Candle magick is a very simple technique to release your needs/desires to the universe to be fulfilled. As the flame burns, so the energy of what you desire is put out there, and brought to you, or to the one you are doing the working for. You probably performed your first act of Candle Magick when you were very young on your birthday, blowing out the candles on your cake and making a wish!

This tradition is based on the three principles of magick; being concentration, will power and visualization. You have to concentrate to blow the candles out, wish and see your dream coming true – absolute magick!

In some magical systems, it is said that you need the consent of the person you are doing magic on, otherwise the spell is considered unethical. At BWC we do not teach this philosophy, we believe that you need to do what you need to do, for the reasons you need to do it! Karma is not the law of three. Karma is YOU learning or not learning YOUR life lessons. When you die, it is believed you will be judged not on right and wrong according to some other person’s set of rules, but if you achieved your objective in this reincarnation. Still, this is a deeper conversation for a different page!

Our belief system or the law of Karma does not effect the potential success of your magical spell. But your mindset will so whatever system you’re working make sure you believe in it 100%. Casting spells uses personal energy, so be sure that your mind is not cluttered and that you are not tired, as magick often tires the practitioner.

Even some members of our coven feel uncomfortable with the idea of manipulation, but I will share with you that those who have conflict with the concept of manipulation are not balanced. When one truly accepts everything in the universe has its place, one releases the need to judge and label. When you struggle with the idea of right and wrong, you are not ready to perform effective and powerful magick spells. The right spell for you is the issue you have been thinking about and that has  preoccupied your mind. To release this thought through the energy of magic cannot be seen as manipulative.

On this page I will share with you a very basic candle magic spell. If you learn how to do this spell well, considerate a strong foundation for whatever else you will need to do in candle magic. Of course there are various types of candles and the use of each these candles will altar a little, but the foundation will remain the same. Because this text will be discussing simple, flexible candle magick, we will not be needing an altar. Just an open mind, a candle, some oil and some incense.

As long as the candle burns, the magick is going out and bringing back to you what you have asked for it’s real simple, but very effective.


You are in the right phase of the moon. You know what you want. Get yourself grounded or “centered”

Light the incense.

This is a very optional step in candle magic but I do recommend lighting incense to get you into a more magical state of mind. Incense can also be used to invite whatever spiritual guide into the room. Incense is considered an offering.

This enables the practitioner to attune to his psychic mind, and contact his personal energies. The incense may also aid in carrying your request to the Divine. You may want to ask the Deity to assist you as you do this.

Candle Prep

The next thing you will want to do is anoint your candle. You do not want to use a candle that you have used before. It must be a new candle, because it is pure, and has not been infected with any energies.

  • State and engrave (if desired) what the candle is to represent (money, love, job, taking away unwanted habits, etc.) We like to engrave the individuals names on the candle if appropriate, and other personal information, once again if appropriate.
  • Take your candle in your left hand (if you are right handed) that is your receiving hand. Anoint the candle with the oil you have chosen (it is important to focus on your desire when doing this). Anointing is done by rubbing the candle in the upward motion, starting in the middle of your candle. Only rub in that direction, all the while concentrating on what you are trying to accomplish. Rub that goal into the candle. Then, starting in the middle again, rub the candle downward. Continue to rub the candle in this direction, concentrating on your goal.
    • To achieve: start on the top to the middle in a downward motion(stop) then go the bottom to the middle in an upward motion (stop).
    • To banish: start in the middle to top (stop) then go from the middle to the bottom (stop). Do not use a back and forth motion, it defeats the purpose.
  • Bless/Consecrate the candle with the purpose.

Charging a candle with your personal energy

One idea of many………After (or during) ritually anointing your candle, visualize a pure white beam of light coming up from Mother Earth, entering your body through the soles of your feet and another beam of white light coming down from the Universe and entering your body through the top of your head. Envision the energy of these beams of light flowing throughout your body and mingling together, finally concentrating in your hands, causing them to feel warm and to tingle. Now continue to stroke your candle until you feel the energy from your hands transfer to the candle. Your candle is now charged with your personal energy and magickal intent.

Now, light the candle.

Keep your goal firmly in mind. Visualize your goal. See your goal in the fire. Continue to gaze into the fire, visualizing strongly, until you are too weary to continue.

Meditate as long as possible (many don’t have a lot of time past 15min.) on your desired outcome while your candle is burning. Let the candle burn till the end.

It is important to let your candle burn all the way out. This allows the energy that you infused into the candle to be completely released.

If the candle is large, or you are burning the candle over several days, here is the advice……..

  • To extinguish a candle, use a candle snuffer, or wave your hand over the top of the candle to create enough draft to extinguish it.
  • Never ever ever blow your candle out. If you do consider your spell finished. You need to begin a new candle.

TIP – If it was an expensive candle, it may hurt a little to throw in the bin. So why not just keep it but use it for background lighting. And I will reiterate that it is not usable for a spell.

Other Suggestions

  • Having unusual or large candles can be distracting and is therefore not suitable for magickal use.
  • An absent coven member can be represented by a candle representing their sun sign, or if you are doing a spell for someone you can represent that person with a candle representing their sun sign.

Astrological Associations for Candle Magick

Aries -Red

Taurus- Green

Gemini -Yellow

Cancer- Silver

Leo -Orange

Virgo -Yellow

Libra -Pink

Scorpio- Red

Sagittarius -Purple

Capricorn -Black

Aquarius- Any Color

Pisces -Mauve


It is common to write a petition for a candle. That is totally up to you, and to be honest over the years, if I’m just performing a candle ritual for myself and I know why I’m doing it, I don’t write down my desire on a petition paper. But for some rituals, such as Satanic or Luciferian rituals, you may desire to write your desire on a piece of paper and then release it into the flame on completion.

Depending on the type of candle, you may wish to sit your petition paper under the candle during the time the flame is alive. Once Ritual is completed you are then released the petition into the flame of another candle and place it in a burning bowl on your altar.

Questions? Please write them below and we will endeavour to answer any questions you have on this matter ASAP.

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