth both men and women in doting love, till the exorcist hath had his pleasure. He is of the orders of powers, hoping to return to the seventh throne, which is not altogether credible, and he ruleth eighty five legions.”
Ars Goetia – S. L. MacGregor Mathers (1904) (quoted) “The Thirteenth Spirit is called Beleth (or Bileth, or Bilet). He is a mighty King and terrible. He rideth on a pale horse with trumpets and other kinds of musical instruments playing before him. He is very furious at his first appearance, that is, while the Exorcist layeth his courage; for to do this he must hold a Hazel Wand in his hand, striking it out towards the South and East Quarters, make a triangle, without the Circle, and then command him into it by the Bonds and Charges of Spirits as hereafter followeth. And if he doth not enter into the triangle, at your threats, rehearse the Bonds and Charms before him, and then he will yield Obedience and come into it, and do what he is commanded by the Exorcist. Yet he must receive him courteously because he is a Great King, and do homage unto him, as the Kings and Princes do that attend upon him. And thou must have always a Silver Ring on the middle finger of the left hand held against thy face, as they do yet before AMAYMON. This Great King Beleth causeth all the love that may be, both of Men and of Women, until the Master Exorcist hath had his desire fulfilled. He is of the Order of Powers, and he governeth 85 Legions of Spirits. His Noble Seal is this, which is to be worn before thee at working.”
101 Questions and Answers on Demon Powers – June, 1983 This book can be used for additional reading on the subject of Goetic Demons




Vual – this demon has the ability to attract the love of women in addition to foretelling the future

Sargatanas – this demon bestows skills in lovemaking

Gomory – this demon attracts love to men

Gamorie – this demon presides over prostitution and perverted love

Sitri – this demon can cause two people to fall in love

Gaap – this demon can elicit either love or hate



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